Linguistics Research Papers/Topics

The Structure And Derivation Of The Swahili Determiner Phrase

ABSTRACT This study investigates the configuration of the Determiner Phrase (DP) of Swahili. The study is guided by three main objectives. The first objective is to map Swahili nouns into a DP structure. The study has revealed that the Swahili DP structure is underlyingly the same as the English DP except that in Swahili DP nP raises to Spec DP (XP movement). The study has shown that the raising of nP to Spec DP is motivated by the Extended Projection Principle. The derivation based on XP mo...

The Struggle For Space: Youth Participation In ‘Ngoma’ Groups In Globalizing Tanzania

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER STUDIE Diese Studie stellt den Versuch da, die Frage zu beantworten, wie junge Menschen ngoma nutzen, um ihren Platz in der Gesellschaft zu finden, basierend auf der Hauptthese, dass ihnen der Zugang zur Gesellschaft verwehrt bleibt. Daher benutzen die Jugendlichen ngoma 1 , um einen alternativen Raum für sich zu finden. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, verwendet diese Studie Felddaten, die zwischen Juli 2011 und Januar 2014 von jungen Menschen in ngomaGruppen, im ngoma-Pu...

Samatengo Noun Phrase Structure

ABSTRACT THE study on Samatengo Noun Phrase Structure draws experiences from earlier works on nominal morphology of the nouns in Bantu languages. The morphology of the nouns has been one of the leading factors in classifying Bantu languages and at the same time grouping nouns into gender classes. Studies by Johnston (1919, 1922) and Guthrie (1948, 1967 – 1971, 1970) based on the morphological analysis of the noun in the Bantu languages.   Recent studies like that of Maho (1999), Katamba ...

Oral Narrative Extension Of Sportmedia: An Experience With An English Premier League Soccer Audience Community In Eldoret, Kenya

ABSTRACT This article is based on a cultural practice that has developed in the context of the interaction between Eldoret-based audiences of European football with the television medium through which they access this football. It is a practice that I will refer to here as the oral narrative extension of media. I describe and interpret it in the light of two conceptual frames; media practice theory and oral narrative performance. Two main arguments are developed. First, that the electronic re...

Theme Of Corruption In The Post-Colonial African Novel: A Study Of Abubakar Gimba’s Witnesses To Tears And Chinua Achebe’s A Man Of The People

ABSTRACT Chinua Achebe (born Nov. 16, 1930) is a Nigerian novelist, critic, and poet; he is one of the most-read African authors. The primary concern of Chinua Achebe, the recipient of the Man Booker International Prize, 2007, was his society, more precisely, the destiny of his people. Achebe, perhaps the most authentic literary voice from Africa, wrote not only to record the African, especially Nigerian, life but to analyse the reality experienced by the native people in different times...

The Use Of Figurative Expression In The Language Of Advertisement

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page - - - - - - - i Certification - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - iv Table of Content - - - - - - - v CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction - - - - - - - 1 1.1 Statement of the Problems. - - - - 2 1.2 Research Questions - - - - - 2 1.3 Objectives to the Study - - - - - 3 1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study - - - 3 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Definition Of Hyperbole - - - - - 4 2.1 Approaches to Advertisement - - - - 5 2.2 Language of Advertis...

Uhakiki Wa Mtindo Katika Tamthilia Za Arege

IKISIRI Matini yoyote ya fasihi huhitaji kusomwa na kueleweka ili ipate kuwa na maana. Hata hivyo, maana ya matini hujitokeza ikiwa msomaji ataelewa mtindo uliotumika kuisuka. Japo huu ndio ukweli, mapitio tangulizi ya maandishi yameonyesha kuwa kuna tafiti chache zilizofanywa kwa kina katika kubainisha mtindo katika fasihi kama kipengele muhimu na kinachojisimamia kufafanua maana na hasa katika tamthilia za Arege. Hivyo basi utafiti huu umehakiki mtindo uliotumika katika tamthilia tatu za Ar...

The Impact Of Pidgin English On Students Competence In Nigeria University: Case Study Of 300 Level Students Of Mell

ABSTRACT This project is an attempt to explore the recurring grave concerning the academic performance of students. Though a large percentage of students in Nigeria learn English as a second language and are instructed in it, the Nigerian pidgin seems to interfere with their acquisition of the language and their performance in it much more than their mother tongues. The impact of pidgin contributes in no small measure to the dismal performance of students in their academic career.

