Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Recursive Interaction Of Structure And Action In Public Accountability In Ghana

ABSTRACT Public organizations in Africa continue to experience public accountability challenges despite introducing organizational controls intended to serve as public accountability mechanisms. Studies on public accountability challenges have explored, separately, the influence of public accountability mechanisms and socio-cultural expectations on bureaucrats’ decisions, but few have explored their joint influence on bureaucrats’ decisions. The objective of the study was to understand ho...

Serving The Public Interest: An Analysis Of The Ghanaian Public Official’s Experience.

ABSTRACT This study aims at analyzing the challenges of public officials in Ghana, who through stipulated guidelines, statutes, legislation and codes of conduct are required to serve the public interest. The extent to which public officials uphold the tenets of ethical behaviour including: provision of dedicated leadership, conditions for democracy; issues of protecting community legacy and creating the atmosphere for mutuality was examined. The Principal-Agent theory relating to public inter...

Social Accountability And The Implementation Of Social Protection Policies In Ghana.

ABSTRACT Accountability is an essential feature of good governance. Social Accountability has been advocated to enhance the sustainability of social protection programmes. This study sought to examine the effectiveness of social accountability mechanisms in the implementation of social protection programmes in the Shai-Osudoku District Assembly, Ghana. The study employed a qualitative data collection and handling technique based on a case study through the lens of an interpretive research par...

Implementation Of The District- Wide Mutual Health Insurance Scheme In Ga West Municipality

ABSTRACT The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was introduced in Ghana in 2003. Its main goal was and still is to ensure healthcare access and bridge the inequality gaps in healthcare. Ghana’s NHIS is unique in the sense that it is a hybrid of Social Health Insurance and Community Based Health Insurance schemes. This study is about the implementation of the District-wide Mutual Health Insurance Scheme (DMHIS) in Ga West Municipality. The study is necessitated by the perceived success ...

The Influence Of Motivation On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Devere Group, Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of motivation on employee performance using Devere Group; an international financial consultancy group in Ghana as a case. Adopting the qualitative approach, the case study design was used. Primary data was collected through interviews and was augmented with data from secondary sources comprising a review of existing documents, reports and scholarly publications. By comparing the data from these sources, they were triangulated to ensure validity ...

Effectiveness Of Youth Employment Programmes In Ghana: A Case Study Of Youth Employment Agency (Yea)

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the role of Youth Employment Agency in combating unemployment in Ghana by examining the effectiveness of the programmes introduced and the challenges of the agency in carrying out its mandate. A qualitative design and a case study approach were employed to undertake the study. A semi-structured interview technique was used to collect data. The sample size for the study was eighteen (18) comprising three (3) Directors and fifteen (15) beneficiaries of the ...

Culture And Enforcement Of Code Of Ethics In The Ghanaian Civil Service: Experiences From The Head Office Of The Ministry Of Health (Moh)

ABSTRACT This study investigated how culture influences the enforcement of code of ethics at the Ministry of Health (MOH).Using the qualitative approach, the case study design option was employed to examine the phenomena in depth. Primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with various officials at the Ministry of Health headquarters in Accra. Through a review of existing documents, reports and other scholarly publications, the primary data was effectively triangulated. Analysis o...

Fiscal Decentralization And Local Economic Development: A case study Of The Builsa North District, Ghana

ABSTRACT Local Economic Development (LED) is increasingly gaining the attention of governments especially in developing countries. In Ghana, LED has been adopted as a development strategy to enable local governments in partnership with community groups and private sector create employment and boost local development using the resources available. The study has investigated the degree to which Fiscal Decentralization (FD) has contributed to LED at the district level. Using qualitative resear...

Foreign Policy And Management Towards Vision 2025

Abstract VISIONING UGANDA FOREIGN POLICY 1.1 INTRODUCTION The emerging state of interdependency in the region follows from the intertwined nature of security political, social and developmental problems. This in part creates mutual vulnerability and heavy costs of maintaining and protecting one's sovereignty. Yet with increasing interactions due to advanced transportation and communication and the slowly increasin·g economic exchanges it becomes imperative that the peace and prosperity that ...

Fiscal Federalism And Challenges of Revenue Allocation in Nigeria- An Analysis of The Role of Revenue Mobilization Allocation And Fiscal Commission

ABSTRACT    The Nigerian federation which is made up of thirty-six states and 774 local government councils has since its gradual evolution as a colonial federal state in 1954 been contending with issues of revenue generation and allocation. Various efforts were made through Commissions, Decrees and Committees to address the fiscal dimensions of the Nigerian federal system. However, the issues remained controversial, contentious, conflictual, and threatening to the foundation and survival ...

The Relationship Between Capacity Building And Accountability In Nigeria Public Sector: An Examination (A Case Study Of Sokoto State Teacher’s Service Board)

BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The concept of capacity building has become a buzz word in education reform discourse internationally both in developed and emerging economies. However, despite its wide usage, it is an often misunderstood social construct. For conceptual clarity then, capacity building has to do with the allocation of, and investment in resourcesphysical, intellectual or human especially when other intervening variables have failed within a given institutional or social context

Assessing The Impact Of Pricing Policies Of Agricultural Inputs In Kebbi State (A Case Study Of Kascom Nigeria Limited)

Background to the Study The disappointing performance of the agricultural sector in many developing countries of the world is receiving increasing attention of the monetary and exchange rate policy makers. This intervention in agricultural markets is widespread and is practiced in rich and poor countries alike. The policies on money supply, nominal exchange rates, interest rates income, international capital flows, fiscal and trade directed at macroeconomics sector of the economy are of utmo...

Federal Character Principle And Quota System In Nigeria: A Critical Assessment Of The Recruitment Exercise In The Public Service. A Case Study Of Federal Inland Revenue (Firs) Sokoto State

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work was to examine the Federal Character Principle and Quota System in Nigeria and its relationship with the recruitment exercise in the public service. This was prompted by the fact that there is growing disenchantment in some quarters about the implementation of the federal character principle and quota system, which they believe leads to the violation of the merit principle and lowering of standards in the recruitment of personnel into the publi...

Building Professional Administration And Achieving Improve Service Delivery In Sokoto South Local Government; An Appraisal Of Manpower Development Policies And Practice,

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research work was to examine building professional administration and achieving improve service delivery in sokoto south local government; an appraisal of man power development polices and practice this was prompted by the fact that there are no better ways of delivering service to the local government level which is believed to be lead by the poor professional administration and man power. This shows that there is close link between staff development, profe...

Evaluating The Integrated Community Case Management For Childhood Illnesses on Care Given at Drugs Shops in Owerri North

ABSTRACT            Nigeria has the largest number of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea-related deaths. While it is important that the country attains universal coverage of key childhood illness interventions, poor attention is given on the implementation iCCM in private health facilities, including drug shops, where close to a third of the population seek health care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role and outcome on improved care after introducing integrated community case...

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