Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Contribution of National Health Insurance Scheme Towards Access to Quality Child Health Care Services Denkyembour District, Eastern Region.

ABSTRACT Background: Irrespective of an individual’s race, sex, religion and finances, health must be rudimentary and an indispensable benefit to all, generally making healthcare supreme to every person. Nonetheless, for the reason that children are confronted with special health problems linked to the phases of their physical and mental development, which make them vulnerable to malnourishment and infectious diseases, health care is more critical for children. Objective: To assess the con...

North-South Migration And Urban Poverty in Ghana; The Case of Greater Accra

ABSTRACT More than half the world’s population in recent times lives in cities. Urban growth is over 90 percent in developing countries, with an annual increase of about 70 million migrants migrating from rural areas to urban areas. The number of urban drawlers is expected to increase in the world’s two poorest regions (South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa) in the next two decades. The study aims at the relationship between rural-urban migration and urban poverty in Ghana with a focus on so...

Public Procurement Act And The Implementation of Public Policy In Nigeria

.ABITR.ACT It is a lon g held belief tha t the grea test a rea of wa ste, corrup tion and misapp rop ria tion in the pu blic sector is on p rocu remen t and con tra ct mana gemen t. These executive excesses a re largely a ttribu ted to la ck of p rop er regula tion and ad equa te con trol. This resea rch is design ed to look in to the issu e. The en tire resea rch work wa s focu sed on the effect of the govern men t du e p rocess policy on pu bl ic p rocu remen t and con tra ct mana gemen t u...

Problems Of Development Policy-Making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at identifying the problems of development-policy making in Obudu local government area of Cross River state. The theoretical framework adopted in this study is the planning theory propounded by Fainstein (2000). This research adopted the survey method given the nature of data. The population of the study consists of the staff of Obudu local government of Cross River state which is one hundred and eight seven (187) respondents. The sample technique adopted in th...

Challenges Of Implementing The Free Maternal Healthcare Policy In Ghana: Experiences From The New Juabeng Municipality

Abstract This study investigated the implementation of the free maternal healthcare policy in Ghana with a focus on the constraints that impede the attainment of the policy’s goals. Using the qualitative approach, the case study strategy was deployed, with the New Juabeng Municipal as the case. Data was derived from multiple sources (interviews, focus group discussions and documentary reviews) and from different categories of persons (staff of health care facilities, service providers and d...

Performance Evaluation Of The Public Sector A Case Study Of Jamb

Abstrack In recent time, government expenditure on public and other ad-hoc establishments has been on the increase. This can be attributed to the resolve of govenunent for rapid and accelerated development including the welfare of the citizen hence, the underlying objectives in the establishment of public enterprises and corporations. Thus, the principle of limited government restricts the government only to its traditional statuto1y role of maintaining Law and order plus the provision of bas...

The Appraisal Of The Role Of Government In The Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Nigeria: A Study Of National Ecof\Iomic Empowerment And Development Strategy In Fct

ABSTRACT Poverty reduction has been a long concern fol' all African co1mtl'ies since independence. The high incidence of po1·crty in Nigcl'ia has been a greatest obstacle to the development of the nation at large. This research work examined the role of the government in Poverty Alleviation Programmes in Nigeria in orde!' to reduce poverty to its minimum barest level. Questionnaire 111as used as instrument for gathering data for the research. The data collected were ana􀂪y:::.ed using simp...

Nicon And The Leadership Challenges in The Nigeria Insurance Industry; A Case Study of Nicon Insurance Corporations.

ABSTRACT  1.0 BACKGROUND One of the indices for measuring the development of an economy is the size and maturity of its insurance industry. This is because the insurance industry plays a very important role in the mobilization and utilization of investible resources in the economy. It also acts as the observer of the risks and uncertainties associated with economic activities, the absence of a market for which can greatly reduce the growth of economic activity. The relevance of the insurance...

National Directorate of Employment (NDES) Open Apprenticeship Scheme And Youth Employment in Benue State

ABSTRACT    Youth unemployment has remamed one of the present and persistent social problems that characterize Nigeria as a developing economy. Measures to address this social problem have featured prominently in the development agenda of successive governments. One of such measures was the establishment of the National Directorate of Employment (NOE), by the Babangida Administration in 1986. NOE is a public policy on employment and wealth creation that has managed to endure over the years...

Manpower Development And Commercialisation in The Nigerian Telecommunications

ABSTRACT  The research is about Manpower Development and Commercialisation of the Nigerian Telecommunications. The Nigerian Telecommunications Limited (NITEL) is one of the fully commercialised public enterprises in Nigeria; a very big employer of labour, has been facing a lot of problems since it was established. Efforts to revitalise and restructure sound and efficient telecommunications services present some challenges to training and development unit of NITEL. The study intends to exami...

Retaining The Graduate Teacher In The Ghana Education Service

ABSTRACT Teacher retention/attrition rates are difficult to estimate (Memku CIE, 2000, 50 P.). An empirical data shows that intake into the University College of Education-Winneba (UCEW) programme to upgrade certificate ‘A’ teachers has increased dramatically from about 300 per year in the early 1990s to 2,300 in 1999. These teachers study full-time and therefore create vacancies in the schools. Most of these teachers do not return to the teaching service after completing their courses an...

Social Capital And Enrolment In Social Health Insurance: The Experience Of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (Nhis)

ABSTRACT In response to calls for studies that highlight the social determinants of Social Health Insurance enrolment, this study investigated the forms of social capital (SC) in selected communities in Ghana and how they influence the enrolment decision. It also explored how SC structures in the selected communities could be leveraged to drive enrolment in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). Situated in an interpretive paradigm, the study adopted a qualitative research methodo...

Exploring The Effectiveness Of The Centre Of Government In The Coordination Of Policy Formation Among Public Sector Ministries In Ghana

ABSTRACT Coordination is increasingly difficult in modern governments because of the shift towards specialization of functions in the public sector. This shift has placed greater emphasis on division of labour and the establishment of line ministries with specific responsibilities. Many countries have undertaken reforms to strengthen the role of the Centre of Government (CoG) to effectively coordinate policy formation and implementation among public organizations to reduce policy duplication,...

Sustainable Plastic Waste Management In Accra: The Role Of The Stakeholder

ABSTRACT The problem of sustainable collecting and disposing of plastic waste in Accra has persisted for well over a decade. Plastic waste clogged-gutters, and plastic-littered streets in the national capital, Accra have indeed, portrayed the city as one of the most littered in the West African sub-region. To ameliorate the menace and environmental nuisance posed by plastic waste, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), through its Waste Management Department (WMD) has over the years, attempte...

Attraction And Retention Of Medical Doctors To The Upper West Region: Prospects, Challenges And The Way Forward

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at understanding the prospects and challenges associated with attracting and retaining medical doctors to the Upper West Region of Ghana. The study looked at the reasons medical doctors were unwilling to accept postings to the Region, the current initiatives by the Ministry of Health and its partners and their effectiveness, and the key factors considered viable to brand the Region as the employer of choice in getting medical doctors to take up appointments there ...

946 - 960 Of 1320 Results