Art Education Research Papers/Topics

An Investigation On The Factors Thailead To Poor Performance Of Mathematics In Secondary Schools Tn Kanjai Zone, Tigania District Kenya

Abstract Kaianjai zone is in Tigania District, Eastern province, Kenya. It has seven secondary schools, of which five are district schools and two provincial boarding schools. District schools are those schools that admit students from the district only. Provincial boarding schools are those that admit students from allover the province. Among the district schools, two are day schools,that is schools, where students do not board in the school. In all these schools. Mathematics is a compulsory...

The Relationship Between Female Education Level And Fertility Rates A Case Study Of Kagulu Subcounty (Buyende District) Uganda

ABSTRACT The present paper deals with the topic of fertility in KAGULU SUBCOUNTY and takes as its point of departure the need to reduce very high fertility, given its potential harmful effects. Two approaches to reducing fertility are identified, viz, coercion and voluntarism. As coercion is rejected, the paper works within a voluntary approach to fertility reduction. This entails trying to understand what causes high fertility to persist so these causes can be targeted. It is discussed how s...

The determinants of students' perfomance in science subjects. A case study of selected secondary schools in makindye division kampala district.

Abstract This study will be about factors that determine the students' performance in science subjects in secondary schools within makindye division Kampala district. According to Baguma in the new vision of 10th February 2007,pg.l, over all results of science subjects (both "O' and A level) postulate that performance in science subjects continues to be problematic ( doubtful)as compared to the arts despite the government policy to make science compulsory-at O level . Amongst the science subj...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Students In National Examinations: A Case Study Of Chinato Division, Kuria East District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study was intended to determine the relationship between teacher factors and students performance 111 KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) in Kuna East District within Kenya. Relevant literature related to the field of study was gathered and this assisted the researcher get a clear picture of wl1at the e11tIre study was to entail. ;.. descriptive design was viewed relevant for use in this study and together the application of questionnaires and interview guides. the...

The Impact Of Gender Stereotype On Recruitment Of Women In Secondary Schools In Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan

ABSTRACT An investigation of the Impact of Gender Stereotype on Recruitment of Women in secondary schools was conducted in Nimule and Pageri towns in Magwi county, southern Sudan. The variables considered include: forms of gender stereotype in society, its effects in the society and the attempts to curb it. The general survey research design was used, methods used in data collection include: oral interviews, questionnaire, observation and photograph taking in the societies. The study reveale...

Factors Affecting The Girl Child’s Academic Performance In Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (Kcse) Among Selected,Schools In Tiriki East Division, Hamisi District Western Province Ken

ABSTRACT The study reveals that participation of the girl child in education is generally low. Girls are more marginalised especially because of the gender roles, inadequate access to resources. Education is not a priority for them; they provide labour in households to subsidize the meagre resources ofthe family. The research was carried out among selected secondary schools in Tiriki East, Division, Hamisi District, Western Province, Kenya; ten schools were selected. The study adopted a desc...

The Impact Of Socio-Economic Factors On Academic Perferformance Of Pupils In Selected Primary Schools Of Mogobich Zone, Nandi-East District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigate the socio-economic factors affecting pupils performance in Mogobich zone and the following objectives guided the study; Investigate the relationship between family background and socio-economic factors. Establish relationship between pupils and academic performance and analyze the effects of socioeconomic factors on school enrolment. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the socioeconom...

Effects Of Teachers' Unethical Conduct On Primary Pupils' Academic Performance In Temeke Municipal Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in TEMEKE municipal council, Dar-es-salaam Tanzania. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of teacher unethical conduct on primary pupils' academic perfonnance. . A total number of 259 respondents were involved as follows; Pupils Officers Teachers Male 91 6 11 female 109 11 31 total 200 17 42 Data was collected using questionnaires and oral interviews. The forms of ethical conduct included teachers, pupils sexual relationships, teachers' sellin...

Challenges facing private primary schools: case study of mwea division, mbeere district in eastren province of kenya.

ABSTRACT  The study carried out an investigation on the challenges faced by private primary schools in their effort to render and supplement the efforts of the government in as far as rendering education to the country's citizens is concerned. The study took Mwea Division; Mbeere District located in Eastern Province of Kenya as a case study. Previous studies indicate that a number of challenges do affect the operations of private primary schools but most importantly, the failure of these sch...

The effects of guidance and couselling as an alternative to canning on secondary schools' discipline. Case study of kasipul division rachuonyo district-kenya.

ABSTRACT This study looked at the effects of guidance and counseling as an alternative to caning on secondary schools discipline. The topic attracted considerable research due to the instances of drug abuse, truancy, defiance and delinquency slowly taking riot in the learning institutions. It has been noted with regret that discipline has been greatly compromised hence falling academic standards. The purpose of the study is to try and examine how effective guidance and counseling has been in...

The Youths And Unemployment In Nakalasa Village, Mukono District

ABSTRACT  This study is on analysis of the youth's unemployment in Uganda. It is meant to establish whether the attentipn has been raised to address the problem of youth unemployment. The study aimed at examining the attitudes of work and it also established circumstances under I which youths survive without being employed as well as the probl~ they face as a result of being unemployed. The study found out that the youths in Nakalasa village faced a lot of problems which are interlinked and ...

The Role Of Appraisal Practices On Teacher Performance In Secondary Schools In Lorengedwat Sub County. Nakapiripirit District

ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the effect of appraisal practices on the performance of teachers in secondary schools of Lorengedwat sub County, Nakapiripirit District. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of appraisal practices in secondary schools of Lorengedwat Sub County on (i) the participation of teachers in school activities (ii) Quality of teaching and (iii) the involvement of teachers in school administration. It has been reported by the DE...

Factors Responsible For School Dropout Among Girllin Lagdera District, Northern Kenya.

ABSTRACT The causes of dropping out of school in any population are manifold and complex. The economic and social consequences of dropping out of school cause global concern, as they affect not only the individual who abandons school, but also his/her family and friends as well as the wider community and society. Recent research statistics has shown that the prevalence of girls dropping out of schools in Kenya is expanding rapidly to the distraction of the society. Kenyans cannot afford to co...

The Adolescents Sexuality Among Secondary Schools Students Causes And Interventions Adopted A Case Study Of Rubaga Divisl~N Kampala Di~Trict Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to establish the cause of sex1:1ality among the adolescents stage in Rubaga Division. Kampala District, this was after realizing the negative effects resulted from sexuality. This chapter presents the result of the analysis of data according to the objectives of the study which were; To find out the causes of sexuality among adolescents, to determine background characteristics of adolescents which have bearing an sexuality and to find out the possible soluti...

Parents' Attitudes Towards The Universal Secondary Education In West Budama County Tororo District

ABSTRACT This study was intended to find out parent's attitudes towards the USE programme in Uganda The study was carried in West Budama county in Tororo District. A sample of four secondary schools under the USE programme was used. These schools included Kiyeyi High School, Mulanda parents secondary school, Katerema secondary school and Mahanga secondary school. The parent's attitudes on USE was investigated under three research questions and these are: I. What is the effect and relationship...

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