Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

The Implications Of Urbanisation On The Environment -A Case Study Of Kyenjojo Town Nyantungo Sub~ County

ABSTRACT The study about the implications of urbanization on the environment aimed at finding out the factors for the development of Kyenjojo town the implication of the development of the town on the environment, measures employed to solve the environmental problems. The methods used to collect the data included observation, photographing, questionnaires, interviewing and review of already existing related literature. It was found out that a combination of factors led to the development of ...

An Evaluation Of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Practices In Meru South District, Kenya

Farmers in the central highlands of Kenya do face problems of low crop yields due to soil fertility decline. This is as a result of continuous cropping, nutrient losses through crop harvests, soil erosion and leaching coupled with inability to replenish the soil through use of external inputs.  The situation is aggravated by poor adoption, among farmers, of improved soil fertility management options. This study investigated feasibility of using integrated soil fertility replenishment technol...

Anthropogenic Impacts On Land Use And Land Cover Change In Ombeyi Wetland, Kisumu County, Kenya

Land use and land cover change dynamics and associated human-induced transitions studies are very critical in the formulation of sustainable land management strategies, land use systems and policies. The study aimed at generating a characterized area estimate of Ombeyi wetland’s land use and land cover change schema for the period between 1990 and 2017, examining the spatial and temporal characteristics of anthropogenic impacts and their relationship with land use and land cover change in ...

Impact Of Land Use And Land Cover Change On Stream Flow In Nyangores Sub-catchment Mara River, Kenya

 The Nyangores sub-catchment of the transboundary Mara Basin of Kenya and Tanzania is an important upstream area due to its ecological composition. Like many other sub-catchments in Kenya, Nyangores sub-catchment has undergone significant land cover changes arising from various socio-economic reasons. In the Nyangores sub-catchment, these changes are believed to be amplifying stream flows through increased runoff rates during rainfall seasons. Over the years, land use changes have been obser...

Adherence To Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment In Murang’a County, Kenya

Non-adherence to Tuberculosis treatment is a major barrier for TB control programs because incomplete treatment may result in prolonged infectiousness, drug resistance, relapse and death. Successful treatment of TB involves taking anti TB drugs for at least six months as per the doctors advise. Currently, Tuberculosis has become a resurgent public Health problem in developing countries and is the leading cause of death from any single infectious agent. The purpose of the study was to identify...

Effects Of African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana) Population On Vegetation Around Water Points In Arabuko Sokoke Forest, Kilifi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are keystone species in its ecosystem. They have been ranked by the International Union on Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as vulnerable species and are of high conservation concern. In Kenya, Arabuko Sokoke Forest (ASF) has been ranked as one of the priority areas for elephant population estimates by the IUCN African Elephant Specialist Group. This study aimed at determining the elephant population density and distribution in Arabuko Sokoke ...

Demand And Supply Dynamics Of Wood Energy In Schools In Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the transition from National to County level energy planning has experienced various challenges, one of them being the lack of reliable baseline data upon which such plans can be based. This is evident because the last comprehensive biomass study done by the Ministry of Energy was in 2002, which is too old for effective and efficient biomass energy planning. This study provides this data by analyzing the demand for and supply of fuelwood in secondary schools within the Cou...

Adoption of biogas technology and its contribution to livelihoods and forest conservation in abogeta division, meru county, kenya.

ABSTRACT Fuelwood is the predominant energy source for cooking in rural households of Abogeta division in Meru County. Previously most wood was sourced from Mt. Kenya forest reserve. However, since enactment of a legislation prohibiting cutting of trees in the national forest reserves in the year 2005 by the Government of Kenya, there has been a serious shortage of wood fuel in Abogeta hence need for an alternative energy source. Biogas technology can greatly impact peoples’ livelihoods pa...

Adoption Of Energy-Efficient Woodstoves And Contribution To Resource Conservation In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Biomass energy provides 68% of Kenya‘s national energy requirements and it is expected to remain the main source of energy for the foreseeable future. The current biomass demand in Kenya is estimated at 40.5 million tonnes against a sustainable supply of 16 million tonnes. Many of the rural households use traditional stoves which have low energy efficiency leading to using more woodfuel, increase in indoor air pollution and also putting alot of pressure on the biomass sources. The...

Impacts Of Economic Activities On Natural Vegetation Cover A Case Study Lolkisale Village In Monduli District Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research focused on the Impact of Economic Activities on Natural Vegetation Cover conducted in Lolkisale Forest in Monduli District in Arusha northern part of Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to identify the major socio-economic activities in the sub village of Lolkisale village around Lolkisale forest, to determine causes of natural vegetation degradation, identify the impact of economic activities and to identify the measures that have been put in place to remedy def...

Implications Of Subsistence Farming On The Environment; A Case Study Of Chahi Sub County, Kisoro District (Uganda)

ABSTRACT Agriculture remains the mainstay of the African economy as an engine of economic growth and development where 88% of the continent’s populations living in rural areas earn their livelihood from agriculture (Ndambi 2008). Also 80% of Uganda’s cultivated land area falls under subsistence form of agriculture (Kalyebara 2005). It is this phenomenon that prompted a research study whose intention was to investigate the implications of subsistence farming in the natural environment, the...

Adoption Of Human Waste Biogas Technology By Rural Households In Kiganjo Division Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Biogas can be produced from biological waste materials which include waste from humans. Human waste can be transformed to eco-friendly and sustainable fuels that can help to reduce deforestation and methane emissions through anaerobic digestion process. This study investigated the factors that influence adoption of human waste biogas technology among households in the rural areas of Kiganjo division, Kiambu County. The objectives of the study were: to assess the level of awareness o...

Tied-Ridging And Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies’ Effects On Soybean-Maize Yields And Selected Soil Physical Properties In Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Deficits in soil moisture and low soil fertility are major constraints to smallholder farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Farmers in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya, have over the decades suffered huge declines in crop yields as a result of continuous cultivation with inadequate replenishments of the lost soil nutrients and lack of appropriate soil water conservation technologies. Experiments were set up at Kigogo primary school, Mukuuni location in Tharaka-Nithi County to determine ...

Mapping and managing the spread of Prosopis Juliflora in Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT More than three decades after the introduction of prosopis species in the drylands of Kenya there is now increasing concern about the negative impacts of the plant on the livelihoods of dryland communities and on the ecological integrity of the fragile arid and semiarid lands. The extent of the species coverage in the arid and semiarid lands has, however, not been fully mapped owing in part to the recent nature of the problem. As such the aim of this study was to map out the extent ...

The Role Of Environmental Impact Assessment In Promoting Sustainable Industrial Development (A Case Study Of The Plastics Industry In Kamp Ala)

ABSTRACT EIA is a critical examination of the potential effects of any proposed project on the environment with the aim of mitigating them. It has been noted that the role of EIA which ultimately is to achieve sustainable development, has not been played as expected. This research aims at finding out the extent to which developers in the plastics industry are familiar with EIA and its role in promoting sustainable development, the problems encountered as the process is carried out and implem...

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