Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

Geotechnical Assessment Of Gully Erosion Site In Umuagor Urualla, Imo State South Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Erosion is one of the major environmental hazards currently ravaging the southeastern part of Nigeria, especially Imo-state. This present study was conducted to assess the impact of Umuagor-Urualla gully erosion site. Analysis of undisturbed soil samples collected at three distinct positions (surface, subsurface and base of the gully) showed that the liquid limit and plastic limit for sample 1 was NP (non-plastic), with Plasticity Index of 0%, while the Plasticity Index for samples ...

The Impact Of Hedgerows On Diversity Of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) In The Farmlands Adjacent To Kakamega Forest, Kenya

ABSTRACT African rainforests are lost at a high rate every year and most of the cleared areas are transformed to agricultural land. Such anthropogenic influences potentially result in biodiversity changes of major conservation concern. In ecosystems near Kakamega Forest, the conservation of some fauna depends on their survival in adjacent agricultural lands. Therefore, understanding the biodiversity potential of field margin vegetation or hedgerows and the interior of agricultural fields was...

Effects Of Climate Variability On Food Security In Oloolua Area Of Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate variability is among major threats to food security in many agricultural based countries in Africa. In particular, it affects crop production due to temperature and rainfall changes, and more extreme weather events. Erratic rainfall and temperatures are said to reduce crop yields through shortening growing seasons, exaggeration of water stress and promote invasion and intensity of weeds, pests and diseases. Food security in Kenya is uncertain and communities in arid and semi...

Spatio-Temporal Degradation Detection And Modeling Future Scenarios Of Embobut Forest In Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT It is evident that forests have been managed for several years in the world, but in most cases especially in the developing world, various regimes have tried to come up with an institutional framework to guide forest management with no much success due to lack of forest monitoring systems. The study entailed detecting forest degradation and modeling forest future scenarios. Analysis of Satellite imagery provided spatial temporal data with ground truthing exercise using Global positi...

The Impact of Solid Waste on Ground and Surface Water Quality in Kisii Municipality, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Leachate flow from urban municipal dumpsites into surface and ground water sources can be detrimental to the urban population who use these waters sources. Gradual accumulations of contaminants in the water sources can result into high loads of pollutants which are potentially toxic to the users. In Kisii Town River Nyakumisaro that drain through the town and improved ground water wells are the main sources of portable water for most residents. The major aim of the study was to dete...

Impacts Of Geothermal Power Station On Avifauna At Hell’s Gate National Park, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Geothermal energy counts among renewable energies sources, with a long tradition, experience and great potential for the future. However, most of the geothermal power plants globally are located within important conservation sites where endemic and endangered species of birds inhabit. The presence of these geothermal power stations has an impact on biodiversity. The study was carried out between December 2015 to May 2016 within Hell’s Gate National Park. The specific objectives of ...

Assessment Of The Post Drought Recovery Strategies Among Pastoralists In Turkana Central District

    ABSTRACT This thesis is an assessment of the post drought recovery strategies among pastoralists in Turkana Central district. The main objective of this study was to assess how the pastoralists’ community in drought prone areas of Turkana Central district recovers their livelihoods in the post drought period. The study used structured questionnaires, participant observation and key informant interviews and focused groups discussions to collect both quantitative and qualitative prim...

Utilization Of By-Products And Cleaner Production In Industrial Nile Perch Processing In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Lake Victorian Nile Perch (Lates niloticus) industry in Kenya is the most important in the fisheries sub-sector and generates significant levels of revenue to the national economy besides creating employment opportunities along the value chain. In 2012, fish production from Lake Victoria-Kenyan waters was 118,992 metric tons with an ex-vessel value of USD 136 million. Information on the utilization of by-products and cleaner production is very important as the industry plays a s...

Clonal Propagation Of Melia Volkensii (Gűrke) Trees For Seed Orchard Establishment In Kiambeere, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Melia volkensii (Melia) is an indigenous tree species belonging to the plant family Meliaceae. In Kenya, the tree is commonly known as “Mukau”. Melia grows naturally in the arid and semi-arid zone of Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya. It’s highly valued for its timber which is termite resistant and so imperatively durable. Despite its popularity, its domestication efforts have been minimal, as a result of poor access to quality planting material and lack of a comprehensive...

Transmission Dynamics Of Human Rift Valley Fever Virus In Ijara District, Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is an emerging viral disease which causes among other problems severe hemorrhagic syndrome, retinitis and meningo-encephalitis in humans. The disease was previously thought to be a disease of animals but it is increasingly developing to be a human health problem. Two human RVF epidemics have previously occurred in Kenya (1997-1997; 2006-2007) each resulting to human deaths. Most RVF outbreaks occur in rural locations where keeping of livestock is the main liv...

Simulation Studies Of Air Pollutants From Indoor Lighting Fuels And Respiratory Disease Incidence In Gadamoji Area, Marsabit District Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Gadamoji Division of the hilly Marsabit district, an Arid and Semi-arid area. The aim was to determine the relationship between levels of indoor air pollutants from lighting fuels and respiratory disease incidence. To obtain comparative data, an experimental phase was conducted off the study area. The main objectives were to quantify levels of particulate matter due to lighting fuel emissions, compare results with World Health Organization (WHO) air quality...

Assessment Of Selected Physico-Chemical Parameters Of Ground Water In Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Ground water contamination has become one of the main environmental issues and a challenge to the world population especially in arid and semi-arid areas. The levels of physico-chemical parameters of ground water exceeding the Kenya Bureau of Standards permissible guidelines have resulted to health problems among the water users especially in rural areas of developing countries, where a significant number of serious human health problems have been reported. Kenya being a water scarce...

Effectiveness Of Microbial Load On The Removal Of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon From Drill Cuttings

ABSTRACT Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) are common site contaminants, but they are not generally regulated as hazardous wastes. TPH refers not only to analytical results, but also to environmental and health properties of PHCs. Biodegradation by natural populations of microorganisms represents one of the primary mechanisms by which petroleum and other hydrocarbon pollutants can be removed from the environment and is cheaper than other remediation technologies. The environmental implication as...

Effect Of Drilling Waste On Soil Quality At Opukushi Community In Delta State

ABSTRACT The effect of drilling waste on soil quality was studied at Opukushi Oil field dumpsite in Delta state. The period of sampling and analysis was between June and September 2010. Soil samples from the dump sites and the control site were physicochemical analyzed using Gas Chromatography, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Laboratory analysis were conducted according to standard methods. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to obtain range, means, standard errors, as well ...

Assessment Of Variation In The Concentration Of Heavy Metals In Groundwater Within Oil Producing Community Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni L.G.A. Rivers State Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni L.G.A. Rivers State

ABSTRACT Groundwater constitutes a major source of potable water supply foragricultural, industrial and domestic applications. This has led to the increase in the demand for ground water exploitation. Borehole water being an ideal source of portable water supply has been employed to meet this teeming demand. For the purpose of this research, borehole water was adopted as a sample model for the experiment to determine the extent of heavy metal contamination in the ground water of the study ar...

121 - 135 Of 351 Results