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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Factors Influencing Effectiveness Of Joint Forest Management Approach In Conservation And Management Of Forest Reserves: A Case Of Kimboza Forest Reserve In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study investigated the factors influencing the effectiveness of Joint Forest Management (JFM) approach in conservation and management of forest reserves in Tanzania, using Kimboza forest reserve as a case study. The study specifically intended to examine the response of community towards JFM approach, to investigate benefits to the community due to their involvement in JFM and to determine factors influencing local people’s participation in JFM for conserving and managing fore...

The Community Perception On Child Physical Abuse In Tanzania: A Case Of Ilala Municipality

ABSTRACT The study focuses on ―The Community Perception on Child Physical Abuse in Tanzania: A Case of Ilala Municipality” as a social problem affecting some of children under the study area. It was guided by the following specific objectives; to identify community‘s perception on children physical abuse, to determine the effects of children physical abuse on growth and to explore the roles of civil society organizations and the government on eradicating child physical abuse. Sample si...

Assessment On Effects Of Management Practices On Employees’ Job Satisfactions In Tanzania: A Case Of Chamwino District Council

ABSTRACT This study has intended to assess the effects of various management practices on employee job satisfactions. A cross sectional research design was adopted; the sample size of 225 respondents was obtained through a purposive and non-purposive sampling techniques. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods for data analysis in order to achieve the objectives of the study. Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) and Excel software were used to analyze the data. Find...

Local Government Staff Training On The Implementation To The Public Services Management And Employment Policy Of 2008 In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Geita Town Council

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to examine the impact of local government staff training on the implementation of public service management and employment policy of 2008 in Tanzania. In addressing this issue as well as achieving the objective, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from employees; informants in this study were obtained through purposive sampling and stratified sampling. Qualitative data were collected using literature and documents as well as focus gro...

Public Perception and Attitude Towards Corruption in Nigeria: A Case Study of Zamfara State Civil Service

Table of contents Title page .......................i Certification .........................ii Dedication ..............................iii Acknowledgement ...........................iv Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction ...........................1 1.1 Statement of the problem ............................3 1.2 Research questions ...............................4 1.3 Objectives of the study .................................4 1.4 Significance o...

Contribution Of Village Community Banks (VICOBA) To Economic Development Of Women In Tanzania:A Case Of Dodoma Resindents

ABSTRACT Village Community Banks (VICOBA) plays an important role of enabling poor women to save and access credit. The study aimed at assessing the contribution of VICOBA to the economic development and livelihood of women in Tanzania. The study was cross sectional research in design where by the 59 respondents were included. Primary data was collected by using questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS). The results showed that most o...

Assessment On Impact Of Human Population Pressure On The Sustainabilty Of Ngorongoro Conservation Area

ABSTRACT This study has assessed the impact of human population pressure on the sustainability of Ngorongoro Conservation Area, at three selected villages namely: Enduleni, Ngorongoro and Nainokanoka. Data were collected by using Household questionnaires survey, focus group discussion and interviews. One hundred respondents and thirteen key informants were involved in the study. Quantitative Data, were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 16.1 and...

Factors Influencing Customer Loyalty In The Banking Industry: The Case Of Nmb Dodom

ABSTRACT There is a debate in services marketing literature on the relationship that exists between service quality and customer satisfaction on the one hand and customer loyalty on the other. While there are studies which have shown a positive and strong relationship between variables of the first set to customer loyalty, there are also studies which reported no relationship. This study was put in place to investigate on the factors which influenced customer loyalty. The study was undertaken...

The Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Nigeria. (A Case Study of Sokoto South Local Government Area 2011-2015)

TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS PAGES Title Page ................i Certification ......................ii Dedication .........................iii Acknowledgement ....................iv Table of Content CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction ...................1 1.2 Statement of the Problem ....................1 1.3 Research Question ....................2 1.4 Objectives of the Study .....................2 1.5 Significance of the Study ....................3 1.6 Scope and Limitati...

Contribution Of Small And Medium Enterprises To The Development Of Zanzibar Economy: A Case Study Of Drop Of Zanzibar And Zainab Bottlers Enterprises In Urban West District -Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study on thecontribution of small and medium enterprises to the development of Zanzibar economy, Drop of Zanzibar and Zainab bottlers were taken as the case study. It was important to conduct this research in Zanzibar urban district region because no research of such nature. The study comprised one hundred respondents from study. Simple randomsampling is technique which used to select one hundred respondents from total population of 7,825 people from the study area. Data were c...

The Causes For The Decline Of Coconut Industry And Its Consequenes To The Livelihoods Of Coconut Farmers 1970-2000 Zanzibar: A Case Of West, Central And Urban Districts

ABSTRACT The study investigated the causes for the decline of coconut industry and its consequences to the livelihoods of coconut farmers, based on the following specific objectives: to examine the contribution of coconut industry to the economy of Zanzibar, to investigate the trend of factors of the decline of coconut industry in Zanzibar, and to examine social and economic consequences to the farmer‘s livelihoods in Zanzibar and assess the existing efforts in which they had been taken to ...

Impact Of Human-Wildlife Conflicts On Natural Resources Management In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Saadani National Park

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the impact of human wildlife-conflicts on natural resources management in Saadani national park, Tanzania. The data for the study were collected from three villages vicinity to Saadani National Park (SANAPA), namely Mkange, Saadani and Matipwili villages. The study cover 97 households survey and 13 key informants interviews including the ward and village executive officers, District officials and Saadani National Park officials. Both qualitative a...

Factors Associated With Students’ Poor Performance Of English Language Subject In Secondary Schools: A Case Of Magu District Council

ABSTRACT The Performance of English language subject in secondary school has persistently been poor. This study sought to investigate the factors associated with students‟ poor performance of English language subject in secondary schools and to establish the strategies that can be adopted to improve performance of English language subject in secondary schools in Magu district council in Mwanza Tanzania. The study sought to determine the school based factors that affect students‟ performa...

Factors Affecting Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Co-Operatives Societies In Tanzania: A Case Of Majengo Sokoni Sacco’s In Dodoma City

ABSTRACT SACCO‟s is important in any country for socio-economic development. However, performance of SACCOS in Tanzania has been below member expectations thereby causing dissatisfaction among most of their members. Therefore, this study examines factors affecting the financial performance of SACCOS. A cross section design was used to gather information from Majengo Sokoni SACCO‟s in Tanzania the case of Dodoma city. Primary data were collected through interviews and observation methods ...

The Effectiveness Of Motivation Incentives In Improving Work Perfomance In Tanzania Health Sector: A Case Of Iringa Refferal Hospital

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the developing countries which have been facing the challenge of ineffective and inefficient work performance in the health sector of which in turn leads to poor health service delivery. This incident, therefore, compelled the researcher to conduct this study with the general objective to assess effectiveness of motivation in improving work performance in Tanzania health sector with Iringa Referral Hospital as a case study The study employed a cross - sectional des...

10066 - 10080 Of 19439 Results