Curriculum Studies Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Teacher Characteristics On Integration Of Information Communication And Technology In Teaching In Ict Champion Schools In Machakos Sub- County.

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher characteristics on ICT integration in teaching in ICT Champion schools in Machakos Sub-county. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the influence of teacher’s demographic factors, teacher attitude teacher’s subject specialization, teacher’s level of training and teacher’s teaching experience on ICT integration on teaching in ICT champion schools in Machakos Sub –County. Th...

Teachers’ And Students’ Perspectives On Contribution Of Remedial Tuition In Implementing Integrated Business Studies Curriculum In Secondary Schools In Ugenya District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Remedial tuition is one of the mitigating strategies used by teachers to address the challenge of implementing the broad integrated Business Studies curriculum in secondary schools in Kenya. It is conducted with the view to enhancing content coverage and to improve performance. Sometimes it has been abused by teachers who use it as a means to make extra income. The government has also cast aspersions on its real worth through policy regulations. Contribution of remedial tuition in im...

Influence Of Teacher Characteristics On Integration Of Information Communication And Technology In Teaching In Ict Champion Schools In Machakos Sub- County

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher characteristics on ICT integration in teaching in ICT Champion schools in Machakos Sub-county. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the influence of teacher’s demographic factors, teacher attitude teacher’s subject specialization, teacher’s level of training and teacher’s teaching experience on ICT integration on teaching in ICT champion schools in Machakos Sub –County. Th...

Relationship Between School Climate And Students’ Subject Choice In Public Secondary Schools In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT School climate is the collective characteristic of an organization-the overall atmosphere that one senses on entering a school. It is the quality of the character of school life based on patterns of students, parents and school administration. It has three essential dimensions, Physical, Social and Academic which all impacts on students’ subject choice. Subject choice is crucial in the life of students because the choice they make determine the career path they shall pursue in life...

Assessment Of Challenges Of Implementing History And Government Curriculum In Secondary Schools In Ugenya Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT It is the desire of all stakeholders in education that teachers and students achieve good results. However, in Ugenya Sub-County, the mean score for History and Government had declined in between the years 2013 and 2017. The Sub-County was chosen for study because in comparison to other sub-counties, it registered a huge drop in performance in KCSE examinations. This trend implied that there were challenges with curriculum implementation which needed to be established with an intenti...

Development And Validation Of Practical Gardening Skills Package For Junior Secondary Schools In Lagos State

ABSTRACT The study was an attempt to carry out a survey of the practical skills that can be developed from the farming operations specified as necessary for JOS students acquisition by the National Agricultural Science Curriculum; determine the importance of the selected vegetable gardening and the importance of the selected vegetable gardening and management skills; assess the level of experience expected of JSS students; develop a teaching package and test items for teaching and assessing t...

Relationship Between Homework Practices And Performance In Mathematics Among Public Day Secondary School Students In Hamisi Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Homework is a task that teachers assign to students to be completed outside the class time. It is an important tool for enhancing instruction as it is designed to reinforce what students have already learned and to prepare them for upcoming lessons and tasks. Various endevour have been employed to improve performance in mathematics including homework which teachers give to students at various amounts and frequencies. However, research done so far does not give guidance on the amount ...

Evaluation Of The Teacher Factors On The Integration Of Information Communication Technology Into Teaching And Learning In Public Primary Schools In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information Communication Technology (ICT) is perceived as a catalyst for change in teaching styles, learning approaches and accessing information in the world. It can be used to analyze, present information in the classroom, to facilitate delivery of instructions and learning process. ICT enables access to ideas and experience from a wide range of people, communities and cultures. It is for this reason that most countries have integrated ICT into their teaching in elementary schools...

Assessment Of Curriculum Supervision Training Needs Of Public Primary School Head Teachers In Bungoma West Sub - County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Effective internal supervision of curriculum is necessary for educational institutions to offer quality education to learners. Thus head teachers should possess requisite knowledge, skills and attitude in curriculum supervision. In Bungoma West Sub-County low academic achievement is an issue in most public primary schools. This is attributed to various factors, with inefficiency in internal curriculum supervision often mentioned by stakeholders in the Sub-County as one of the factors...

An Evaluation Of The Nigerian Primary School Social Studies Curriculum

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Nigerian Primary School Social Studies Curriculum. The justification of this study is that there has been no national evaluation carried out on this curriculum since its inception into Nigeria Primary schools. This study was also considered necessary to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum and to provide a possible feedback so as to enhance quality control Extensive literature review had been carried out in the area of ...

Factors Influencing Education Stakeholders Perception On Private Tuition In Public Primary Schools In Machakos Sub-County, Machakos County

ABSTRACT Private tuition refers to be tutoring offered outside mainstream teaching. The study sought to establish the factors influencing educational stakeholders’ perception on the need for private tuition in public primary schools in Machakos Sub-County. The study was guided by three research objectives; to investigate the difference in prevalence for private tuition among parents, teachers and pupils, to determine the extent to which curriculum load influences the need for private tuitio...

The Use Of Socio - Dramatic Play Technique In Teaching Verbal And Numerical Problems In Nursery Schools

ABSTRACT The Nigerian parents assessment of the effectiveness of pre-school education centres around the speed and the extent to which their pre-school children master the academic skills. This inappropriate index of academic success has resulted in the predominance of drills and memorisation as the commonest feature of the pre-school classes. Play, which is one of the best methods through which 'the pre-school age children learn, has been relocated to a state of recess or total abandonment i...

The Relationship Between Knowledge Of Mathematical Concepts And Problem-Solving Ability In School Mathematics

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, it seeks to investigate the relationship between students' knowledge of mathematical concepts and their problem-solving ability with due consideration for their computational ability and comprehension of mathematics language. Secondly, it intends to find out whether teachers' methods of teaching mathematical concepts would have any positive effect on the improvement of problem-solving ability of students. The study was carried out in Lag...

Social Studies Offering By The Advanced Teachers Colleges Of Nigeria: A Study Of Innovation And Diffusion In Education

ABSTRACT In both the United States of America and the United Kingdom, Social Studies emerged towards the turn of the century in response to the problems created by industrialisation. Faced with similar prospects, Nigeria introduced Social Studies into the curricula of her educational institutions in the early 1970s. Up till now, however, the objectives, context and methods of the subject have not been clearly defined in the Nigerian context, and the extent of its diffusion down the educationa...

School Certificate Literature In Nigeria: A Study In Content Analysis And Classroom Interaction

ABSTRACT The shortcomings in students' performances in the literature examination at the West African School Certificate level have been found to be underlined by teaching deficiencies. These deficiencies could, in turn, be remedied by certain basic strategies for teaching. The study has postulated that a combination of Stylistic Analysis and Literary Criticism be adopted as a frame of reference for developing teaching plans for literature. It is also believed that if the teachers were to con...

181 - 195 Of 264 Results