Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Youth Friendly Health Services In Intervention Of HIV/AIDs: A Case Of Kibaigwa Township

ABSTRACT The study has examined, “The Role of Youth Friendly Health Services in Intervention of HIV/AIDS at Kibaigwa Township in Kongwa District”. It is recognized globally that, youth friendly health service is an important component of care including preventive health for young people. With the upsurge of sexual activities among youth and the emergence of HIV/AIDS pandemic, yet young people have remained most vulnerable group to STIs as well as HIV/AIDS infection. A sample of 97 respon...

Contribution Of Grapes Farming To The Improvement Of Livelihood Of Grapes Growers In Dodoma

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to asses the contribution of grape farming to the improvement of livelihood of grape growers in Dodoma. The research was guided by three specific objectives; to identify characteristics of households involved in grape growing, to assess the impacts of grape farming to the livelihood of grape farming and to identify strategies to increase contribution of grape farming to the livelihood improvement. Methodology (data for the research was collected from 52 g...

Assessment Of New Labour Laws Adoption In Workplaces: A Case Of Cooperative Audit And Supervision Co-Rporation (COASCO)

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the new labour laws adoption at the workplace in Tanzania taking Cooperative Audit and Supervision Corporation (COASCO) as a case study. The New Labour laws are Employment and Labour Relation Act, No. 6 of 2004 and Labour Institution Act No. 7 of 2004. The study involved a sample of 60 respondents, who were directly interviewed; and those who were requested to fill in a questionnaire. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and simple random sampli...

The Contribution Of Socio-Cultural Practices To The Outbreak Of Cholera In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Ukerewe District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at exploring the contribution of socio-cultural practices to the outbreak of Cholera. The study involved three villages of Kaseni, Galu, and Kamasi in Ilangala ward within Ukerewe District. Data were collected through social survey, in-depth interview, focus group discussion and documentary review. Both purposeful and simple random sampling procedures were used for sample selection. About 119 respondents were involved in this study. Statistical Package for Social Sc...

Assessment Of Modern Technological Application On The Improvement Of Small Scale Fishing Industry In: A Case Of Ilemela District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Ilemela District, Mwanza. The objective of the study was assessment of technological application on the improvement of small scale fishing industry in Tanzania. A descriptive study with cross-sectional design and non experimental design were used in order to assess the technological application on the improvement of small scale fishing industry in Tanzania. Questionnaires, In-depth interviews, focus group discussion and intensive documentary reviews wer...

Management Of Financial Risks In Social Security Institutions In Tanzania: A Case Study Of The Lapf Pensions Fund

ABSTRACT This study examined the Management of Financial Risks in Social Security Institutions in Tanzania: Specifically it aimed to identify financial risks facing LAPF in its operations, to find out the measures being taken by LAPF in managing the financial risks and to examine the effectiveness of the existing measures being taken by LAPF in managing the financial risks. A sample of 40 respondents was made use of and these were randomly obtained from LAPF in Dodoma. The researcher used bo...

Normative Factors Leading To Enrolment In Social Protection Mechanisms In Tanzania: A Case Of Community Health Fund In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study was put in place to investigate on the normative factors leading to enrolment in social protection mechanisms in Tanzania. The study was undertaken by taking the case of Community Health Fund and was actualized in Dodoma Municipality. The study explored the enrolment procedures and their influence on non-enrolment in CHF, determined the perceptions of people towards enrolment to the fund, analyzed the impact of households’ income towards enrolment of CHF and investigate...

Performance Of Financial Institutions On Small Business In Tanzania: A Case Of Tanzania Postal Bank Dodoma Branch

ABSTRACT The study was focused on asses performance of Financial Institutions on small Business in Tanzania specifically in TPB branch Dodoma. It was guided by the three specific objectives which were: to examine the extent loan issuance to Small business in Tanzania, to evaluate the roles of financial institutions in the performance of Small business in Tanzania and to investigate challenges in accessing and utilization of credit. The study was employed cross sectional research design in wh...

The Role Of Non – Financial Incentives On Retention Of Employees In Public Health Sector In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Regional Refferal Hospital

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the developing countries which have been facing the challenges of retaining its health employees. The general objective of this study was to assess the role of Non Financial Incentives (NFIs) on the retention of public health sector employees taking Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital as a case study. The study employed a cross - sectional design in which a case study approach has been used. The study used three main tools of data collection; namely interviews, quest...

Customer Satisfaction On The Usage Of Sim-Banking In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dodoma Urban District

ABSTRACT The spread of mobile phones across the developing world particularly the SubSaharan Africa is one of the most remarkable technology stories of the past decade as well as Tanzania country. This study aimed at looking ―Customer Satisfaction on the Usage of Sim-Banking in Tanzania, a case study of Dodoma Urban District‖ in particular. It attempted profoundly to acquire information on factors influencing satisfaction and the relationship between satisfaction and demographics. Howeve...

Management Of Multi-Stakeholders Processes In Public Service Delivery In Tanzania: A Case Of Community Secondary Schools In Masasi District

ABSTRACT The government of Tanzania has embarked on far-reaching efforts to enhance access and improve quality of secondary education. In so doing, the government has established community secondary schools in each ward where a number of challenges have been encountered in the course of delivering the service. The discourse on education development confirmed that its improvement requires fully engagement of diverse stakeholders as well as effective management of Multi-Stakeholders’ Process...

Retention Of Academic Staff In Private Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT The study aims at determining the factors which are influencing Retention of Academic Staff in Tanzania Private Secondary Schools. The case study was in Dar es Salaam region where by the sample of seven private secondary schools namely; Green acres, St. Mary’s secondary school, Shaban Robert secondary school, AlMountazir secondary school, Anne-Marie academy school were taken. The researcher used the case study design. The case study design allowed the researcher to use questionnai...

The Influence Of Socio-Economic Activities On Wembere Wetland Fish Resource In Tabora Region

ABSTRACT About 10% of Tanzania area is covered with wetlands and some wetlands are very rich in fish resources. However, there is increase of socio-economic activities that put threats to these ecosystems. This study was conducted in the Wembere wetlands to investigate the influence these activities have on wetland fish resources. 100 respondents were used 94 picked simple random samplings and 6 were purposefully sampled. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyse data. Trend of fi...

Community Participation In Water Resources Governance In Semi-Arid Areas: A Case Of Mbabala Ward, Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study entitled “Community Participation in Water Resources Governance in Semiarid Areas: A Case of Mbabala Ward, Dodoma Municipality” was conducted in three selected villages namely: Bihawana, Mbabala „A‟ and Mbabala „B‟. The study was conducted in the year 2015 and data were collected using questionnaire survey and interviews. This study involved 28 respondents selected from three villages whereby (9) respondents were taken from Bihawana, (9) respondents from Mbaba...

Effectiveness Of Commmunity Participation Towards Rural Development Projects In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Morogoro District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of community participation in Rural Development Projects. It was guided by three specific objectives which are: to assess the extent to which the community participates in community development projects, to explore mechanisms and strategies used to ensure effective community participation in community development projects and to examine the role of the Government and NGOs in ensuring effective community participation in community deve...

10126 - 10140 Of 19439 Results