Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Effectiveness Of Performance Appraisal Practices In Public Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Public Secondary Schools In Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Practices in Public Secondary Schools in Dodoma Municipality. The major concern was to see whether the practices were properly administered and whether the process yields the expected results. To achieve this objective, interviews, questionnaires and documentary review were used as data collection techniques. The research data were gathered from 90 respondents and data were coded and analysed using statistical Packag...

The Impact Of Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP) Towards Improvement Of Quality And Relevance Of Secondary Education Delivery In Tanzania: A Case Of Ilala Municipality, Dar Es S

ABSTRACT Various changes have been made in education sector in Tanzania to assure that the promised and quality education is provided as a result SEDP was initiated since 2004-2009 as the first phase and the currently running 2010-2015 as the second phase. This study therefore needed to investigate SEDP I and II basing on the improvement of the quality and relevance in secondary education delivery in Tanzania specifically Ilala Municipality. The review of literature has revealed that, presen...

The Impact Of Remuneration On The Performance Of Local Government Staff In Tanzania A Case Of Ludewa District Council

ABSTRACT This dissertation was an attempt to undertake the study on finding out the impact of remuneration on the performance of the Local Government staff in Tanzania, particularly Ludewa District Council found in Iringa Region as a case of study. It was conducted within a period of four months, starting from November 2012 to March 2013.The study sample size, under this context, was 40 respondents, including 8 Heads of Departments, 8 General Departments Staff Members, 8 Councilors,8 LGA‟s...

Evaluation Of Retention Strategies In Retaining Teachers Of Public Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study aimed at evaluating the retention strategies in retaining teachers of public secondary schools in Tanzania, focusing on Dodoma Municipality. The researcher used focus group discussion combined with questionnaire, interview and documentary review as the means of obtaining data. The sample size was 98 respondents and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data. Furthermore, descriptive statistics summarized the information from the co...

Factors Influencing Learning Outcomes Of Primary School Pupils In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mathematics Subject In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT Mathematics is essential for daily life and plays a crucial role in school curricula; yet students‘ performance in it remains very low worldwide, Tanzania not being exceptional. This study intended to find out whether teacher characteristics, teaching methods, use of teaching resources and student attitudes towards mathematics affect students‗ performance in mathematics or not. The study was conducted in Morogoro region at Morogoro municipality, which has a total of sixty seven p...

Compliance Towards Ethical Leadership Among Government Employees: A Case Of The University Of Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was meant to assess the compliance towards ethical leadership among Government employees in Tanzania by taking the University of Dodoma as a case study. It also assessed how Government employees are aware and influence ethical leadership. The challenges and willingness of Government employees to comply with ethical leadership and their impact on efficient and effective delivery of public services were also part of the concern. A cross sectional research design was adopted...

The Impact Of Political Culture On Corruption In The Public Sector In Zanzibar: A Case Study Of Zanzibar Port Corporation

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the impact of political culture on corruption in the public sector in Zanzibar with special reference to the Zanzibar Port Corporation. The study was guided by specific objectives, namely, to identify the effects of beliefs on favouritism in the public sector in Tanzania; to assess the influence of values on embezzlement in the public sector; to examine the influence of norms on bribery in the public sector; and to identify measures to control the n...

Local Government Staff Training On The Implementation To The Public Services Management And Employment Policy Of 2008 In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Geita Town Council

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to examine the impact of local government staff training on the implementation of public service management and employment policy of 2008 in Tanzania. In addressing this issue as well as achieving the objective, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from employees; informants in this study were obtained through purposive sampling and stratified sampling. Qualitative data were collected using literature and documents as well as focus gro...

Factors Associated With Students’ Poor Performance Of English Language Subject In Secondary Schools: A Case Of Magu District Council

ABSTRACT The Performance of English language subject in secondary school has persistently been poor. This study sought to investigate the factors associated with students‟ poor performance of English language subject in secondary schools and to establish the strategies that can be adopted to improve performance of English language subject in secondary schools in Magu district council in Mwanza Tanzania. The study sought to determine the school based factors that affect students‟ performa...

The Effectiveness Of Motivation Incentives In Improving Work Perfomance In Tanzania Health Sector: A Case Of Iringa Refferal Hospital

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the developing countries which have been facing the challenge of ineffective and inefficient work performance in the health sector of which in turn leads to poor health service delivery. This incident, therefore, compelled the researcher to conduct this study with the general objective to assess effectiveness of motivation in improving work performance in Tanzania health sector with Iringa Referral Hospital as a case study The study employed a cross - sectional des...

Assessment Of Strategies Towards Performance Of Human Resource In Public Sectors In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Songea Urban District

ABSTRACT This study is on assessment of strategies towards performance of human resource in public sectors in Tanzania; Songea Urban District is the case study with an aim of finding out whether proper strategies of human resources are well established. The general objective of this study was to find out whether proper strategies of Human Resource performance are well established in public sectors for delivery of good and efficient public services in Tanzania. The specific objectives were; t...

The Role of Information Technology in Public Management Process with Particular Reference to Sokoto State Ministry Of Finance

ABSTRACT This study examine ministry policies and practices with particular references to ministry of finance Sokoto. Taking a critical look at the problems and solution at the ministry, training of staff on ICT and non-training of staff. An extensive review of existing literature was made covering issues like problems of using computers in the ministry. The ministry of finance Sokoto. Prudential guidelines was examine and it was observe that the guidelines succeeded in sanitizing by providin...

The Influence Of Open Performance Review And Appraisal System In Worker‟ Performance In Tanzania,‟ A Case Of Misungwi District

ABSTRACT Managing performance is very important aspect in any organization in Tanzania. To improve performance in July 2004 the government introduced the OPRAS which replaced the former confidential report system of evaluating workers. This study generally assessed the influence of the Open Performance Review and Appraisal System in the performance of workers. It examined the benefits accrued from the implementation of OPRAS. Lastly it examined the extent the system helps the organization to ...

Motivation And Work Performance In Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Nyamagana District, Mwanza.

ABSTRACT Teacher motivation has become an important issue given their responsibility to impart knowledge and skills to learners. Consequently, this study investigated the effects of motivation on the performance of secondary school teachers in Nyamagana District, Mwanza Region. Specifically, the study sought to find out whether motivation of teachers had any effect on their morale to perform. A descriptive survey research design was adapted where a total sample of 100 respondents including se...

Recruitment And Retention Strategies Of Teachers In Secondary Schools: A Study Of Ilala District

ABSTRACT This study focused on investigating strategies for teachers’ recruitment and retention and their effectiveness in improving the process of recruiting and retaining secondary school teachers in Ilala District Council. The study adopted a case study design, which largely employs qualitative approach with some elements of quantitative approaches in data collection. The total population for this study expected to provide relevant information included forty eight (48) secondary school ...

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