Art Education Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Thematic Curriculum On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Oyam District The Case Of Minakulu Sub-County

ABSTRACT This study was about the effect of automatic curriculum on academic performance in Oyam District. The study focused on the use of local language, continuous assessment, instructional materials and themes and how they affect academics performance of pupils in Oyam district. Information on the existing materials were searched from both primary and secondary sources. The researcher used both probability and non probability methods of sampling. The uses of questionnaires, interviews, obs...

Preparation And Academic Performance Of Students In Selected Secondary Schools In Kiabuya Zone Suba-District Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of study in this research work was, Teachers preparation and academic performance of students in selected secondary schools in Kiabuya zone Suba District Kenya. This study was guided by such objectives like these ones stated below: To establish whether teachers do preparations of lesson plans. To find out if teachers prepare and use teaching aids. To find out the relationship between teachers preparation and academic performance of students in schools. The populatio...

The Impact Of Tourism On The Academic Perfrmance Of Visually Impaired Learners In Selected Primary Schools In Kaloleni Zone, Kaloneni District-Kenya

ABSTRACT Tourism in Kenya is almost exclusively centered on two geographical areas; the south coast beaches and a handful of game reserves or national parks. A I SO-kilometre strip of coastline north and south of Mombasa is lined with beach hotels designed for package tours and contains half of all tourism development in the country. This concentration spread the benefits (and costs) along the coast and also the country as a whole. Despite the fact that tourism is such an important sector of ...

The Effects Of Integration Of Business Studies On The Teaching Methodology Of Secondary School Teachers In Nairobi South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was designed to identify the effects of integration of business studies on the teaching methodology of secondary school teachers in Nairobi South district, Kenya. It focused on the effect of merging related subjects into one subject and how this can influence the teaching methods of teachers Effects of these changes on the teaching methodology were examined. A descriptive research design was used in this study. Fifty Business studies teachers were involved as responden...

The Effects Of Alternative Disciplinary Measures On The Performance Of Students: Case Study Of Takaba Primary/Secondary School-Mandera District Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The study looked at the effects of alternative disciplinary measures on students discipline after the ban on corporal punishment by the government of Kenya. Following the ban, cases of student's indiscipline appeared to be on the increase hence sparking off debate on the re - introduction of corporal punishment. fhe topic attracted considerable research due to the instances of drug abuse, truancy, defiance md delinquency slowly taking riot in the learning institutions. t has been no...

Poverty And School Drop Out In Molo Sub-County Tororo District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causers of poverty and school drop out of students selected in schools in Mob Sub-county, Tororo District, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to fmncl out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on school dropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Mob Sub-county, Tororo District. Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionnaires for...

Effects Of Child Abuse On School Children In Embolot Location, Marakwet District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The researcher had noted that there were various practices of child abuse in Embolot Location, Marakwet district. So the study had sought to probe the effects of these abuses on school children. The study was aimed at answering the following research questions: 1. What are the various forms of child abuse that exist in primary schools in Embolot Location7 2. What are the effects of child abuse on school children! 3. What are the ways of alleviating child abuse in schools7 Both qualit...

Assessment Of Management Skills Of Educational Administrators And Managers Towards Services Delivered By Teachers In Makindye Division, Kampala, Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .1 APPROVAL DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Back ground of the study 1 1.2. Statement of the problem 3 1.3. Purpose of the study 3 1.4. Objectives of the study 3 1.5. Research questions 4 1.6 Hypothesis of the study 4 1.7. The scope of the study 4 1.7.lTime scope; 4 1.7.2 Content scope 4 1.7.3 Geographical scope 4 1.8. The significance of the study s 1.9 Operational Definition of Terms 5 CHAPITER TWO 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.0. Theoretical perspect...

Poverty And Pupils' Academic Performance In The Selected Primary Schools Of Tulwet Zone, Wareng District, Kenya

Abstract The Purpose Of This Study Was To Establish The Effects Of Poverty On Pupil's Academic Performance Of The Selected Primary Schools In Wareng District Kenya. The Specific Objectives Of The Study Were To Investigate The Relationship Between The Effects Mentioned And Academic Performance In Tulwet Zone, And To Investigate The Role Of The Community In Alleviating Poverty And Improving Education In Tulwet Zone. The Methods Used For Data Collection Was Questionnaires To The Staff Members O...

Effctiveness Of Free Primary Education On Withdrawing Children From Child Labour In Ngewa Zone-Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the effectiveness of Free Primary Education on Withdrawing Children from Child Labour. The study was carried out on selected schools in,. Kipipiri division Nyandarua District - Kenya. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of learners' attitude and perfonnance of English Language. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the impact of learners' attitude on performance of English language, to establish the relationship between...

The Impact Of Female Genital Mutilation On Girl Child Education A Case Study Of Solai Zone Nakuru District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact female genital mutilation and learner academic performance of learners. The objectives were to establish the relationship between FGM and academic performance of learners. The study also examined the strategies used to stop FGM. The study used across -sectional survey design to analyze both quantitative and qualitative. The researcher collected data from 3 schools with a population of 200 respondents. The researcher used a questionna...

Teaching Methods And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Mathematics In Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education In Ruiru Division Central Province, Kenya

~srncr. The research is based on the teaching methods and performance & pupils in Mathematics in Kenya certificate of secondary education (K.C.S.E). A case study in Ruiru Division, central province, Kenya The research objective was to determine the relationship between teaching of pupils and their performance in Mathematics as a subject. The researcher investigated the problem on the ground and the reasons why students hate and fail Mathematics especially girls. He also dealt with the relatio...

Factors That Affect Students’ Performance In Mathematics In Selected Secondary Schools In Bondo District Nyanza Province - Kenya

ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to determine Gender mathematics concepts’ perception and its effects on academic performance of students in selected secondary schools in Bondo District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between girls’ attitude and performance in mathematics, Investigate the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ performance in mathematics, Determine the relationship between the curriculum and pe...

School Resources And Students' Academics Performance. A Case Study Of Secondary School Of Central Division, Tran-Zoia West District Rift-Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT. The study on school resources and student's academic performance was carried out in secondary schools of Central Division Tran-Zoia West District Rift Valley Province .The objectives of the study were to find out; the resource availability in schools and their accessibility, to establish the relationship between school resources and academic performance, to find out steps taken by government to improve school resources. A sample size of 204 was used out of the total population of 6...

Administrative Problems Encountered By Public Primary School Headteachers In Kalamba Division, Nzaui District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study was to investigate and examine the problems encountered by primary school head teachers during their day-to-day work of administering primary schools in Kalamba Division. The objectives of the study were to identify the kind of administrative problems encountered by public primary school head teachers, determine whether administration problems have any effect on the academic performance of pupils, and to suggest ways on how such problems can be sol...

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