Art Education Research Papers/Topics

The Influence Of Drug Abuse On Academic Performance Of secondary school students of sabotia Division Vihiga District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............

The Poor Performance Of English Language At Primary Leaving Examination,A Case Study Of Bukwo,Mokoyon And Rwandet Primary Schools In Bukwo Town Council, Bukwo District.

ABSTRACT This study on the poor performance of English language at primary leaving Examination was carried out in Bukwo, Mokoyon and Rwandet primary schools in Bukwo Town Council,Bukwo District, Schools were purposively selected while pupils and the teaching force were randomly selected and data was collected by direct interviews, questionnaires to respondents and direct observation Although limited by time, the results are expected to indicate the extent to which the study areas have been af...

Learning Challenges Of Students With Low Vision In Kisumu Integrated Programmes, Kisumu District Kenya

ABSTRACT The objective of the study is to investigate the impending challenges faced by leainers with low vision on the integrated programmes in Kisumu District. The predicainent of these leainers remains unresolved if vital resources, personnel and environmental modification are not upgraded to suit their needs. The insensitiveness of the general school community to involve these leainers in facing difficulties with adequate assistance rather thai1 placing these leainer in Special schools fo...

The Effect Of Learning Materials On Performance Of Children In School: A Case Study Of Ekerenyo Nyamira District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of learning materials on performance in schools. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; to determine different kinds of learning materials, to identify the effects of learning materials on performance and to assess the relationship between learning materials and performance in schools. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with introduction, chapter two consists of the related literature, chapter three consists of ...

Effects Of Draught On Economic Development Of The People Of Kotido District. A Case Study Of Nakapelimoru Sub County.

TABLE OF CONTENT. DECLARATION ................................................................. . APPROVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 DEDICATION .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... . ... . .. ... ... . . . . .. ... .. . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . .... 111 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Causes Of Low Performance In Chemistry At Mbale High School In Vihiga District, Western Province - Kenya

ABSTRACT The research work is an investigation of courses of low performance in chemistry at K.C.S.E level. Chemistry being a core course in secondary schools in Kenya and for entry into important career fields, the research tries to examine some of the courses of low performance in the subject and recommend some measures to alleviate the problem. Method used in the data collection included questionnaires, observation and reading of documentation available in school library. The methods were ...

Causes Of Students 'Poor Performance In English At Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Examination In Kanyenyaini Location Murang'a District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study is based on the causes of poor performance in English at Kenya certificate of secondary examination particularly in Kanyenyaini location of Muranga District, Kenya. The researcher had observed that there has been a very low intake of students at Kenyenyaini location in public universities and tertiary colleges due to poor performance in English at K.C.S.E. The study based on the gestalt theory of learning that shows how the environment can affect learning. The researchers...

Historical Consciousness And Character Formation In Yvonne Owuor’s Dust

ABSTRACT  This study investigates the role played by historical consciousness in character formation and identity as presented by Yvonne Owuor in Dust. The desire for an individual to identify with a certain group of people whether politically, ethnically, or culturally drives this study to interrogate whether this desire is motivated by the individual’s historical consciousness. This consciousness is gained from experiences that are narrated by the people who were directly affected by the...

Headteachers’ Administrative Challenges That Affect Academic Performance Of Day Secondary Schools In Igoji East Division Of Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the administrative challenges that headteachers face which affect academic performance in the day secondary schools in Igoji East Division. This study was guided by the following specific objectives: to investigate if discipline is an administrative challenge affecting the academic performance of day secondary schools in Igoji East Division, to find out the extent to which finance is an administrative challenge that affects the academic perfo...

The Aesthetics Of Discontent And Dissidence In Lesego Rampolokeng’s Blackheart: Epilogue To Insanity (2004) And Whiteheart: Prologue To Hysteria (2005)

Abstract This study examines the motifs of discontent and dissidence in the two novels by the South African poet, playwright and novelist Lesego Rampolokeng. The study is based on the premise that black South African writers use literature as a vehicle for self-expression to communicate the traumatic pain of systemic racism of apartheid as a lived experience that still influences the way black South Africans relate with themselves and with others whose existence is shaped by the psychologica...

The Influnce Of English Towards Students Performance In Kiswahili Language In Selected Rural Secondary Schools Kenyenya District Kenya.

ABSRACT The study analyzed the influence of English Towards student’s performance in Kiswahili language in selected rural secondary schools in Kenyenya district, Kenya. It was guided by objectives that included assessing the effects of learning English and performance of students in Kiswahili language; to find out the problems faced by students in learning Kiswahili language and how these problems affect their academic performance. The research study was base on the following theories; the ...

Motivation And Academic Perfomance Of Learners With Low Emotional And Behavioural Disorders In Chakol Boys Primary School Teso District Kenya

ABSTRACT The mam purpose of the study was to determine motivation and the academic performance of learners. The specific objectives of the study were to determine how motivation helped children with emotional and behavioral disorders, Find out the causes of emotional and behavior difficulties and to determine the academic performance of learners with emotional disorders The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the teachers and tests for the pupils The study revealed that em...

Impact Of Strikes On Secondary Schools' Students Performance In Hanang District A Case Study Of Endasack And Nangwa Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding the impact of strikes on secondary schools students' performance in Nangwa and Endasack secondary schools in Hanang district as the case study area. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews as tools of data collection; these were administered to students, education officers, and teachers who were the source of data collection. The study was guided by the following objectives; To establish the relationship between strikes and academic performance i...

The Impact Of Formal Education On The Level Of Civilazation In Karamoja Region Acase Study Of Napak District In North Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT Despite of the importance of Formal education as a foundation for the country’s development for increased number of literacy people in the country, the Ministry of Education spends less than three percent of its budget on this sub—sector 1he General objective of the study was to determine the impact of formal education on the level of civilization. The research study was conducted between March 2015 and may 2015. The study was carried in Napak district in northern parts of U...

The Effect Of Drug Abuse Among Pupils In Watamu Zone In Malindi District (Kenya)

ABSTRACT The study was designed to establish the effects of drugs on E.C.D.E children's academic performance in Watarnu zone in Malindi District. In order to realise the study, the researcher used interview guides and questionnaires to get the data intended. The researcher produced ten copies of interview guides and ten of questionnaire to gather the required information on misuse of drugs in the Watarnu zone in Malindi district. Teachers of various schools assisted in interviewing pupils ag...

886 - 900 Of 1340 Results