Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Academic performance of human immuno deficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome of infected learners in primary schools in matungu division, kenya.

ABSTRACT. The study recounted the academic performance of orphaned children affected by Human immunodeficiency virus/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/ AIDS) in regular primary schools in Matungu division. The writer used quantitative approach, design used was case study. The population was all schools in Matw1gu division. The sampled schools are 5 primary schools and convenient sampling was used to pick the schools, system~tic sampling was used to get her respondents. The instruments...

Teacher Quality And Student Achievement In Kiswahili In Primary Schools Of Kasipul Division, South Rachuonyo District, Nyanza Province Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to study the effect of kiswahili teacher quality on the academic achievement of students in the selected schools of Kasipul Division, Kinango District of Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine if teachers motivation affects academic performance of students in Kasipul Division, to determine whether the teachers qualification affects academic achievement of students in Kasipul Division, and to investigate whether if facilities at school aff...

The Relationship Between Truanc~Academic Performances In Ngaru Primary Schools, Kuhuro Division Murang’a District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine the relationship between truancy academic performance in Ngaru primary schools, Kuhuro division Murang’a district kenya The specific objectives of the study were to find out the factors that cause to truancy in primary schools, investigate some factors responsible for truancy in primary schools and to finP the recommendations that can help solve the problem The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the teachers The study reve...

Poverty And The Quality Of Education In The Selected Secondary Schools In Kalungu County Masaka District Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between poverty and the quality of education in secondary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in primary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda , and to investigate the role of the community on alleviating poverty and improving education in secondary schools in Kalungu co...

Solid Waste Management In Kisumu Munisp Ality Ny Anza Province Kisumu District Kenya

ABSTRACT  A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in Kisumu municipality, Kisumu district- Kenya between 20'" may to 20th July, 2008. The main objective was tc determi,1;, solid waste in Kisumu municipality. Specifically, the study objectives include; Identification of methods of solid waste management , to determine the level of awarnness on dangers of improper solid waste management in the study area, and to find out the role of local and town council in management of solid waste...

Causes And Effects Of School Dropout In The Community Of Kawempe North Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study on the causes and effects of students’ school dropouts was carried out in Kawempe North Division, Kampala District in Central Uganda. The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes and effects of school dropout in schools. The research was guided by the objectives of the study which included; finding out the causes of school dropouts in Kawempe North Division, finding out the effects of students school dropouts in the community of Kawempe North division. The samp...

Social Interaction And Academic Perfromance Of Learners In Selected Schools In Nairobi North District West Lands Division - Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of social interaction on children's academic performance. The objectives of the study were to establish to the relationship between social interaction and academic performance of the learner. The researcher used a case study design. A representative sample was made from the target population though simple random sampling method. A representative sample of 30% was drawn from the target population to satisfy the requirement of data c...

The Impact Of School Feeding Programme On Academic Perfomance Of Primary School Pupils In Ngagngati Primary School Athi Division Mutomo District Kenya

Table of Content DECLARATlON: ............................................................................................................... .! APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... II DEDICATION .............................................................................................................. iii ACI T.ABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................

Impact Of Teaching Methods On Students' Perfomance In Mathematics, Within Bo Met District, Kenya

Abstract The Study On Impact Of Teaching Methods On Students' Performance In Mathematics Was Conducted Within Bomet District In Kenya. The General Objective Formulated So As To Realize This Study Had Been Formulated As: This Study Is Intended To Determine The Impact Of Teaching Methods On Performance Of Students In Mathematics. In Order To Achieve The Objectives Of The Study, Research Questions Were Formulated. In Review Of Related Literature, All Other Authors' Works Or Contentions In Relat...

The effects of gender issues on the academic performance of learners in secondary schools.

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of the gender issues on the academic performance of learners in selected schools of Lari division, Kiambu west district, Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: examine the impact of gender on academic performance of learners Lari division, Kiambu, Kenya and to examine strategies used by schools to improve on the academic performance of the girls and boys in Abothuguchi west division. The methods used for data collection...

Causes Of Poor Performance In Mathematics In Murkan Secondary School, Murkan Location, Kirindon Division, Trans Mara District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research is aimed at identifying the root causes of poor performance in mathematics at Muukan Secondary Schools. The research involves the students, mathematics teachers and principal of Murkan Secondary. The education officer within Kirindon Division has also been involved in this research. To facilitate the research I have developed the questionnaires that have been responded by selected students, mathematics teachers, principal and quality assurance and standard officer withi...

Causes Of Poor Performance Of Students At Uganda Certificate Of Education (U.C.E) In The Selected Schools Of Makindye Ssaabagabo-W Akiso District

ABSTRACT This research focused on the causes of poor academic performance of students at Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) in Makindye Ssaabagabo - Wakiso District. It was based on the following objectives; The causes of poor academic pe1formance of students at U CE, the effects of poor academic performance and the possible measures to reduce poor academic pe,formance at U CE . This research used a cross section survey research because the study was descriptive in nature. The resear...

Effects Of Girls School Drop Out On Academic Performance In Kapsabet Zone, Kapsabet Division, Nandi Central District,Keny A

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to determine the causes of school drop out on girls in Kapsabet zone, ,Nandi Central District, Kenya and come up with possible strategies to solve the problem. In the collection of data, all sources viewed relevant to this pa1ticular study were revisited and employed. This study used a descriptive cross sectional survey. The research used both the qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches in order to get a bigger picture both in number a...

Motivation And Teachers Performance At Kioge Primary School Masocho Zone Kiisi District Nyanza Province Kenya

ABSTRACT This study set out purposely to detennine the effect of motivation on teacher performance at Kioge pnmary school Masocho zone Kiisi district Nyanza province Kenya. Specifically the study intended to establish the motivation practices undertaken at the Kioge Primary school, find out the factors that affect teacher's performance at Kioge primary school and to find out the relationship between motivation and teacher performance. The study made use of a cross sectional research design an...

Corrporal Punishment And Postive Decipline On Studnets Of Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine effects of corporal punishment on pupils of Sos Herman Umeiner Eldoret, Uasin Gishu district Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: Ident[{v the Causes of corporal punishment Determine the P;ychological E:f!LpunL~hment, Investigate the Social consequences of corporal punishment, deteJ7!1.ine the Physical effects of corporal punishment, determine how Corporal punishment leads to School Drop Out and determine the effects of co...

871 - 885 Of 1340 Results