Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Problem of Revenue Generation in Nigeria Local Government Administration {A Case Study of Irepodun Local Government Area of Kwara State}

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page  Certification  Dedication  Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE  1.1Introduction  1.2Statement of result 1.3Purpose/Objective of the study 1.4Significant of the study 1.5Research Hypothesis  1.6Organization of the study 1.7Definition of terms or operational terms  Reference CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature Review 2.1Introduction  2.2Meaning of Local Government  2.3Meaning of Local Government 2.4Summary of the chapter  References  CHAPTER THREE 3.0Met...

Local Government as a Foundation for Nation Development (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page i Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgment iv Table of content vi CHAPTER ONE  1.1Introduction 1 1.2Scope and limitation of study 3 1.3Objective of the study 3 1.4Statement of the problem 4 1.5Significance of the study5 1.6Definition of Terms5 1.7Organization of the study 6 References8 CHAPTER TWO  2.1Literature Review 9 2.2Current Trent in Thinking10 2.3Theoretical Frame Work12 2.4Summary of the Study15 References19 CHAPTER THREE  3.1Research Methodology21 ...

Local Government as an Instrument of Rural Transformation (A Case Study Of Ilorin East Local Covernment)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page i Certification ii Dedicationiii Acknowledgement iv Table of Content vi CHAPTER ONE 1.0Introduction 1 1.1Background of the Study 1 1.2Aims and Objective of the Study2 1.3The Significance of the Study3 1.4Scope and Limitation of the Study3 1.5Research Methodology 4 1.5Organization of the Study5 1.8Definition of Terms Used 6 CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature Review8 2.1Introduction8 2.2Theoretical fame work9 2.3Current Trend in Thinking 11 2.4Summary of Chapter12 References1...

The Role of Local Government in Community Transformation (A Case Study of Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title pagei Certification ii Dedicationiii Acknowledgement iv Table of content vii CHAPTER ONE:  General Introduction  1.1Introduction1 1.2Statement of the problem 4 1.3Statement/Objective of the study 5 1.4Significance of the study 6 1.5Scope and limitation of the study  6 1.6Organization of the study7 1.7Definition of terms or operational terms 7 References9 CHAPTER TWO  2.1Literature Review 10 2.2Meaning of local government 10 2.3Current Trend in Thinking 12 2.4Role of...

The Rural Development and Local Government Administration (A Case Study of Oke-Ero Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page i Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgment iv Table of content vi CHAPTER ONE  1.1Introduction 1 1.2Scope and limitation of study 3 1.3Objective of the study 3 1.4Statement of the problem 4 1.5Significance of the study5 1.6Definition of Terms5 1.7Organization of the study 6 References8 CHAPTER TWO  2.1Literature Review 9 2.2Current Trent in Thinking10 2.3Theoretical Frame Work12 2.4Summary of the Study15 References19 CHAPTER THREE  3.1Research Methodology21 ...

Motivation as a Catalyst for Improving Employee Productivity in an Organization {A Case Study of Ibedc}

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Table of contentvi CHAPTER ONE  Background of the Study 1.1Introduction1 1.2Statement of the Problem2  1.3Purpose Objective of the Study3 1.4Significance of the Study4 1.5Scope and Limitation of the Study4 1.6Organization of the Study/plan of the Study5 1.7Definition of terms of operational terms6 CHAPTER TWO Relevant Literature Review 2.1What is Motivation?7 2.2Definition of productivity9 2.3Types of Motivatio...

The Challenges of Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to Local Governments in Nigeria (A Case Study Of Irepodun Local Government Area Of Kwara State)

ABSTRACT When the researcher chose this topic: THE PROBLEMS OF EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF REVENUE AVAILABLE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT, she was inspired by the high rate of embezzlement, poor leadership, low rate of accountability, general laxity of the finance department and corruption in Nigeria Local Government, and Irepodun Local Government in particular. To do this, the researcher developed four (4) Questions. This questions were administered inform of questionnaires to 195 staff who were selecte...

The Constraints of Effective Local Government Administration in Nigeria (A Case Study of Baruten Local Government Area)

TABLE OF CONTENT Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION OR BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1         Introduction  1.2         Statement of the problem 1.3         Purpose/objective of the study 1.4         Significance of the study 1.5         Research of the study 1.6         Scope and limitations of the study 1.7         Organization of the study synopsis of each chapter 1...

The Rural Development and Local Government Administration (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page i Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgment iv Table of content vi CHAPTER ONE  1.1Introduction  1 1.2Scope and Limitation of the Study  2 1.3 Objective of the Study  3 1.4Statement of Problems 3 1.4Statement of Problems3 1.5Significance of the Study    4 1.6Definition of Terms  4 Reference 6 CHAPTER TWO 2.1Literature Review   7 2.2Concept of Local Government  7 2.3Types of Local Government  9 2.4Function of Local Government   11 2.5Problem of Local...

Problem of Revenue Generation and Utilization in Nigeria Local Government Administration {A Case Study of Irepodun Local Government Area Of Kwara State}

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page  Certification  Dedication  Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE  1.1Introduction  1.2Statement of result 1.3Purpose/Objective of the study 1.4Significant of the study 1.5Research Hypothesis  1.6Organization of the study 1.7Definition of terms or operational terms  Reference CHAPTER TWO 2.0Literature Review 2.1Introduction  2.2Meaning of Local Government  2.3Meaning of Local Government 2.4Summary of the chapter  References  CHAPTER THREE 3.0Met...

Effective of Performance Appraisal in Public Sector Organization (A Case Study of Nigeria Television Authority Ilorin)

TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0 General Introduction or background of the study 1.1Introduction  1.2Statement of the problem 1.3Purpose Objective of the study 1.4Significance of the study 1.5Research of the study 1.6Scope and limited of the study 1.7Organization of the study plan of the study synopsis of each chapter  1.8Definition of terms or operational terms  Reference CHAPTER TWO 2:0 literature reviews 2.1Introduction  2.2Theories framework 2.3Current trends in thinking 2.4Summary of...

The Constraints of Effective Local Government Administration in Nigeria (A Case Study of Baruten Local Government Area)

TABLE OF CONTENT Certification  Dedication  Acknowledgment  Table of contents CHAPTER ONE:  GENERAL INTRODUCTION OR BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY  1.1Introduction   1.2Statement of the problem  1.3Purpose/objective of the study 1.4Significance of the study  1.5Research of the study  1.6Scope and limitations of the study  1.7Organization of the study synopsis of each chapter  1.8Definition of terms operational terms references  References  CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW  2.1Introducti...

The Role of Personnel Management in Local Government Administration

TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE APPROVAL PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1.1       Introduction 1.2       Aims and Objectives of the study 1.3       The scope and limitation of the study 1.4       Significance of the study 1.5       Research Methodology 1.6       Definition of terms used 1.7       Organization of the study References CHAPTER TWO 2.1       Literature review 2.2       Definitions of personnel mana...

The Effects Of Political Instability on the Performances of Public Enterprises in Nigeria (A Case Study of Nigeria Postal Services Ltd Nipost)

ABSTRACT This study carefully examined the effect of political instability on the performance of Public enterprise in Nigeria with the postal services (NIPOST) as a case study.  With the issues raised the researcher are of the opinion that this intellectual would stimulate intellectual reaction from both within and outside. TABLE  OF  CONTENTS CERTIFICATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACTS TABLE  OF  CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0    Introduction      ...

The Rural Development and Local Government Administration (A Case Study of Ilorin East Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                                 i Certification                                                                                       ii Dedication                                                       ...

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