Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Modern Information Technologies On The Empowerment Of Women. Case Study: Kampala City

ABSTRACT. This study evaluates the influence of ICTs on the empowerment of women. It seeks answer the question of whether or not ICTs are actually empowering women if so, in What ways, if not , why. The study also sought out the forms of ICTs assessed by women, to create a better understanding of the barriers to empowerment that women face in ICTs and to come up with more effective solutions to overcoming obstacles to women's empowerment through ICTs. The study shows that women are indeed be...

Local Government System And Good Governance In Uganda A Case Study Of Katrini Sub-County: Arua District

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the relationship between local government system in Uganda and good governance. It was carried out in Katrini sub-county in Arua District, which is located in the West Nile sub region of Uganda. To establish ways through which Local governments in Uganda enhance good governance, to find out challenges that hinder Local governments to foster good governance in Uganda, and to find out possible solutions to the challenges of good governance in local gover...

The Influence Of Patriarchy On Girl-Child Education In Primary Schools. A Case Study: Mugusu Sub-County Kabarole District

ABSTRACT The study was the influence of patriarchy on girl-child education in primary schools. A case study: Mugusu sub-county in Kabarole district. The main objective of this research study was to find out the influence of patriarchy on girl-child education in Mugusu subcounty. The research instruments include the following; interview guide, a discussion guide and the observation as well. The research study on a whole, found out that patriarchy is part of the culture, Through the views got f...

Stress Management And Employees Effective5 In Uganda; A Case Study Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT The objectives of this study was to examine the stress and employee performance between non teaching staff and teaching staff in Kampala international university. The objective of the study is to establish a good relationship in the organization. to examine how stress is to be reduced. The researcher adopted both descriptive and analytical research design based on questionnaires to understand the effect and the cause of stress and how to reduce stress in the organization. A sample si...

Impacts Of Non-Governmental Organizations' Services On Poverty Eradication In Nakapiripirit Town Council Nakapiripirit District

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impacts of Non-governmental organizations services in poverty Eradication in Nakapiripirit Town Council in Nakapiripirit District. The main purpose of this was to establish extent to which people ofNakapiripirit Town council have benefitted from NGO services. The research therefore intended to examine the following objectives: • To establish whether NGO services have improved on the education in Nakapiripirit Local government • To determine whe...

Factors Influencing Women’s Decision To Adopt Family Planning Method Alebtong District. The Case Of Amugo Sub-County

ABSTRACT The study was done on factors influencing women’s decision to adopt family planning method in Amugu sub county, Alebtong district. The purpose of the study was to find out the factors that influence women’s decision making on adoption of family planning method. The specific objectives were; to examine how public policy affect family planning program in Alebtong district, to assess the extent to which logistics affect decision making in adopting family planning program in Alebtong...

The Impact Of Labour Turnover And Organization Performance In The Directorate Of Investment And Resource Mobilization (Dirm) Tanzania

ABSTRACT Employee turnover can hurt the overall productivity of an organization and is often a symptom of other difficulties .. Loosing key human capital in work organization operations upsets routines, makes employee/employer uncomfortable, and affects the productivity and performance of the· organization. Through there is no standard account for why people choose to leave because it is typically the occasion where people choose to.leave voluntary or involuntary. The study concentrated only...

The Horror And The Future Of Women In The Face Of The Practice Of Female Genital Mutilation In Nothern Tanzania A Case Study: Longido District Arusiia Region

ABSTRACT The major purpose ,)f the study was to examine the horror and the future of women in the face of the practice of female genital mutilation in Northern Tanzania., a District called Longido in Arusha was selected as a case study becausv many reports of female genital mutilation have been reported. One hundred respondents were selected to participate in the study and among these, 40 were female and other 40 were males. Ten opinion leaders who included local leaders and Health .vorkers w...

Workplace Environment And Performances In The Health Sectors. The Case Of Mulago Hospital Kampala- Uganda.

ABSTRACT Phe study was carried out to find out about the Workplace Environment and Performances in the health sectors of Mulago Hospital. It was to help the management of Mulago hospital in devising mechanisms to provide an improved working environment to its employees, which is conducive in terms of ~cilities, equipments, drugs, better interaction opportunities and good ~freshment. General aim of this study was to identify the workplace -wironmental factors that influence performances in the...

The Challenges Of Politicians And Civil Servants In Uganda's Local Governments: The Case Of Nebbi District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................

Mothers’ Participation, Perceptions And Experiences Of Accessing Maternal Health Care In Uganda: A Case Study Of Makindye Division, Kampala

Abstract Reducing barriers to accessing maternal healthcare and training health professionals in emergency maternal health care are critical components og improving overall maternal health. This study used a qualitative approach to understand mothers’ participation, perceptions and experiences of accessing maternal health in Uganda, taking a case study of Makindye Division in Kampala and explored the potential of Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD...

The Impact Of Youth Participation In Local Elections And Youth Empowerment In Makueni District, Kenya,

ABSTRACT This study of Assessing the Impact of Youth Participation in Local Elections was carried out among the youth in Makueni district and was aimed at; examining the level of youth participation, their attitude, challenges and available opportunities to improve youth participation. To figure out this problem of the study, the researcher carried out documentary reviewing on the literature on the election process as provided from different authors. The study employed a descriptive explo...

Poor Public Policy Making And Commumty Services Delivery In Makindye East Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study was set out to find out to examine the relationship between poor public policies and community services delivery in Makindye East Division, Kampala district. Sixty (60) respondents were interviewed using self.administered questionnaires for rating opinions about the given statements. The questionnaires used involved open and closed ended questions. The researcher used tables and figures to represent the data collected from the field and while analyzing the data, perce...

Assess Of Factors Affecting An Employment Of Youth In Otuke District.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................... ...................... .. ...................... .... ... ......... .......................... ....... .. ...... ....... i APPROVAL ....................... ................................................. .... ...... .. .............................. .. .. ..................... ii DEDICATION .. ................. .. ......... ................... .. ........................... ......................................................... iii I ...

Public Private Sector Partnership In Health Care Service Delivery In Semuto Sub-County Nakaseke District - Uganda

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to identify, how can governments reap the potential benefits of publicprivate partnerships (PPPs) in the provision of health service delivery? Private sector involvement in the provision of public goods is long-standing, often relying on franchises or concessions. More recently. public-private partnerships (PPPs) have risen in prominence, promising innovative solutions and a better allocation of inputs than traditional procurement with separate concessions. ...

511 - 525 Of 1320 Results