Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Industrial Development And The State Of The Natural Environment, A Case Of Abogeta Division, Meru Central District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the industrial development and the state of the natural environment, a case of Abogeta Division Meru Central District Kenya. The objectives of the study were to assess the extent to which the establishment of industries have contributed to air pollution, establish the effects of industrial pollution on water and land, find out how the establishment of industries has contributed to the destruction of the natural forests and to assess the i...

Effects Of Nutrition On Growth And Development Of Pupils In Selected Primary Schools Of Lower Ny Aka Ch Division, Ny Ando Disrtict, Kenya

BSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of nutrition Oil growth and development in primary education in Upper Nyakach Division Nyakach Disrricr Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of nutrition primary education pupils in relation to; growth and development in school achievement, Health and determine the importance of nutrition on primary education pupils. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the teachers ...

Motivation And Service Delivery In Secondary Schools A Case Of Schools In Makindye Division, Kampala District — Uganda

ABST~CT The study assessed the Impact of Motivation and Service Delivery in Secondary Schools: A Case of Schools in Makindye Division, Kampala District — Uganda. The objectives of the study included: To determine the impact of directors or Head teachers on teachers’ motivation, establish the implications of teachers’ lack of motivation in secondary school and determine whether there is a significant relationship between the motivation and service delivery in secondary schools in Makindy...

The Impact Of Environment On Performance In Schools: A Case Study Of Sotik Tea Highlands Borabu Division, Nyamira District

Abstract Our Environment is our surrounding. This includes living and non-living things around us. The non-living components of environment are land, water and air. The living components are germs, plants, animals and people. All plants and animals adjust to the environment in which they are born and live. A charge in any component of the environment may cause discomfort and affect normal life. Any unfavorable change or degeneration in the environment is known as 'Environmental Pollution. Abo...

Effect Of Religion On The Academic Performance Of Students In Nakaloke Sub County, !Mba.Ale District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to establish the impact of religion on the academic performance of students. The population in this study involved teachers and girls of the sampled schools in the sub county. The main instruments employed in this study were open and closed ended questionnaires and structured interview guides. This research paper is made up of the following major parts; Chapter one is the introductory part. It consists of the background information, statement of the problem...

Causes of drug abuse in public secondary schools in Kenya: A case of wote division in makueni district, eastern province Kenya .

Abstract Drug Abuse is a problem World wide. It is a scourge that does not respect national boundaries, race, creed, level of education, age or economic status Use of drugs is as old as mankind and had been an integral part of each society. Man has been using substances from plants as medicines. When drugs are properly administered they are medicinal blessings to human beings. Man had basically all communities knew how to make alcohols. With onset of modem science we have seen refining and st...

Child Abuse And Learner's Academic Performance In Public Primary Schools In Lare Location Njro District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out was to establish the effects of child abuse on pupil's academic performance in Primary Schools in Lare location, Njoro District in Kenya. The formulated objectives guided the study; to trace the prevailing form (){child abuse; to establish whether child abuse was a common practice in primary schools, to establish the relationship between child abuse and academic performance on learners. The researcher used a purposive sampling technique to pick on responde...

The Impact Of Human Immunal Virus On Academic Performance In Mparo Mixed School In Rukiga County Kabale District

HIV 1 AIDS is the abbreviation for "Human immunal virus for "HIV" " a minute organism that can not be seen with our naked eyes but only with the help of microscopic instruments. It attacks and enters a disease free human body which is immune and defended the white blood cells (body defense mechanism). The virus after entering the human body flights these cells and eventually defeats them with time. The virus starts to multiply within the blood stream where it moves until it totally weakness t...

Challenges Faced In Teaching Mentally Retarded Pupils In Regular Primary Schools Of Ngima Zone, Mbinga District, Tanzania.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ....................................................................................... .i Dedication ....................................................................................... .ii Acknowledgement ............................................................................ .iii Approval ............................................................................................... iv Table of contents ....................................................

Causes Of Student Unrest In Selected Secondary Schools Of Chuka Division, Meru South District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding out the cause of unrest in secondary schools in Chuka Division, Ivleru south district. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews as tools of data collection. The study revealed that dull curriculum, poor communication, lack of proper facilities, drug abuse, peer pressure and indisciplined students. It also concluded that destruction of properties, poor academic performance, death of students and poor relationship between teachers and students are a...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Students In National Examinations: A Case Study Of Chinato Division, Kuria East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to determine the relationship between teacher factors and students performance 111 KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) in Kuna East District within Kenya. Relevant literature related to the field of study was gathered and this assisted the researcher get a clear picture of wl1at the e11tIre study was to entail. ;.. descriptive design was viewed relevant for use in this study and together the application of questionnaires and interview guides. the ...

Assessment Of Parents Support And Academic Performance Of The Mentally Retarded Children In Chepkoiyo Primary School, Kipsaina Zone, Kaplamai Division, Trans-Nzoia East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of parent's involvement in education on the academic performance of the mentally retarded children in public primary schools of Kenya specifically the study intended to: determine whether cultural beliefs among the parents affects the enrolment of mentally retarded children in the zone; determine whether the parents teach their mentally retarded children adaptive skills; To establish whether the parents of mentally retarded children play their role eff...

Students’ Leadership And Its Role In Promotion Of Discipline In Selected Secondary Schools In Kassanda Sub-County, Mubende District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to establish the impact of students’ leadership on students’ discipline in secondayr schools in, Kasanda sub county Mubende District. The study particularly sought to find out the types of student leadership and their roles in schools, how to involve student leaders in schools and the effect of their involvement on the entire school system. The study was conducted through a descriptive cross sectional research design. Data was collected using questionnai...

Visual Impairements and Learning in an Inclusive Educational Setting. A Case of Selected Primary Schools in Kamasian Zone Kipkelion Division, Kipkelion District of Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The impact of free pnmary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the normal visually fit pupil, but also the visually challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education for the visuall...

School Influence On The Learning Of Mathematics In Selected Primary Schools Komothai Location, Githunguri Division Kiambu District Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematic is an important subject in ctmiculum it improves the ability of students to solve problems and communicate ideas in everyday life. Primary level it is a compulsory subject and is allocated more coverage hours in a week compared to other subjects. Performance of students in mathematics at Gathiru-ini Primary School and other parts of the country has been below average. This trend has persisted inspite of intervention measures taken to alleviate the problem. The objective o...

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