Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Rewards And Employee Performance. A Case Study of Cairo Bank

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between rewards and employee’s performance .The objectives were to establish the relationship between rewards and employee commitment and rewards and time management. The researcher used descriptive survey designs and purposive research designs. Both qualitative and quantitative designs were used. The researcher used random sampling technique and handled a sample of 57 employees out of 200 populations. The researcher used ...

Influence Of Reward System on the Performance of Employees in an Organization

ABSTRACT This study determines the influence of reward system on the performance of employees at Standard High School, Zzana Further sought in the study was, to determine the extent of reward system methodology as employed by directors and head teachers, to determine the level of concern and reward for performance by directors and head teachers, and to determine the relationship between reward system methodology and performance rate of employees of standard high school Zzana The study used a ...

Selection Process On Performance of Employees a Study of the Ministry of Public Service in Juba Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship between selection process and performance of employees in the Ministry of Labor, Public service and Human Resource Development in the Government of Southern Sudan. The study further sought to ascertain the existence of the selection process and methods in the MLPS & HRD. The study employed a descriptive study. Out of 141 Permanent employees of the MLPS & HRD, 60 were made as sample using the random sampling techniques. The study utilised a sel...

Motivation and Teachers’ Performance: A Case Study of Selected Urban District High Public Secondary Schools in Zanzibar. Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study focused on “Motivation and teachers’ performance; taking the case study in UDHPSS, with three objectives. Assessing the contribution of working environment on teachers’ performance, assessing how remunerations affect teachers’ performance, and investigating the contribution of appreciations and promotions on teachers’ performance in UDHPSS. The identified problem was lack of motivation to teachers in UDZHPSS. The researcher used books, journals, magazines, newspap...

Human Resource Practices and Employee Performance in Montserrado Local Government-liberia

ABSTRACT The study established the effect of human resource practices on employee performance in Montserrado County in Monrovia, Liberia, three specific objectives guided this study and these were i) determining the effect of promotional opportunities on employee performance in Montserrado County in Monrovia, Liberia; ii) establishing the effect of training opportunities on employee performance in Montserrado County in Monrovia, Liberia, and (iii) investigating the effect of performance appra...

The Influence of Job Satisfaction On the Performance of Employees, A Case Study of Mtn Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe the effect ofjob satisfaction on the employees’ performance in MTN ~. ganda. The objectives of the study were to investigate the factors that influence job satisfaction, assess the indicators of job satisfaction and assess the influence ofjob satisfaction on the performance of employees. The method used fo data collection was through questionnaires distributed to the employees and inter~ ews conducted with the top management of MTN. Data co...

Training and Employee’s Performance in World Food Programme in Uganda

ABSTRACT This study on Training and Employee’s performance world food program Uganda was conducted with the main purpose of establishing the relationship between training and employee’s performance. The researcher carried out this study while being guided by five research objective: To determine the respondents profile in terms of gender, age, level of education, type of employment and years of service, to establish the relationship between the need for skill training and employee perform...

Performance Appraisal System and Organizational Productivity of Golis Telecommunication in Bosaso, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of performance appraisal system on organizational productivity in Golis Telecommunication in Bosaso, Somalia. The problem of the study was poor organizational productivity in Golis Telecommunication in Bosaso, Somalia. The following were the objectives of the study: (i) to examine the effect of management by objectives on organisational productivity of Golis Telecommunication in Bosaso Somalia, (ii) to establish the effect of training of appraisers on o...

Communication and Employees Performance in Selected Private Companies in Garoe — Somalia

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between communication and employee performance in selected companies in Garoe, Somalia, the purpose of the study objectives was 1) to determine the demographic characteristics of respondents 2) To determine the level of communication 3) To determine the level of employee performance 4) to establish if there is significant relationship between communication and employee performance, the research instrument was questionnaires, the t...

Recruitment Policy and Institutional Performance a Case Study of Rukungiri District Local Government

ABSTRACT Recruitment is a great challenge to the organizations because .of its impact on performance.. Thc study is set out to examine the recruitment policy and institutional performance a case study of Rukungiri District Local Govcrnment.The study was promptod by findings from performance appraisal reports of staff and compluinis about low productivity/ performance of Rukungiri District Local Government stalE The researcher 80 respondents which included Rukungiri district staff. Methods suc...

Employee Selection and Organisation Performance in Norwegian People’s Aid (Npa) Organisation, Juba Southern Sudan.

ABSTRACT The study on employee selection process and organisation performance was guided by four research objectives; generally finding out the relationship between employee selection and organisation performance. Over the past years, NPA has not performed well in terms of task execution, either as a result of semi-skilled, inexperienced work force or political interference. It is against this background that the study sought to find if there was a relationship between employee selection (app...

Employee Training and Organizational Performance in Selected Commercial Banks in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study was to investigate the effect of training on organizational performance in commercial banks in Mogadishu, Somalia. The objectives of the study were as follows: (i) To examine the effect of on-the-job training on organizational performance in Selected Commercial Banks in Mogadishu, Somalia. (ii) To establish the effect of the off-the-job training policies on organizational performance in Selected Commercial Banks in Mogadishu, Somalia. Data was derived through questionnaires...

Employee Recruitment and Performance of Rwanda Electricity Corporation and Rwanda Water and Sanitation Corporation (Reco-Rwasco)

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between levels of effectiveness in recruitment to the performance of RECO-RWASCO in Rwanda. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to determine the profile of the respondents; to determine the level of effectiveness in recruitment; to determine the level of performance; to establish whether there is significant relationship between effectiveness in recruitment and performance of RECO-RWASCO. The study empl...

Influence of Reward System On the Performance of Employees in an Organization

ABSTRACT This study determines the influence of reward system on the performance of employees at Standard High School, Zzana Further sought in the study was, to determine the extent of reward system methodology as employed by directors and head teachers, to determine the level of concern and reward for performance by directors and head teachers, and to determine the relationship between reward system methodology and performance rate of employees of standard high school Zzana The study used a ...

Recruitment and Selection Procedures and Employee Performance in the Ministry of Finance, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on recruitment and selection procedures and employee performance was guided by four research objectives were set to determine the demographic characteristics of respondents in terms of gender, age, level of education, type of employment and length of service, the level of existing recruitment and selection procedures in the Ministry of Finance, Tanzania, the level of employees’ performance in the ministry of finance, Tanz2nia and the relationship between the existing recr...

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