Art Education Research Papers/Topics

The Effects Of Drug Abuse On Students Behaviour A Case Study Of Kabiyet Division Nandi District

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the relationship between drug abuse on students behaviour and was driven by three objectives: To assess the types of drugs used by the students at school and its effect on academic performance, to establish the various types of indiscipline problems experienced in academic performance and to identify the ways in which school management authorities deal with indiscipline students. To achieve these objectives the researcher sampled 60 respondents from v...

Assessment Of The Motivation Of Secondary School Teachers In Mukono Town

ABSTRACT This was an exploratory study about the motivation of secondary school teachers in Mukono town. This was after the realisation that many Ugandan teachers were suffering from low morale due to the hard working conditions [i.e. lower salaries, unsupportive parents, lack of career development, job insecurity, undisciplined pupils, lack of stipends, etc] and this was bound to affect the teaching-learning process. The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to find...

Motivation And Teachers’ Performance In Bushenyi District

ABSTRACT  The key aspects of teaching involves the use of instructional materials, teaching methods, regular assessment of students, making lesson plans, assessment of pupils, conduct of fieldwork, teachers’ participation in sports, attending school assembly and guidance and counseling. A research gap was evident in investigating whether motivation of teachers increased their morale to perform as well as the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the performance of teachers. The s...

Causes of school drop out on girls' performance of selected primary schools in matete west zone, ma tete district, kenya.

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to detem1ine the causes of school drop out on girls in Matete West zone, ,Matete District, Kenya and come up with possible strategies to solve the problem. In the collection of data, all sources viewed relevant to this particular study were revisited and employed. This study used a descriptive cross sectional survey. The research used both the qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches in order to get a bigger picture both in number and d...

Street Vending And The Struggle Against Poverty In The Central Business District Of Kampala City

ABSTRACT This study explored street vending and the struggle against poverty in the CBD of Kampala City. This was after the realisation that liberalisation and rapid urbanisation of Kampala City have left tens of thousands of the city residents in squalid conditions where abject and absolute poverty rule. The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to explore the basis for the growth of street vending in the CBD of Kampala City; to examine the effects of Street vending...

Effect Of Poverty On Academic Performance Of Pupils At Masalani Primary School In Masalani Zone, Ijara District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of poverty on pupil's academic performance of the selected primary schools m Masalani Zone, Ijara District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in Masalani Zone, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Masalani Zone. The methods used for data collection was questionnaires to t...

Pastoralism And Range Land Management In Ngoma Subcounty.

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to explore the impact of pastoralism on rangeland management in Ngoma sub-county. This was after the realization of the degradation of the rangelands due to human activities such as pastoralism. The study took the form of a case study of Ngoma sub-county in which the data collected was both qualitative and quantitative. The study design also involved purposive sampling. The data were collected using interviews, observation and questionnaire for primary data ...

Determination Of Students' Academic Performance In Private School A Case Study Of Nkenge Province Kagera Regiontanzania

ABSTRACT The study based on the determinants of students' performance in private schools in Nkenge province - Kagera region in Tanzania. The purpose of the study was to investigate the root causes of good performance in private schools in Nkenge province. The study was guided by the following objectives; identifying factors to god performance in private schools in Nkenge province, assessing the number of trained and qualified teachers in these private schools, identifying the availability an...

Motivation And The Performance Of Primary School Teachers In Uganda: A Case Of Kameke County, Pallisa District.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION. APPROVAL .11 ACRONYMS / ABBREVIATION iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Objectives of the study 5 1.3.1 General objective of the study 5 1.3.2 Specific objectives 5 1.4 Research questions s 1.5 Scope of the study 1.5.1 Content scope 5 1.5.2 Geographical scope 5 1.5.3 Time Scope 1.6 Significance of the study s 1.7Conceptual framework 6 1.8 Definition of key terms 7 1....

The School Environment In Primary And Secondary Schools Inmasinga Division Yatta District In Kenya

ABSTRACT The performance of science in national exams has been deteriorating over last few years. This is so in majority of primary schools in Kenya and especially Yatta district. The situation may not be different in other districts Kenya. The problem is therefore global concern given that most of the technology is statistical based with a science orientation. Science being a branch of science that deals with precision and quantitative applications is widely appreciated in many fields. Thes...

School Management And Learners Performance In Selected Primary Schools Of Kabiemit Zone, Nandicounty,Kenya

ABSTRACT A qualitative study was carried out in Kabiemit educational zone to assess the roles of Head teachers in managing schools and learner's performance. The following objectives guided the study; to establish the relationship between coordination and academic performance; to find out the influence of the headmasters ability to organize; to establish whether provision of growth and development has any impact on performance. The instruments used to collect data was a questionnaire which w...

Disciplinary Measures For Effectiveness Of Class Control For Suneka Zone, Kish South District

ABSTRACT This research was about the measures pre-school teachers take when faced with misbehavior from children in and outside class. Efforts have been made to emphasize the aspects of misbehavior which the research is intended to investigate. In the statement of the problem, it is stated that the poor adjustment of young children, leaving the safety of their homes for the first time, does make it very hard for teachers to control them. The aim of the study was to find out the methods used ...

Factors contributing to the girls drop out of public primary schools in w alda! Zone, belgut division , kakiptui village of riftvalley province-kericho west district-kenya

ABSTRACT  The study focused on some basic factors contributing to the dropout of girls in Public primary schools in W ALDAI Zone. It took a cross sectional survey design which Involved head teachers and teachers as respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The findings revealed that poverty, limited community mobilization, cultural Factors, institutional factors and political factors contribute to girls dropout. There is need to adopt alternative strategies in orde...

Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling Programmes In Alleviating Indiscipline In Secondary Schools In Ainabkoi Division, Uasin Gishu District, Rift Valley Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The need for guidance and counselling- Kenya became more important in the early 1960's. This was the time the country was anticipating independence. There was need to get Kenyans who would work in industries to replace the expatriates who were leaving the country. Therefore the guidance that was required then was vocational. Since then the guidance and counselling has been recognized and diversified in various government reports and educational commissions. Development plans and pol...

How The Teaching Methods Affect Performance Of English Language In Someselected Schools In Bungoma South District- Kenya

ABSTRACT  Every part of the world has embraced English language. It is assumed that one can communicate with one out of four in English. It is due to its popularity and importance that the teaching and learning of English language be emphasized for desired results to be ' . realized. Therefore, it is imperative that effective teaching methods be employed to enhance the teaching and learning of the language. If all efforts and energies were directed towards making English language excel, for ...

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