Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Planning Implementation and Control in the Public Sector. (A Case Study of Kwara State Bureau of Economic Planning)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction          The main essence at any development planning is to organize the priorities of the government in such a way as to quicken the pace of development. In the last two decades, most countries of the third world nation,  have drawn up national development plans with the objective at accelerating the economic growth and the rate at which the standard of living of the populace can be raised in addition to sustaining an increased rate of economic growth...

Planning as a Management Function (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

CHAPTER ONE 1.1         Background of the study 1.2         Statement of the research problem 1.3         Objectives of the study 1.4         Significance of the study 1.5         Scope of the study 1.6         Delimitation and limitation of the study 1.7         Organization of the study CHAPTER TWO 2.1         Literature review 2.2         Nature of planning 2.3         Steps is stages in planning CHAPTER THRE...

Bureaucracy as a Tool for Effective Performance In a Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Polytechnic Ilorin

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                              i Certification                                                                                           ii Dedication                                    ...

The Role of Local Government in Community Transformation

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                                  i         Certification                                                                              ii Dedication                                                     �...

The Constraints of Effective Local Government Administration in Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENT Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION OR BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1         Introduction  1.2         Statement of the problem 1.3         Purpose/objective of the study 1.4         Significance of the study 1.5         Research of the study 1.6         Scope and limitations of the study 1.7         Organization of the study synopsis of each chapter 1...

The Problems of Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to Local Governments in Nigeria (A Case Study of Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State)

Abstract When the researcher chose this topic: THE PROBLEMS OF EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF REVENUE AVAILABLE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT, she was inspired by the high rate of embezzlement, poor leadership, low rate of accountability, general laxity of the finance department, and corruption in Nigeria Local Government, and Aninri Local Government in particular. To do this, the researcher developed four (4) Questions. These questions were administered inform of questionnaires to 195 staff who were selecte...

The Problems of Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to Local Governments in Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                                            Approval Page                                                                                     Dedication                                              �...

Problem of Revenue Generation and Utilization in Nigeria Local Government Administration

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgment Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.1     Introduction 1.2     Statement of result 1.3     Purpose/Objective of the study 1.4     Significant of the study 1.5     Research Hypothesis 1.6     Organization of the study 1.7     Definition of terms or operational terms           Reference CHAPTER TWO 2.0     Literature Review 2.1     Introduction 2.2     Meaning of Local Go...

The Role of Nigeria Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (NEITI) in Economic Development: A Study of Oil & Gas Free Zone, Onne Rivers State.

Introduction Economic Development: this involves growth in total real national income and real per-capital income of a developing country like Nigeria over a long period of time. It implies the achievement of the entire society and the attainment of a number of set economic objectives that can improve the standard of living of  people. Put simply, economic  development is real growth including substantial change in the economy with export value for both the aid giving and aid receiving c...

The Political Appointment Of Chief Executives Into Government Agencies And Its Effects On Morale Of Civil Servants In Ghana: Ghana Standards Authority As A Case Study

ABSTRACT This study aimed to find out the effect of political appointment of a Chief Executive on the morale of workers. In order to understand this intrigues factor, this study employed and used a robust methodology (mixed-method approach) to examine how political appointments affect the morale of workers. A total of 151 participants; 4 directors, 21 heads and 126 first-line employees were used for quantitative analysis whilst 6 participants; 3 management and 3 non management workers were i...

Unemployment And Urban Crimes In Uganda, A Case Study Of Kisenyi 1 Parish In Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION jjj ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2. Problem statement 4 1.2. Purpose of the study 5 1.3. General Objective 5 1 .4.Objectives of the study 5 1.5. Research questions 5 1.6. Significance of the study 5 1.7. Scope of the study 6 1.7.1. Geographical scope 6 1.7.2. Content scope 6 1.7.3 Time scope 6 1.4. Conceptual framework 7 CHAPTER TWO 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.0 Introduction 8...

Factors That Lead To Girl Students' Levels Of Performance In Secondary Schools Science: A Case Study Of Moshi Municipality In Northern Tanzania.

This study is set out to asses the image, attitudes, and behavior on parents, teachers, and students on the studying science and mathematics and its performance to girl students. A case ofMoshi Municipality. It is the case whereby representatives of three groups that is teachers, parents and students with different age urge. However, the majority of respondents in the study claimed that, despite the efforts which government has been put to improve girl students from poor performing in SMT, st...

Assesment Of Socio- Economic Impacts Of Cattle Rustling In Karamoja Region. Case Study: Nakapiripirit District.

ABSTRACT This assessment was commissioned by Faculty of social sciences (KIU) as pati of a paiiial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of a Degree in Public Administration at Kampala International University. The study envisaged at providing useful data and information on cattle rustling and their socio-economic impacts on partial economies in Karamoja region of Uganda. The study sought among other things, to determine the impacts of cattle rustling on social service delivery, agric...

Impact Of Defilement On The Rights Of The Primary School Girl- Child In Eastern Uganda Case Study: Kidera Sub-county In Kamuli District

The research therefore, found out that, poverty, children are forced into sexual practices by their parents, information technology, exposure to video shows, discos and music stages, corruption, domestic violence, restriction on children to express their views and lack of counselling prograimnes in schools. The study also found out that school drop outs, children die during pregnancy, children become helpless, children abandon their homes and subjection to sexually trai1smitted diseases are t...

Motivation And Employee Performance In The Health Sector A Case Study Of Kapchorwa Main Hospital, Kapchorwa District

The study assessed the impact of motivation on employee job performance in the health sector mainly in Kapchorwa main hospital involving the hospital administrators, medical personnel and the patients. The study intended to sample 100 respondents; however, 60 of them participated in the interview making it a success. The study objectives were to find out the various tools/ways of motivation in the health sector, the impact of motivation on employee performance, the challenges facing motivatio...

436 - 450 Of 1320 Results