Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Determinants of utilization of government online services in kenya: case of national transport And safety authority nairobi

ABSTRACT In a digital information-based economy, governments must modernize to survive or risk becoming irrelevant. In Kenya, e-governance is being used as one of the government’s strategy cornerstone for enhancing accessibility of services to citizens. However, despite the increasing adoption of e-governance, researchers conclude that low uptake and use of the available online services has been witnessed in Kenya. This study sought to examine determinants of how government online services ...

Adoption Of E-Governance in The Public Sector: A Case Of Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT Adoption of e-governance in delivery of services is one of the ways in which public sector organizations can enhance efficiency and effectiveness in delivery of services. The establishment of devolved system of governance created 47 semi-autonomous County Governments mandated to provide governance services within their region. Studies have been conducted on adoption of e-governance in the devolved government structure, however, most of studies did not utilize the UTAUT model or moder...

Influence Of Policy Makers On The Enactment Of Nuclear Energy Laws In Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite extensive and continued use for nuclear science and technology for various applications, very little has been done to establish a legal and regulatory framework that ensures the safe and secure utilization of nuclear technology and science in Kenya. Attempts at enacting nuclear policy laws have largely been futile and painstakingly slow. This project examines whether attitudes, practices and knowledge of policy makers play any role in the enactment of nuclear energy laws in K...

Environmental Determinants Of Organization And Structure Of Kenya’s Cabinet

ABSTRACT In any government, the constitution of line ministries and selection of Cabinet Secretaries (CSs) is influenced by key ecological factors that include: social, political, economic, cultural, legal, historical, and to an extension global. This is espoused in the Contingency Theory. Although the Constitution of Kenya (CoK) 2010 offers guiding principles on design of the Cabinet, its formation remains in contention. The following external environmental factors for the purposes of this s...

Effects Of Community Participation On Sustainability Of Water Projects In Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s development agenda and initiatives has been faced with historical challenges ranging from the top-down approach in development, allocation, and direction of huge resources to unplanned and unforeseen projects, poor inception, implementation, and completion of projects. Public participation is the fundamental standard of our democracy and has gotten one of the significant conditions which are basic for the usage of projects. During the promulgation of the new Constitution, 2...

Determinants Of Employee Job Satisfaction In The Parliamentary Joint Services Kenya

ABSTRACT The concept of job satisfaction has been having a widespread interest but very little attention has been focused on job satisfaction amongst Parliamentary Joint Services employees in Kenya. This is because the majority of the studies conducted on job satisfaction have focused on measuring levels of job satisfaction of employees rather than determining which factors influence job satisfaction on an employee. This study intended to evaluate the determinants of employee job satisfaction...

Utilization Of Skilled Birth Attendants Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Central District, Kitui County

ABSTRACT Skilled Birth Attendance is one of the most important interventions in reducing maternal mortality. With only 44% of deliveries assisted by skilled birth attendants in Kenya, the number of maternal deaths is significantly higher. The aim of this study was to identify factors determining utilization of skilled birth attendants in Central Division of Kitui North District. The specific objectives were to determine the proportion of Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) utilizing Skilled Birth...

Public-Private Partnership In Local Governance: The Case Of Tema Metropolitan Assembly.

ABSTRACT This study focused on Public-Private Partnerships in the Tema Metropolitan Assembly. The main objective of the study was to investigate, describe and explain the factors that influenced the implementation of public-private partnership in the Tema Metropolitan Assembly. Specifically the study focused on waste collection and revenue mobilization. Effective implementation of public-private partnership in the Tema Metropolitan Assembly depends on a number of factors which includes Polic...

Implications Arising From Judicial Resolution Of Presidential Election Disputes In Kenya

ABSTRACT In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the filing of presidential electoral disputes for purposes of resolution by the courts. This trend which can be observed globally has placed courts at the centre of the resolution of presidential election disputes as well as other electoral disputes. This central judicial role in resolving electoral disputes notwithstanding, a general analysis suggests that the judicial systems across the globe have been reluctant in annulling...

Determinants Of Employee Separation In The Public Sector: Case Of National Police Service, Nairobi City County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Employees are the greatest assets in any organization, their contribution in trying to achieve the goals of an institution cannot be underestimated. Hence the pillar of any organization is the human resource department, which deals with hiring these people. They say ‘hire right, get it right’, hiring the competent and retaining them is the most challenging task faced by human resource personnel, since employee separation has been a major issue in most organizations over the years...

The Impact Of Fiscal Decentralisation On Local Economic Development In Ghana: A Case Study Of Ketu South Municipal Assembly (KSMA)

ABSTRACT The relationship between fiscal decentralisation and local economic development has been a subject of particular interest to most scholars of public administration and development economists. Improving public good and service delivery is one of the predominant challenges facing governments worldwide, especially how it impacts on the general economic development of the poor and the vulnerable in society. Fiscal decentralisation is largely accepted as a tool for poverty reduction and ...

Implementation Of Electronic-Government In Ghana: A Case Study Of Driver And Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA)

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to examine e-government implementation at the DVLA and to generate a comprehension from the perspective of the implementers. A case study method within the qualitative approach of social research was employed. In all twelve (12) participants were purposively selected and interviewed using the one-on-one in-depth interview method. An interpretive analyses as well as secondary data from the literature review were used to analyze the results of the study. It wa...

An Investigation On Factors Inhibiting Implementation Of In-Service Training To Employees At Taesa

ABSTRACT This study aimed at “Investigation of factors inhibiting implementation of in-service training among TaESA employees”. Cross sectional design was used due to the nature of the study. The study used qualitative and quantitative approaches. A total sample of 60 employees which (60%) of the population was picked from TaESA Dar es Salaam and Dodoma Zones through simple random and purposive sampling methods. Data were collected by questionnaires and interviews. Key findings revealed ...

Capacity building of grassroot leadership and governance in Tanzania: A case of Morogoro municipality.

ABSTRACT The study, was set to examine the grassroot leadership capacity in the governance processes in Morogoro Municipality. The study has aimed at giving an overview of the grassroot leaders around two Wards of Morogoro Municipality of Mazimbu and Sabasaba. It was also intended to identify factors influencing the capacity building of the grassroot leadership as well as an institutional related attribute that hindered the capacity building at Mazimbu and Sabasaba Wards. Furthermore, it was...

The Contribution Of Leadership Styles On School Achievement In Secondary Schools: A Case Study Of Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research examined the effects of leadership styles on school achievement on secondary schools in Mpwapwa District. The aim was to study the connection between the level of education and the leadership styles used, and if there is a relationship between the years in service and the leadership style and also if the leadership training has any impact on school achievement. The research adopted a correlation survey research design that helped in establishing the relationship of lea...

556 - 570 Of 1320 Results