Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Forced Displacement and Violence Against Children in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, Yumbe Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the impact of forced displacement on violence against children. Forced displacement in the context of the study relates to the coerced movement of persons as a result of either natural or manmade disaster while Violence against children refers to deliberate usage of physical force or power, either threatened or actual, on oneself, another child or against a group of children with resultant impact on the child’s physical, emotional and psychological well...

The Impact of Performance Appraisal On Employee Performance: A Case Study of Dahabshiil Money Transfer Service Kigali-Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of performance appraisals on employee performance. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the methods used in performance appraisals, Investigate the factors affecting employee performance and the effect of performance appraisal on employee performance. The methods used for data collection was questionnaires for the nonsupervisory staff. Based on the findings it was observed that employees were rated according to t...

Labour Turnover of a Selected University in Kampala Central, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was prompted by the fact that labour turnover has continued to threaten the stability of private universities since their inception into Uganda's education system. A review of available literature revealed that some studies had been done about the subject especially in developed countries. Like previous scholars, the researcher employed the various methods for collecting and analyzing data. The findings revealed existence of labour turnover, its causes and effects on the se...

Recruitment Policy and Institutional Performance A Case Study of Rukungiri District Local Government

ABSTRACT Recruitment is a great challenge to the organizations because .of its impact on performance.. Thc study is set out to examine the recruitment policy and institutional performance a case study of Rukungiri District Local Govcrnment.The study was promptod by findings from performance appraisal reports of staff and compluinis about low productivity/ performance of Rukungiri District Local Government stalE The researcher 80 respondents which included Rukungiri district staff. Methods suc...

Leadership Styles and Employee Commitment of Somali Institute of Management and Administration Development (Simad)

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between leadership styles and employee commitment of Somali institute of management and administration management (SIMAD). The following were the research questions of the study: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, education level and length of service with the organization? 2. Is there a significant relationship between autocratic leadership style and employee commitment? 3. How does democratic leadership style a...

Human Capital Development and Employee Retention. A Study of Selected Commercial Banks Nigeria

ABSTRACT The Nigerian banking industry is widely known as one of the highest paying sectors in Nigeria and as such attract a variety of talents that hope to hitch their tent with one of the many banks in the country. It is however, not a secret that most bankers in Nigeria move from one organization to another, never remaining in one place for too long. This high level of turnover in the banking industry have led many to believe that the banking industry is unreliable and fails to take care o...

Commitment And Employee Performance in the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, Sudan

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between commitment and employee performance. The research objectives were 1) to determine level of commitment among employees; (2) to examine the level of employee performance in United Nations Hybrid Operation in Dafur, Sudan; (3) to establish the relationship between commitment and employee performance. The study employed the descriptive cross sectional survey design. Correlation was used to establish the relationship betwe...

Effects Of Recruitment Procedures on Employees’ Performance in Universite Laique Adventiste De Kigali, Kigali- Rwanda

ABSTRACT a) The study was meant to establish the “effects of recruitment procedures on employees’ performance in Universite Laique Adventiste de Kigali, Kigali- Rwanda”. The study was guided by three objectives: to analyse the employee recruitment process used by Universite Laique Adventiste de Kigali; to examine the procedures used in recruiting employees at Universite Laique Aventiste de Kigali; and to establish the effects (positive or negative) of recruitment procedures on employee ...

Evaluation of Human Resources Management Practice in Collages of Education in North Central Zone

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in North Central states of Nigeria. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the human resource management practices in federal and state colleges of education in the North Central Zone of Nigeria. Seven research questions were posed and answered by this study and seven hypotheses were formulated and tested at P < 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 572 consisting of 11 provost...

Human Resource Management and Productivity in Nigeria Public Sector

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF STUDY The development of any nation depends to a very large extent on the calibre, organization and motivation of its human resources. In the specific case of Nigeria where diversity exerts tremendous influence on politics and administration, the capacity to increase the benefits and reduce the costs of this diversity constitutes a human resource management challenge of epic proportion in its public sector organizations. Human Resource Management (HRM) i...

The Impact of Public Policy On Education Sector in Nigeria a Study of Kogi State

ABSTRACT Human resources management remains indispensable in engendering competitive advantage of any firm in this era of tense global business competition. If the Nigerian public service must keep pace with competition, which a globalized world has made more complex, they must properly manage their key area of comparative resource strength, which is human resource. Globalization has made the business world highly competitive. Productivity and competitiveness of firms is dependent on their ab...

The Impact of Collective Bargaining On Employee Performance in Educational Institutions, A Case Study of Kitale Academy Kenya

ABSTRACT This study on the impact of collective bargaining on employee performance was conducted in Kitale Academy Schools Complex. Using a population sample of 20 respondents who were drawn from all departments, the study revealed that collective bargaining had great ramifications on employee performance in the education institutions in Kenya. The findings revealed that the Government and the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) use negotiation, arbitration and sometimes confrontations su...

Training and Employee Productivity Case Study of Kakira Sugar Limited

ABSTRACT  Introduction This study on "Training and Employee Productivity" was carried out in Kakira Sugar Limited, Jinja District. In Kakira sugar limited there seemed to be no training of employees so the study was to establish the relationship between training and productivity. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between training and employee productivity and the objectives were; identification of forms of training, establishment of the effects of training on employe...

Compensation and Employee Motivation in an Organization: A Case Study of War Child, Holland, Gulu District

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of compensation on employee's motivation in war child Holland Uganda. The study sought to establish the effect of benefits on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to examine the effect to pay on motivation of employees in War Child Holland, to establish the relationship between incentives and motivation of employees in War Child Holland. The literature review was conducted with the aim of establishing and shading mo...

Occupational Stress and Employee Performance a Case of United Nations Mission Central African Republic

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the occupations stress and employee performance relationship between occupational stress and employee performance. The research objectives were 1) determine level of occupational stress among employees (2) examine the level of employee performance in United Nations Mission in Central African Republic. (3) Establish the relationship between occupational stress and employee performance. The study employed the descriptive cross sectional survey ...

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