Art Education Research Papers/Topics

The effects of teachers attitude on students' academic performance: A case study of rongo division,

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the effect of teachers conduct on students' academic performance and was driven by Four objectives: to establish the effect of teachers perception on students performance in Rongo division, to find out how the teachers emotions affect students performance in Rongo division, to establish how teachers behaviour affects students performance and to find out how teachers guidance affects students perfonnance. To achieve these objectives the researcher sample...

Teachers' Motivation And Academic Performance Of Primary Schools In Nunguni Zone, Kilungu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Recent research statistics has shown that primary education level is faced by myriad of challenges. Kenyans cannot afford to be complacent about it, thus there arises an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the issue of teachers motivation influences on pupils academic perfonnance. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the teachers motivation effects on academic performance of primary school pupils i...

Free Secondary Education And Quality Of Special Education For The Deaf Learnersin Schools, A Case Of Kigandalu Senior Secondary School

ABSTRACT The impact of free secondary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal physically fit learners, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a Descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free secondary education on the quality of special education for t...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Students In Biology Within Selected Public Schools Of Lari Division, Kiambu West District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................

The Influence Of Guidance And Counselling On Pupils’ Discipline In Mujeria Primary School In Mijumbiri Zone Kakuzi Thika District

Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the relation ship between guidance and counseling on pupil discipline in Kipsaos primary school The specific objectives of the study was to determine the relationship between guidance and counseling pupils discipline, to find out the various types of guidance and counseling and their levels, to investigate the causes and types of indiscipline in schools To obtain data from the field, the researcher used questionnaires with both open ended and...

Causes Of Poor Performance Of Pupils In English Langllage In Kenyan Primary Schools: A Case Stlldy Of Kaptumo South Zone, Kaptl!Mo Division -Nandi South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This s/11czr 1rns inf enc/eel to im·esfigure the cmrses of' poor per/imnonce oj' pupils in English lang11uge 1l'ithi11 selec!ecl prinwrr schools in /(up1w110 s·u111h ::one Nandi South clistricr Kenrn. All seconciwT sources !hut is. the urticles um! u/1 other impor!ullf citution h1· other resuorchers wl'f'e consu/tecl 1l'hich he/peel to gi1·e u clew· picture 0/11·/wr the ll'hole st11c~r 11·us mean! to enroil. A cle.1·ai;)tire design 11·us udopted ,incl! much of 1rhu1 11...

Factors Contribut~G To The Primary School Girl Dropouts Phenomenon In Semi Arid Areas. A Case Study Of Tile Community Of Makuyu Division, Murang’a South District.

ABSTRACT While enrollment is steadily increasing in Kenya, dropout rate continues to be high, with over 50% of the children, both boys and girls dropping out before completion of primary cycle. Boys are marginally better than girls with 46.3%. completion compared to 45.8% of girls. Statistics indicate that the retention of girls have consistently lagged behind that of boys in all districts in Kenya. The purpose of this study therefore, was to identify factors causing girls to dropout of schoo...

The Impact Of Menstraution On Girl Child Education: A Case Study Of Alen Du Primary School, Kisumu-Keny A.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARA'fION .................................................................................................................. i iPPR_OViL ........................................................................................................................ ii l)f:iDJC1-"fION .................................................................................................................. iii lCI(NOVLEDGElVlENT .................................................................

The Study Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of Mothers Towards Family Planning In Arda Regional Refeeral Hospital

ABSTRACT This report on the " Study of Knowledge, Practices and Attitude of Mothers" carried out in Arna Referral Hospital at the Family Planning Unit specifically to find out; mothers' knowledge, attitude, participation in regard to family planning as well as its impact on their welfare. To comprehend the problem of the study, the researcher carried out a documentary review on the literature. The study employed a descriptive exploratory design based on qualitative and quantitative approaches...

Academic Performance Of Pupils In Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Mabera Division, Kuria District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study focused on the impact or teacher's quality and teaching resources in teaching Mathematics in Primary schools. Performance of the learners is a basic indicator of effective learning. Grade scored in internal examinations are normally used as measures of the subjects. In this study, the researcher looked into qualifications, experience of teachers, teaching resources and the methods employed during instruction. The study further established that there are other factors that...

Effects Of Drug Abuse On The Students' Academic. Performance In The Selected Secondary Schools Wajir District Of North-Eastern Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at carrying out an assessment on the effects of drug abuse on the students' academ1c performance in the selected secondary schools. The study used a casual comparative research design which involved descriptive, which was used because of its ability to describe results from questionnaires and interviews. The respondents were randomly selected and categorized. They comprised of both sexes, ·but of different marital statuses and age groups and the study used 100 r...

Some Factors Affecting School Administration Under Free .Primary Education In Funyula Division, Samia District, Rift Valley Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was concerned with some factors affecting School Administration under Free Primary Education in Funyula division, Sarnia North District, Western Province - Kenya. The study identified the factors, their impacts and the measures of solving them. Using a cross-sectional survey research design, the samples employed in the study were got from the F.P.E Schools. The researcher made use of the questionnaire technique with the aid of focus group discussions to collect data. The...

Quality And Productivity Of Teachers In Selected Public Secondary Schools In Matinyani Division Kitui District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between teacher quality and learners performance in different subjects in KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) in the selected secondary schools of, Matinyani Division Kitui District, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives; i) findind out the profile of the respondents, ii) leve of teacher quality, iii) level of teacher productivity and finding out the relationship between teacher quality and teac...

Relationship Between Female Genital Mutilation And The Academic Performance Ofthe Girl Child, Case Study In Suam Sub County, Bukwo District, Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT This research deals with female genital mutilation and its relationship on the girl child education in Suam sub-county, Bukwo District. Mutilation is done as a way of maintaining culture in some societies, crossing over to a different age/set group and woman hood too. Some countries like Somalia and Sudan do it for public recognition. However, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM!C) has been outlawed in many countries Uganda inclusive because of its associated evils towards girl ch...

781 - 795 Of 1340 Results