Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Determinants Of Devolved Service Delivery In The Public Health Sector In Marsabit County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In 2010, a new constitution was promulgated in Kenya. This introduced the concept of devolution of resources and power from the national government to 47 counties formed after the March 2013 general elections. Health service delivery was devolved and is now a function of the county governments Counties are responsible for hiring staff and the assignment of healthcare workers to the counties has been concluded. This study aims at investigating the determinants of devolved service deli...

Determinants Of Revenue Collection By The County Government Of Kericho

BSTRACT The process of revenue collection is an important part in enhancing services delivery to the public in all economies globally. This research study therefore seeks to explore the determinants of revenue collection in County government of Kericho County in Kenya. The devolved governments in Kenya was created to address the issues of equal distribution of national resources and to devolve power from the central government to the devolved units. The Constitution of Kenya (2010) provided f...

Assessment Of Compliance Of Budgeting Practices To Established Norms On Budgeting By Government Entities In Kenya (A Case Of The Legislature)

Abstract The current public finance architecture brought about by the Constitution of Kenya 2010 resulted to far reaching changes on the management of public resources in Kenya. One of the key departures from the past is the enhanced role of the Legislature in public finance oversight. The Constitution empowered the Legislature to provide oversight and accountability over use of public finances including budget approval for all government entities as well as ensuring all government entities ...

Determinants Of Loan Repayment Of Government Funding To Vulnerable Groups, A Case Of Biashara Fund In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In an attempt to alleviate poverty and empower the vulnerable population, many non- governmental organizations and government line agencies have provided revolving funds to its citizens. The County Government of Kiambu introduced Biashara Fund to empower its youth. The major challenge has been identifying the most deserving beneficiary and minimizing the risk of loan non-repayment. Such, has however not been possible as at times, the rate of defaulters has been reported to be substan...

Influence Of Corporate Governance Compliance Programs And Performance Of State Corporations In Kenya: The Case Of National Social Security Fund (Nssf

ABSTRACT State corporations are reluctant to provide concrete incentives for implementation of corporate compliance programmes. Currently, compliance is achieved by hiring expensive auditors who typically use a heuristic approach to select and investigate audit trails to show evidence about compliance. In addition to the impact on the organization’s budget, compliance checking with this approach incurs a large overhead in terms of time consumed to check for compliance. The objectives of the...

The Effect Of The Khat Economy On Attainment Of Primary Education In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Khat farming in Embu County was introduced to replace the dwindling income from the coffee sector and cotton farming. Small scale farmers have increasingly cut down coffee stems and replaced them with Khat. The influence by the Meru khat farmers who grow the crop in large scale has greatly contributed to this. Khat growing in Embu County is associated with easy and quick economic value compared to coffee and other crops whose payment comes after a prolonged period. In Embu County Kha...

Effects Of Non-Financial Rewards On Employee Perfomance In National Police Service In Kenya. Case Of General Service Unit Officers In Nairobi

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the Non-financial factors that influence performance in the National Police Service in Kenya; the study focused on the General Service Unit officers Headquarters. This study established the effects of working conditions, recognition at place of work and employee training among the General Service Unit officers. General Service Unit is faced with issues of efficiency in operation, productivity and high staff turnover. The security system has also deteriorat...

Strategies Adopted By The Nairobi City County In Management Of Response To Emergencies

ABSTRACT The fact that emergencies are inevitable and they can result into significant effects on emergency response, they requires proper planning and formulation of sound strategies to handle them. The study sought to determine the strategies adopted by the Nairobi City County in management of its response to emergencies. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to establish the effect of employee training on the management of the response to emergencies by Nairobi City Co...

Land Rights Challenges Among Widows In Boro Division, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research addresses land rights and property ownership of widows in Siaya county Boro Division. Rights to land and property include right to own, use, access, control, transfer, exclude, inherit and make decisions about the land and related resources. The objectives of this study were to establish the land rights challenges among widows in Boro Division, Siaya County of Kenya, to establish the effects of customary law on land and property ownership among the widows; identify the ...

An Evaluation Of The Effect Of Citizen Charters On Service Delivery In State Corporations In Kenya: The Case Of The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority

ABSTRACT Citizen Charters were introduced by the Government of Kenya in 2004 as part of reforms aimed at improving service delivery in public sector institutions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which implementation of Citizen Charters has affected service delivery in state corporations with the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority as a case study. The study examined elements of Citizen Charters that have a bearing on service delivery namely; public involvement in their desi...

Effects Of Terrorism On The Political Economy: Case Study Of Garissa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Ever since 1970, Kenya has experienced more than 440 terrorist related attacks in different parts of the country. As at the end of 2017, Garissa County which is in the Northern part of Kenya, had been hit at least 53 times, putting the County second only to Nairobi County in terms of the lion’s share of the total number of terrorist attacks in Kenya. This study set out to investigate the effects of terrorist related attacks on human capital, physical infrastructure, and private pro...

The Effect Of Transformational Leadership On The Performance Of Employees In Kenya: The Case Of Kenya Wildlife Service

ABSTRACT This study aimed at analysis the effects that transformational leadership has on the employees of an organization in terms of their performance rate. The research therefore aims at looking at how transformative leadership impacts on employee performance at KWS and if yields the same results as other researches have shown in other parts of the world. With the main objectives being to investigate the changes in leadership that has been achieved within the organization and also to inve...

The Effect Of Contraband Smuggling On Rehabilitation Of Inmates In Kenya: The Case Of Kamiti Maximum Prison

ABSTRACT The main mission of Kamiti Maximum prison is to rehabilitate its inmates in order to make good citizens once they are out of the facility. Contraband on the other hand finds their way into the prison via different means hence posing a great challenge to the process of rehabilitation. The aim of this study therefore was to find out how the contraband are smuggled into prison, why inmates use contraband and to examine the effect of contraband on inmates‟ rehabilitation. This qualita...

Effect Of Devolution On Healthcare Administration In Gatanga Sub-County Of Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the effect of devolution on healthcare administration in Gatanga Sub-county. The study sought to achieve three key objectives, namely (a) to assess the effects of devolution on healthcare financial planning, (b) to examine the effects of devolution on the management of healthcare facilities; and (c) to evaluate the effects of devolution on healthcare human resource management. A randomly selected sampled of 91 healthcare practitioners, 46 healthcare benef...

Effect Of Youth Enterprise Development Fund On The Performance Of Youth Enterprises In Marsabit County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite data availability on YEDF loan disbursements and repayment, empirical literature on the performances of youth-run enterprises from the loan across various counties in the country remains scanty, yet the basis of sustained YEDF disbursements ought to be youth empowerment. Against this backdrop, the main study objective was to examine the effect of YEDF on the performance of youth enterprises in Marsabit County, Kenya. More specifically, the study sought to determine the effect...

526 - 540 Of 1320 Results