Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Performance Of Private Philanthropic Organisations In Kenya: The Case Of The Palmhouse Foundation

ABSTRACT A Kenya National Bureau of Statistics survey of 2009 shows that personal wealth of the top 10% of Kenyans increased on average five-fold over the past decade. The Society for International Development noted in its annual report of 2009 that the gap between this group and the bottom 20% of Kenyans is growing. While we have seen an upsurge in corporate social responsibility and there is anecdotal evidence of benevolence to family and friends, the question remains why this vast increas...

Corporate Governance Practices And Their Effect On Organization Performance: The Case For Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Corporate governance is considered an important requirement for operations for any organization as it enhances out effectiveness of Boards, transparency and disclosure, accountability, risk management, internal controls, ethical leadership and good corporate citizenship. Nairobi City County is one of the devolved governments being county number 47 in Kenya. The county is charged with the role of bringing services to the people through the devolved functions. The demand for better ser...

Constraints Facing Quality Assurance And Standards Officers In Supporting Curriculum Implementation In Public Secondary Schools In Nyandarua County-Kenya

ABSTRACT Inspection has been a mechanism particularly associated with schools. Traditionally, it has been used to monitor the quality of teaching as well as general aspects of schools. In Kenya, education reforms often fail to achieve desired outcomes due to ineffective and inefficient supervision. As a result, the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education came up with the Department of Quality Assurance and Standards charged with the duty of maintaining and improving educational...

Effects Of Bureaucratic Processes On Public Service Delivery Study Of Mandera County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of bureaucratic processes on the public service delivery, a case of Mandera County. This was a descriptive study focusing on process of implementing and results thereof. A case study was conducted in the department of Lands in Mandera East. The study was guided by the following research objectives: to identify bureaucratic challenges which consumers encounter in public service delivery in Mandera County, to determine how bureaucrat...

Effects Of Job Evaluation On Employee Performance In The Public Sector In Kenya: A Case Of The Department Of Immigration

ABSTRACT The study on job evaluation and employee performance in the public sector set out to investigate process its contribution to employee output in the public sector. The study is anchored on the assumption that employee evaluation determines the level of pay and therefore motivation to increase performance as the next period of evaluation approaches. The study aimed to investigate the EFFECT of job evaluation on employee output. It further investigated the pact of job evaluation on...

Effects Of Policy Intervention Of Domestic Investment On Devolved Systems Of Government. A Case Of Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT In the past, Kenya has experienced changes in its investment policy formulation process and strategic trade and industrial policies have been mainly influenced by the changing political set-up of the country. However Kenya is faced with a number of challenges which include structural reforms’ poor economic policies and inconsistent efforts, corruption and bad governance, public services deteriorations made the foreign investors to be discouraged since 1980s when things began to cha...

Tax Compliance By Small And Medium Enterprises In Nairobi North Tax Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT Taxes are an involuntary charge levied by the government on individual workers income, business profits and on transactions of goods and services. Unfortunately, Kenya does not collect all the taxes that it ought to. This is mostly attributed to high levels of tax non-compliance. In Kenya, the biggest block of taxpayers on the business sector are the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which are estimated to be at 34.4% of total businesses in Kenya and they account for 77% of employm...

Effects Of Devolution On The Restructuring Of The Provincial Administration In Kenya: A Case Of Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT Devolution in Kenya is about decentralising political, financial and administrative powers to forty seven counties. Kenya had practised devolution through the one year Majimbo government which lasted in 1964, before the highly centralised provincial administration was established. The provincial administration was centralised and gained control over all decentralized ministerial functions in the country; as an extension of the executive office of the president in the field. The Const...

Effectiveness Of National Administrators In Curbing Female Genital Mutilation In Kajiado County, Kenya From 2011-2019

ABSTRACT In spite of the laws that have been enacted specifically to curb FGM practices and national administrators deployed and authorized to ensure that FGM is curbed. Kenya is still ranked amongst the top countries with high pre valence rates of FGM practices. Kajiado county ranks third in Kenya with the highest prevalence rates on FGM practices, one is left to wonder why the continued practice and whether the administrators embrace the law and enforce the punishment stipulated. To answer ...

Influence Of Refugee Affairs Secretariat In The Delivery Of Services In Dadaab, Kenya

ABSTRACT Refugee support is an imperative aspect in government administration of affairs regarding asylum seekers. Effective administration of refugee affairs requires an efficient support program that coordinates with other agencies to oversee quality service delivery to refugees in the camp. Refugee population has continued to soar in Kenya. There exists little information regarding administration of refugee affairs in Kenya‘s growing refugee camps. There is an urgent need to assess the i...

Public participation and the fiscal implementation of devolved government in kenya: a case of bomet county

ABSTRACT Fiscal decentralization and the need to decentralize power to the local community has gained impetus lately due because it is considered as one of the most important forces shaping governance and development today. The resultant public engagement that arises from the fiscal decentralization increases the support of the development projects by the citizens, democratization process of decision making and also enhances official accountability. The objective of the study was to analyse t...

Role Of Voter Education On Governance Efficacy In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Citizens are educated and empowered to clearly understand their rights and responsibilities in electoral processes and find out how they can take the decisive actions in elections that in turn inform effective governance by strengthening the ability of citizens and civil society groups to organize themselves, interact with others and make their voices heard by those in power. However, in spite of the fact that voter education is geared towards having free, fair, and verifiable electi...

Determinants Of Voting Behavior Among The Youth In Kajiado County, Kenya

Abstract Voting behavior has been a factor of interest in political science studies. With the youth making the largest percentage of the population and registered voters in Kenya and the world, they still remain underrepresented in leadership spheres and their participation in governance is minimal. This study sought to understand their voting behavior considering how cultural factors, ethnicity, intergenerational factors, political ideologies and legal literacy determined voting behavior of ...

Effect Of Devolution On The Implementation Of Pre-Primary Education: A Case Of Bungoma County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Pre-primary education plays a pivotal role in setting the foundation for better outcomes in post-nursery education. Globally, attention has shifted to how pre-primary education is being implemented both at the national and sub-national levels, with greater financial investments being channelled towards its improvement. In Africa, the quest for universal basic education has forced many countries to rethink how they are implementing pre-primary education, considering that basic educati...

The effects of public participation on delivery of services by county governments in kenya: a case of nairobi city county

ABSTRACT Public participation is viewed as a mechanism by which the citizens contribute towards governance and service delivery. This study has taken interest in public participation with a bias towards service delivery at the County Government of Nairobi. The study was informed by continuous lawsuits and complaints that the County Government of Nairobi was not considering the views of the public before developing its services. The objectives will be to: examine the awareness of public partic...

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