ABSTRACT This research was concentrated on the linkage between access to basic necessities and standard of living in Bombo, Uganda. The study objectives were: to find out the demographic characteristics of the respondents, and to determine the level of the respondents’ standard of living in terms of access to education, access to food, and access to health care. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The study used simple random sampling technique to draw representative...
ABSTRACT This section explains the research findings on Assessing of the impact of child marriage on girl child education. Objectives of the study To measure the impact of child marriage on drop out, literacy and education attainment To briefly adopt some of the policies that could be adopted in order to reduce child marriage To establish the effects of girl child marriage on girl child education In despite of all attention drawn to child marriage across the world, there is a lack of improvem...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) along Morogoro Road, Dar -es -Salaam, Tanzania. The study focused on career development and organizational performance. The study was limited to career development which was characterized by management styles, succession planning, and training and organizational performance which were characterized by improved Quality of work lives, attraction of talent individuals, motivation and satisfaction basing on the perio...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 The purpose of the study 41.4 Specific objectives of the study 41.6 Scope of the study 41.6.1 Subject 41,6.2 Geographical scope 56.1. 3 Time Scope 51.7 Significance of the study 5CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REIEW 72.0 Introduction 72.1 Social media 72.2 Television 82.3 Radio 82.1 contributions of social media on moral degeneration 102.2 Effec...
ABSTRACT The research was based on Internal Audit Systems and Ferfbrmance ofLocal Governments in Uganda. The purpose ofthis study was to establish the effrctiveness of internal Audit systems in the financial performance of local governments in Uganda. The study involved secondary sources qf data where the research related his study to dUferent author ‘s work and authentication and afterwards he made conclusions. The study used a descriptive research design in which both qualitative and quan...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page ................................................................................................................... iTABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ iiDECLARATION ......................................................................................................... viAPPROVAL .............................................................................................................
ABSTRACT The study was to find out the effect of safety and health to employee performance. At mirerani mbuguni mine. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between health and safety on employee performance at Mirerani Mbunguni objectives were, to investigate the cause of accident in organization in mirerani mbuguni,to investigate the effect of accident on productive on performance, to examine the measures to organization accident. The study used survey design with both qu...
ABSTRACT This study sought to find the Role ofNGOS in provision of social services in Mbirizi sub county Lwengo district; a case study of Lwengo district. This study intended to examine the role played by NGO’s as far as provision of social services is concerned in Sub-County, Lwengo district, with the following specific objectives. Ci) To find out the role of NGOs in Social service delivery in Lwengo District. (ii) To analyze the challenges faced by NGOs in their provision of social servic...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out how the procurement departments contribute to the success of organisations in terms of quality management, cost rationalisation and timely procurement/ delivery. A case study ofMulago Hospital was taken, were response was drawn from three main departments namely; the User departments (Medical, Administration, Accounts and Finance), then the Procurement department it self. The respondents from all departments included; Doctors, Accountants, Nurses, Param...
ABSTRACT The material contained there in, is an analysis of the contributions of LOOP to sub-counties in Uganda. The study was primarily conducted to collect and analyze data about the topic of discussion mentioned above by assessing the contributions of LG programmes to sub counties in Uganda. Other objectives of the study were to; find out LGDP projects that were under way in Nabiswera sub county, Nakasongola District. To know the sources of revenue for local governments, to know the proble...
ABSTRACT The major objective of the study was to identify the factors responsible for loan default by clients of microfinance institutions, to examine the credit methodologies used in loan default management and to identify the relationship between loan default and MFI operations. Questionnaires were used collect data for the study. It was a combination of descriptive and analytical research of results from self administered questions, interviews and record inspection. The researcher analyzed...
ABSTRACT Financial accountability has been one of the most problematic and prevalent issues for business worldwide for a long time. Increase in financial misappropriation and number of corporate scandals had an important impact on understanding and analyzing financial accountability and in turn on audit of the same and its regulation. The growth in finance misappropriation cases indicates that a strong need exists for research approaches that better enable auditors and investigators to detect...
ABSTRACT The study sought of assessing the relationship between NAADs program and Food security in Ddwaniro Subcounty Rakai District, determine the role played by NAADs program on food security and challenges to NAADs program and how to combat the challenges. The study used a descriptive reseach design and employing both qualitative and quantitative apporaches in the searching for the informaiton. The populaiton sample size was 196. The study findings indicated that the major challenges affec...
ABSTRACT Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operation. This study was intended to identify the role of internal audit at the Arusha International conference centre. AICC is the government organization which deals with hospital services, conference service and estate service. The study examined the position of an organization in the absence of internal audit in the organization. The study give out the...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the contributions of non~governmental organizations in Social Development: A case study ofMoroto District, Uganda. The study objectives were; the role played by Non-governmental organisations in social development in Moroto District, Uganda, Uganda, challenges faced by Non-governmental organisations in social development in Moroto District, Uganda, Uganda and relationship between ngos and social development in Moroto District, Uganda. The study applied a c...