Biochemistry Research Papers/Topics

Insulin Resistance in relation to Hypertension and Dyslipidaemia among Men Clinically Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

Pathophysiologically, type 2 diabetes can result from insulin resistance or insulin insufficiency alone. It is unclear whether relative insulin shortage or pronounced insulin resistance is linked to poor cardiometabolic problems like obesity. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between insulin resistance (IR), hypertension, and dyslipidaemia, in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus. One hundred and twenty-one (121) type 2 diabetic men participated in this cros...

Determination Of Ascorbic Acid In Vitamin C Syrups Sold In Gombe Metropolis

ABSTRACT    Titrimetric method was used to analyze ten different brands of each vitamin C syrups that are sold in Gombe metropolis. The percentage of ascorbic acid content in vitamin C syrups containing 100mg/5ml showed that samples (1,2,3 and 7) having (68.37%,54.10%, 52.10%, and 74.00%) were below 95-105 recommended by British pharmacopeia limit. While for A samples (4, 5 and 6)have percentage ascorbic acid content of (95.00%, 95.10% and 96.00% )respectively and were within the normal ran...

Human Pluripotents Stem Cells Application And Drugs Recovery And Toxicology

INTRODUCTION Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are a type of stem cell with the remarkable ability to self-renew and dierentiate into various cell types of the human body (NIH, 2020). There are two main types of hPSCs: embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) generated from adult cells through reprogramming (Takahashi et al., 2007). These cells hold great promise for biomedical research and have revolutionized t...

Phytomedical assessment of two Cymbopogon species found in Nkonkobe Municipality: toxicological effect on human Chang liver cell line

Abstract Background: Cymbopogon species are widely used as herbal remedies by the traditional healers living in Nkonkobe Municipality for the treatment and management of skin and respiratory infections. According to our survey, the plants seem to be very important because of the higher demands. Methods: The leaves of C. validis and C. plurinodis were hydro-distilled and the resulted extracted oils were analyzed by GC/MS. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 7.8 to 500.0 μg/m...

Comparative Diagnostic Techniques for Cryptosporidium Infection

Abstract: Diarrhoea caused by Cryptosporidium is usually mild in immune competent individuals but severe in the young and those with underlying disease leading to compromised immunity. The conventional diagnosis of Cryptosporidium requires observation of the infective oocysts however, their tiny size yields indistinct results, thus limiting the effectiveness of the conventional diagnostic technique, modified Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) differential staining. Consequent to the abovementioned limitatio...

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Sour Fig (Suurvy) Native to South Africa

Abstract: Sour figs have become a provincial demand in South Africa for the treatment of common infections. The plant has displayed antioxidant activity. The plant leaves were extracted with hexane, acetone, and ethanol using Stuart Sharker, UK. The extracts' antibacterial activity was evaluated by determining the MICs in a range of 7.8-500.0 μg/ml against ten strains using micro-well dilution. Cytotoxicity was evaluated with brine shrimp using the same concentrations. The hexane extract exh...

Antioxidant and phytochemical properties of Carpobrotus edulis (L.) bolus leaf used for the management of common infections in HIV/AIDS patients in Eastern Cape Province

Abstract Background: Carpobrotus edulis (Mesembryanthemaceae), also known as igcukuma in Xhosa language is a medicinal plant used by the traditional healers to treat common infections in HIV/AIDS patients. Based on this information, we researched on the plant phytoconstituents, as well as its inhibitory effect using aqueous and three different organic solvent extracts in order to justify its therapeutic usage. Methods: Antioxidant activity of the extracts were investigated spectrophotometri...

The inhibitory effect of Mesembryanthemum edule (L.) bolus essential oil on some pathogenic fungal isolate

Abstract Background: Mesembryanthemum edule is a medicinal plant which has been indicated by Xhosa traditional healers in the treatment HIV associated diseases such as tuberculosis, dysentery, diabetic mellitus, laryngitis, mouth infections, ringworm eczema and vaginal infections. The investigation of the essential oil of this plant could help to verify the rationale behind the use of the plant as a cure for these illnesses. Methods: The essential oil from M. edule was analysed by GC/MS. Co...

Micro-morphological Information of Carpobrotus edulis (L.) Bolus:A Southern African Herbal Plant

Background and Objective: Carpobrotus edulis has become one of the most recognized herbal plants in the Savanna Regions of Eastern Cape and Western Cape in South Africa. This study analyzed the foliar morphology and elemental composition of the plant Carpobrotus edulis (L.) bolus. Materials and Methods: Fresh leaves of the plant were investigated using the JEOL (JSM-6390LV) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The elemental composition of the leaf was determined by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spe...

Characterization of Trypanosomes Isolated from Bovine and Canine Using Polymerase Chain Reaction.

ABSTRACT Trypanosomiasis is a vector-borne parasitic disease, transmitted to animals by tsetse fly (Glossina genus) bites. The human type causes sleeping sickness in man while animal type causes nagana in animals. The aim of this study is to characterize trypanosomes isolated from dogs and cattle in Jos South Abattoir. Isolated trypanosomes were subjected to polymerase chain reaction using kin primers targeting internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) of ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acids. The PCR ...

Effect of a Mixture of Allium Cepa and Camellia Sinensis Extracts On Hyperlipidemia Male Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT The burden of hyperlipidemia is on the rise globally especially in many low income countries like Uganda. Management of this metabolic disorder mainly involves dietary and behavioral therapies, which are often met with poor results as they require time and discipline from the patients. The chemotherapeutic options available are expensive, are associated with many side effects and are not readily available to the average citizen. Thus, an alternative effective remedy which is readily ...

Effect of a Mixture of Allium Cepa and Camellia Sinensis Extracts On Hyperlipidemic Male Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT The burden of hyperlipidemia is on the rise globally especially in many low income countries like Uganda. Management of this metabolic disorder mainly involves dietary and behavioral therapies, which are often met with poor results as they require time and discipline from the patients. The chemotherapeutic options available are expensive, are associated with many side effects and are not readily available to the average citizen. Thus, an alternative effective remedy which is readily ...

Common Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Among Infertile Males On Referral to The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Studies to find the association between male infertility and mtDNA mutations have been carried out by many researchers but reports from these studies have been varied and contradictory at times. However studies of this nature are scarce in Ghana. The present study has therefore provided a baseline data on mtDNA mutations in relation to male infertility for further studies to be carried out in this area. Main Objective: The overall objective is to ascertain the common mtD...

Effect of Chronic Exposure to Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollution On Some Biochemical Parameters of Individuals Native to Ebocha, Niger Delta

ABSTRACT The impact of pollution due to gas flaring on individuals native to Ebocha in Niger Delta Area was investigated. One hundred and five apparently healthy individuals between 21-70years who consented for the study were screened, seventy five individuals from Ebocha and thirty from Nsukka-a control location with no history of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution. Standard analytical procedures were used in the determination of the concentration of ascorbic acid (AA) of the individuals (males...

Studies On Possible Beneficial Biochemical Outcomes of Single and Combinatorial Herbal Formulations On Diabetic Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants continue to provide valuable therapeutic recipes, in orthodox and traditional healing systems, for the amelioration of diseases and disorders. The current study sought to evaluate the capacities of single herbal formulations (SHFs), double herbal formulations (DHFs), triple herbal formulations (this) and quadruple herbal formulation (QHF) of leaf extracts of Acanthus Montanus, Asystasia gangetica, Gongronema latifolium and Solanum melongena to ameliorate hyperglycem...

76 - 90 Of 558 Results