Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Problem of Revenue Generation in Nigeria Local Government Administration {A Case Study of Irepodun Local Government Area of Kwara State}

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.1    Introduction 1.2    Statement of result 1.3    Purpose/Objective of the study 1.4    Significant of the study 1.5    Research Hypothesis 1.6    Organization of the study 1.7    Definition of terms or operational terms          Reference CHAPTER TWO 2.0    Literature Review 2.1    Introduction 2.2    Meaning of Local Government 2.3    M...

Impact of Collective Bargaining on the Services Industry (A Case Study of P.H.C.N)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                                        Certificate                                                               Dedication                                                                          �...

Planning as a Function of Management in an Organization (A Case Study of Kwara State Ministry)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                               i Certification                                                                           ii Dedication                                                                   �...

Political Parties and Public Orientation in Nigeria: A Case Study of People's Democratic Party (PDP), Lagos State

  TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certificate Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.1      Introduction 1.2      Statement of the problem 1.3      Objective of the study   1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Scope of the study 1.6      Statement of hypothesis 1.7      Limitation of the study 1.8      Definition of operation terms 1.9      Historical background of the organisation   CHAPTER TWO     2.1   �...

Local Government as an Instrument of Rural Transformation (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of content CHAPTER ONE 1.0    General introduction or background of the study 1.1    Introduction 1.2    Statement of the study 1.3    Purpose / objective of the study 1.4    Significant of the study 1.5    Research of the study 1.6    Scope and limitation of the study 1.7    Organization of the study / plan of the study 1.8    Definition of terms or operational terms CHAPTER TWO 2.0 ...

Local Government as the Agent of Community (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government.)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                      i Certification                                                                  ii Dedication                                                                    iii Acknowledgment          �...

The Problems of Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to Local Governments in Nigeria (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State)

ABSTRACT  The high rate of embezzlement, poor leadership, low rate of accountability, general laxity of the finance department and corruption in Nigeria Local Government, and Ilorin East  Local Government in particular really inspired me to work on this project topic: THE PROBLEMS OF EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF REVENUE AVAILABLE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. In  doing this, secondary data were used. Inorganizing and presenting data collected, tables and percentages were used as well. The data analysis...

Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relation in a Formal Organization. (A Case Study of UBA)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                i Certification                                                             ii Dedication                                                               iii Acknowledgement                        �...

Training a Guide to Manpower Development (A Case Study of Kwara State Teaching Service Commission)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                         i Certification                                                                     ii Dedication                                                                       iii Acknowledgeme...

The Role of Local Government in Community Transformation {A Case Study of Ilorin South Local Government}

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                       i        Certification                                                                   ii Dedication                                                                     iii Acknowledgem...

Democracy and Good Governance the Nigeria Experience 1990 to Date.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.1      Introduction 1.2      Statement of the study 1.3      Purpose of the study  1.4      Significance of the study 1.5      Scope of the study 1.6      Definition of terms 1.7      Organization of the study 1.8      References CHAPTER TWO 2.0      Literature review 2.1      What is government 2.2      Types of government 2.3      Impor...

Effective of Performance Appraisal in Public Sector Organization (A Case Study of Nigeria Television Authority Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE General Introduction or background of the study Introduction Statement of the problem Purpose Objective of the study Significance of the study Research of the study Scope and limited of the study Organization of the study plan of the study synopsis of each chapter Definition of terms or operational terms          Reference CHAPTER TWO 2:0    literature reviews 2.1       Introduction 2.2       Theories framework 2.3       Current tr...

Taxation and Revenue Generation in Nigeria Local Government Administration (A Case Study of Asa Local Government Area of Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction  1.1Background to the Study   1.2Scope and Limitation of the Study   1.3Aims and Objectives of the Study  1.4Significance of the Study    1.5Definition of Terms Used  1.7organization of the study   REFERENCES CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature Review  2.1Meaning of Taxation    2.2Principle of Taxation    2.3Types of Taxes   2.4Indirect Taxes  2.5The Purpose of Taxation      2.6Method of Tax Improvement  2.7Meaning of Revenue    2.8S...

Manpower Training and Development in the Public Sector (A Case Study of State Universal Basic Education Board Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgment  Table of Content CHAPTER ONE 1.0Background of the study 1.1Introduction  1.2Statement of the problem 1.3Objective of the Study 1.4Significant of the Study 1.5Research Hypothesis 1.6Scope and Limitation of the Study 1.7Organization of the Study 1.8Definition of Terms CHAPTER TWO Literature Review 2.0Introduction 2.1Theoretical Frame Work 2.2Current trend in thinking 2.3Summary of the chapter References CHAPTER THREE 3.0Res...

The Effect of Deregulation in Banking Industry on Nigeria Economy (A Case Study of Intercontinental bank Plc, Igbona Branch, Oshogbo)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification  Dedication  Acknowledgment  Table of content  CHAPTER ONE Introduction  1.1background of the study  1.2statement of the problem  1.3research question  1.4purpose of the study  1.5scope of the study  1.6limitation of the study  1.7significance of terms  CHAPTER TWO  Literature Review  2.1Deregulation and the banking industries  2.2Historical background of banking industries in  Nigeria  2.3The Nigeria banking industries  2.4Types of ...

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