The Epistle As A Medium Of Communication: An Analysis Of Abubakar Gimba’s Letters To My Children And Mariama Ba’s So Long A Letter

ABSTRACT Communication is an act of exchanging information from one point to another; it is a very important activity of life. Humans and animals communicate in different ways and for different purposes. Communication could be either oral or written. However, the major concern of this work is the written form of communication. Written communication is the exchange of information through letters, e-mails, blogs, etc. There are different forms of written communication one of which is ‘t...

Matumizi Ya Mbinu Ya Kimuktadha Katika Ufundishaji Wa Msamiati Wa Kiswahili Katika Shule Za Upili Za Wilaya Ya Kakamega

ABSTRACT This study investigated the use of the contextual method in teaching Kiswahili vocabulary in secondary schools in Kakamega District. The study was carried out after the researcher noted that the integration approach of teaching Kiswahili vocabulary using the contextual method was still new to Kiswahili teachers and therefore posed challenges that needed to be addressed. The study on the teaching of vocabulary was considered important because vocabulary dominates every avenue of commu...

A Sociolinguistic Survey of Bhojpuri by Gopal Thakur

This is a Sociolinguistic Survey of the Bhojpuri Language as spoken in Nepal. It contains description of geolects and sociolects of Bhojpuri in Nepal with a brief sketch of Bhojpuri Grammar. It's an M. A. dissertation submitted in the Central Department of Linguistics of Tribhuvan University in Nepal in 2006.

Phonological Processes In Nouns across Maasai Dialects

Abstract: Maasai language has 22 dialects whose noun parallel varies phonologically. This short work describes the phonological processes causing the variation across the dialects of this language. Maasai noun synonyms are either allomorphs or allomorph composites whose structural differences arise from the interaction between the constituent phonemes. The objectives of the work were to identify noun parallels in the various dialects and identifying the various rules governing the phonologica...

Ufumbaji Katika Riwaya Za Katama Mkangi

IKISIRI Utafiti huu umechunguza ufumbaji katika riwaya mbili za Katama Mkangi: Mafuta na Walenisi. Utafiti huu umelenga: Kwanza, kubainisha aina mbalimbali za ubunifu wa ufumbaji uliojitokeza katika riwaya ya Mafuta na Walenisi. Pili, kudhihirisha jinsi ufumbaji ulivyotumiwa na mwandishi kama kichocheo cha zinduko katika riwaya ya Mafuta na Walenisi. Tatu, kudhihirisha namna ufumbaji umeendeleza au kukwamiza usawiri wa wahusika wa mtunzi. Nne, kutathimini jinsi mazingira ya mwandishi yalivyoc...

Uchunguzi Wa Matumizi Ya Kiswahili Katika Ufunzaji Na Ujifunzaji Wa Shule Za Chekechea Katika Manispaa Ya Webuye, Kenya

IKISIRI Madhumuni ya utafiti huu yalikuwa ni kuchunguza matumizi ya Kiswahili katika ufunzaji na ujifunzaji wa shule za chekechea. Utafiti ulifanywa katika Manispaa ya Webuye katika Wilaya ya Bungoma Mashariki, Mkoani Magharibi nchini Kenya. Sampuli ya watafitiwa iliteuliwa kwa kutumia mbinu za mfumo sahili na njia nasibu sahili. Idadi ya wasimamizi 19, walimu 19 na wazazi 19 wa shule za chekechea walikuwa sehemu ya sampuli. Data ilikusanywa kupitia hojaji, masaili na kiongozi cha uchunzaji. ...

Mielekeo Ya Wanafunzi Wa Shule Za Upili Kuhusu Methali Kinzani; Uchunguzi Katika Kata Ya Kitui Mjini; Kaunti Ya Kitui; Kenya

IKISIRI Utafiti huu unahusu kuchunguza mielekeo ya watumiaji lugha ya Kiswahili kuhusiana na ukinzani katika methali. Kwa mfano methali, Fuata nyuki ule asali na Fuata nyuki ufe mzingani. Utafiti huu umeongozwa na nadharia mbili; nadharia ya mguso na nadharia ya umaanishaji. Katika upande wa ukusanyaji data, utafiti huu ulitumia hojaji kwenda nyanjani na udurusu wa kina kuhusu methali za Kiswahili. Lengo kuu la utafiti huu lilikuwa kubaini na kuchanganua mielekeo ya wanafunzi na walimu wa fas...

106 - 120 Of 332 Results