Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Citizens In Determining Quality Health Services In Tanzania: A Case Of Kilosa District

ABSTRACT This study portrays about “The Role of Citizens in Determining Quality Health Services in Tanzania: A case of Kilosa District”. The intention of the study was to examine the extent to which the grassroots level through local government authorities were free to make their own operational decisions in planning and supervising their social services as provided through local government without much depending and intervention from the central government. The methodology for the study...

Women Leadership In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Of Mkalama District Council

ABSTRACT This study has aimed at examining women leadership in the local councils in a case of Mkalama District council. The study specifically sought to provide an overview of magnitude of participation and performance in the local councils, determine the extent of their effective performance, the contributions of women in developing the local councils, the levels to which women occupied in leadership and challenges that women encountered, in participating and in performing their leadership...

The Influence Of Work Motivation Of Employees Organisational Performance: A Case Study Of Ulanga District Council

ABSTRACT This study attempted to study employees‟ motivation in delivering public services in local governments in Tanzania, a case study of Ulanga District Council, Morogoro region. Specific objectives were to examine how employee‟s motivation relate to service delivery, to identify different factors that can influence employees to have better job performance, to identify factors that de-motivates employees, and to explore strategies that will lead to enhanced motivation. This study use...

Motivations Towards Community Participation In Development Projects: A Case Of Temeke Municipal Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study tries to assess what motivates community members to participate in development projects in Temeke Municipal Council, study was conducted in three wards, Kisarawe II, Kibada and Kimbiji. Data were collected using structured and unstructured interviews, questionnaires and documentation. A total number of 75 respondents were involved in this study as a representative sample. Results indicates that majority (79%) of the respondents were aware with the perception of community p...

Factors Influencing Repayment Of Loans To Micro-Finance Institutions: A Case Of Repayment By Small Business Customers To Pride Dodoma Branch

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to investigate the factors influencing repayment of loans to micro-finance institutions by small business customers taking as a case of PRIDE Dodoma branch. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted to carry out the study. Both primary and secondary data were collected. The study used a sample size of 110 respondents who were customers (Borrowers) and employees (loan officers and some managers) of PRIDE Dodoma branch. Focus group discussions, i...

The Implementation Of E-Government In Tanzanian Public Sector: A Case Of Erecruitment In The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

ABSTRACT This study assessed the implementation of e-government in the Tanzanian Public Sector. It paid a specific focus on the e-recruitment in the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat. Thus, the study illuminates three key themes, namely the perception held by applicants who use e-recruitment platform managed by the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat to apply for jobs in the Public Service, the challenges facing the implementation of erecruitment in the Public Service Recruitment Sec...

Assesment Of The Effectiveness Of Child Development Policy On Protection Of Street Children In Urban Areas: A Case Study Of Dodoma Urban

ABSTRACT Despite having Child Development Policy, the number of street children has been rapidly increasing in Tanzania cities. In Dodoma children and adolescents live and work on the streets. Many of these children are denied their basic rights like education, health care and protection from abuse and exploitation. This research assessed the effectiveness of the Child Development Policy towards protection of street children in Dodoma Municipality. The review of the literature conducted expl...

An Assessment Of Training In Local Government In Tanzania: A Case Of Kwimba District Council

ABSTRACT Recently employee training has become more important to organizations which seek higher performance since there is competition among organizations. The employee training has shown major significance in performance improvement. This study was conducted to assess the training in local government,specifically at Kwimba District Council in Mwanza Region. The sampling techniques employed were simple random sampling and purposive sampling. Simple random sampling was used to obtain respond...

An assessment of the effectiveness of complaints desk in the public sector: A case of selected institutions in dar es salaam.

ABSTRACT This study was assessing the effectiveness of the Complaints Desk in Public Sector. It based at looking the awareness of the general public and challenges of using Complaint desk to handle complains of the services users. The study was conducted in Dar es salaam and used a sample of 150 respondents including 45 public officials and 105 citizens. Data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The data were presented by using descriptive statistics mainly ...

The Assessment Of Provision Of Health Services In Government Hospitals: A Case Of Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Assessment of provision of health services in government hospitals is a study that was conducted at Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital as a study case, and it was mainly focused on assessing various aspects associated with the general provision of health services and the way clients of such services perceived. Perceptions of health service providers about non-salary incentives they receive from the government and managerial capacity in ensuring the provision of reliable health servic...

The impact on effective staff recruitment in local government authority centralised recruitment system. A case of bahi district council

ABSTRACT This research aimed at investigating the impacts of centralized recruitment system on staff retention and service delivery. The specific objectives of this study were to assess the modus operandi of the system, the factors for the shift from decentralized to centralized and the effects of the centralized system. In order to study problem, triangulation of research design was made. In which both the case study and cross sectional design were used. The study used a sample of 50 respon...

The Contribution Of Ward School Management Committees To Academic Performance: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the contribution of ward school management committees to students‟ academic performance. It is a sort of case study carried out in Dodoma Municipality. A special attention was made to assess an overview, relationship and factors influenced ward school committees to academic performance The study was a descriptive designed and a sample of 100 respondents was used and these were obtained from Dodoma Municipality. The methods used in data collection were ...

Factors Influencing Distribution Of Secondary School Teachers In Tanzania: A Case Of Bahi District

ABSTRACT The study focused on factors influencing distribution of secondary school teachers in Tanzania taking as a case study selected secondary schools in Bahi district. The study sought to address three objectives, first; to examine the feasibility of existing policies and procedures for allocation of teachers in secondary school in Bahi district. Second, to determine the factors influencing the distribution of teachers in secondary school in Bahi district. Third, to explore possible stra...

An Assessment Of The Extent And Effects Of Adopting Electronic-Commerce Among Small And Medium Enterprises Of Tanzania: The Case Of Dodoma Urban

ABSTRACT This research’s aim was to investigate the extent and effects of adopting e-commerce among SMEs in Tanzania taking Dodoma Urban as a case study. The specific objectives of this was to examine the extent of using e-commerce, factors that determine the adoption of e-commerce and the contributions of e-commerce to the economy.. The study has applied a combination of both cross section and a case study approaches to improve the quality of findings. The sample was obtained by purposive...

The Impact Of Health Sector Reforms On Health Service Delivery In Tanzania: The Case Of Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of health sector reforms on health service delivery in Tanzania. The main objective was to assess the impact of health sector reforms on improving quality and accessibility of health services. Specific objectives were to assess the status of health services accessibility, examine the contribution of various actors in promoting quality and accessibility of health services delivery and to analyze the challenges towards provision and a...

571 - 585 Of 1320 Results