Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

Mixed layer sub-tropical clayey soil-AMD percolation: analysis of permeation limits and breakthrough patterns

Abstract: The increasing population growth, depletion of natural recourses from mining and similar activities, and consequent insistent climate change have triggered diverse environmental challenges. It is well known that acid mine drainage (AMD) from mining operations in South Africa constitutes a serious environmental problem which requires heightened and crucial attention. The contamination threats from AMD presents a severe risk requiring prevention and mitigation measures for curbing co...

Performance evaluation of waste stabilisation ponds

Abstract: Waste stabilisation pond system has been used more especially in developing countries for sewage treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate the hydraulic and performance efficiency of Palapye waste stabilisation ponds. The hydraulic efficiency was evaluated through drogue, pond geometry and sludge accumulation assessment. The performance efficiency was evaluated through periodic sampling and analysis of physiochemical and bacteriological parameters of individual unit...

Accumulation of heavy metals and bacteriological indicators in spinach irrigated with further treated secondary wastewater

Abstract: Shortage of water for agriculture has resulted in the need to explore the use of wastewater for irrigation, however this can pose a health problem to the people emanating from the produced food as a result of the accumulation of pollutants. The purpose of this research was to investigate the accumulation of some heavy metals and bacteriological indicators in the different parts of spinach vegetable irrigated with secondary wastewater effluent treated through a pilot filtration syst...

Pesticide pollution in freshwater paves the way for schistosomiasis transmission

Abstract: Schistosomiasis is a severe neglected tropical disease caused by trematodes and transmitted by freshwater snails. Snails are known to be highly tolerant to agricultural pesticides. However, little attention has been paid to the ecological consequences of pesticide pollution in areas endemic for schistosomiasis, where people live in close contact with non-sanitized freshwaters. In complementary laboratory and feld studies on Kenyan inland areas along Lake Victoria, we show that pest...

National prevalence and risk factors for tungiasis in Kenya

Abstract: Background Tungiasis is a highly neglected tropical skin disease caused by the sand fea, Tunga penetrans, the female of which burrows into the skin, causing pain and itching. The disease occurs throughout South America and sub-Saharan Africa but there are few systematic data on national disease burdens. The tungiasis research community is keen to develop survey methods to fll this gap. Here we used a school-based, thorough examination method to determine the prevalence and risk fac...

Environmental Abundance of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) Larval Habitats on Land Cover Change Sites in Karima Village, Mwea Rice Scheme, Kenya.

Abstract: A study was carried out at Karima Village in the Mwea Rice Irrigation Scheme in Kenya to assess the impact of rice husbandry and associated land cover change for mosquito larval abundance. A multi-temporal, land use land cover (LULC) classification dataset incorporating distributions of Anopheles arabiensis aquatic larval habitats was produced in ERDAS Imagine version 8.7 using combined images from IKONOS at 4m spatial resolution from 2005 and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)™ classi...

Multi-compartment chemical characterization and risk assessment of chemicals of emerging concern in freshwater systems of western Kenya

Abstract: Background: Within the last decades, there has been increasing research on the occurrence of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in aquatic ecosystems due to their potential adverse efects on freshwater organisms and risk to human health. However, information on CECs in freshwater environments in sub-Saharan countries is very limited. Here, we investigated the occurrence of CECs in snails and sediments collected from 48 sites within the Lake Victoria South Basin, Kenya, which have...

Can encroached rangelands enhance carbon sequestration in the African Savannah?

Abstract: Climate change and bush encroachment pose huge challenges to rangeland management in Namibia. These challenges require a holistic management approach that ensures consistent and optimum forage productivity and sustainability. Mechanical and chemical control methods are the most used techniques in controlling woody encroaching species to improve pastoral properties in the Namibian savannas. However, there is very little information regarding the management options that concurrently ...

Challenges of Poor Drainage Systems and Flood Control in Isheri Olowora Community, Lagos State

Human anxiousness as well as the quest to improve survival chances and gain better control over their environment has indeed succeeded through man’s constant exploration, exploitation and alteration of the natural environment. This has enabled man to achieve urbanization, industrialization and development in general. These developments have not come without a very high price due to the vindictive nature of the environment. The result or implication of human development is the evolution of s...

The Physicochemical Properties of Drinking Water in AMAC, FCT.

TABLE OF CONTENTTitle Page Declaration ……………………………………………………………………………i Certification …………………………………………………………………………... iiDedication………………………………………………………………………………iiiAcknowledgements…………………………………………………….………………ivTable of Contents…………………………………………...

Ibom Cargo Seaport Terminal, Ibaka: A Study of Passenger Circulation and Safety

ABSTRACT AkwaIbom State, the Land of Promise and Fulfillment has over the years been confronted with the problem of rapid growing human and vehicular traffic congestion. This problem is largely caused by the rate of migration of people into AkwaIbom State. Infact recent statistics has it that over 2000 people enter AkwaIbom on a daily basis. This figure results to an estimated two hundred thousand people that move around AkwaIbommetropoly on a daily basis. This geometric increase in populatio...

Conference Centre for the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State (The Study of Green Architecture)

ABSTRACT Conference centers are places where people with the same aims/objectives convene together to make decisions, suggestions, dialogue etc. It is a very vital facility every school should have. Currently the University of Uyo has no such facility. In an attempt to design an outstanding conference centre with the increasing awareness of environmental problems, people are coming up with new ways to solve or decrease environmental degradation. One of the ideas is that of Green Architecture ...

Potential for the Prediction of Prostate Cancer Risk Using Haplotypes of Exon1 Of Klk2 Gene

ABSTRACT Prostate cancer is the third most common cancer in Nigeria and the most underscreened cancer in Nigeria. It is the commonest type of cancer in men of African origin. Most prostate cancer cases in Nigeria are detected at the metastatic stage. The daily pick up of new cases is on the increase especially in tertiary hospitals with most men having advanced and high grade disease high who never gone for medical treatment. PSA testing lacks the ability to characterize prostate disease mole...

Economic Burden, Payment Strategies and Payment Coping Mechanism Among Type2 Diabetic Patients Attending a Tertiary Health Institution in Abia State, South East Nigeria

ABSTRACT Diabetes is a chronic life- long illness that affects the quality of life, requiring close monitoring and control. Diabetics have high risk for high economic burden (direct and indirect health costs) and catastrophic expenditure where healthcare costs are paid out of pocket. This study determined the economic burden and assessed the payment strategies and payment coping mechanisms of type 2 diabetic patients attending Out- Patient Department of Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Umuahia, A...

Human Waste Management in Selected Prisons in Rwanda

ABSTRACT Human waste disposal has become a daunting task for the prisons’ authorities in Rwanda who seem to lack the capacity to tackle the mounting human waste situation due to the high prison population density. This study was carried out to analyze and understand the situation of human waste management in selected prisons of Kimironko and Muhanga. The main objectives of the study were: to establish the status of human waste management in prisons, investigate health effects related to imp...

16 - 30 Of 351 Results