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Research Papers/Topics Education

Motivation and Teacher Absenteeism in Selected Public and Private Secondary Schools in Kyenjojo District Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between teacher motivation and teacher absenteeism in selected public and private secondary schools. In gathering information, the research study employed both primary and secondary sources. The study was guided by the following objectives; To determine the demographic characteristics of teachers as to age, gender, education qualifications and teaching experience. To determine the level of teacher’s motivation in selected se...

Resource Availability, Utilization and Performance of Teachers in Universal Primary Education (Upe) Schools in Bugangaizi County, Kibaale District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT Significantly, resource availability, utilization and performance Teachers are very essential in the teaching and learning process in the education system. This study was therefore undertaken to discover how much resources are available in UPE schools and their utilization by the teachers and how these relate with the achievement of Universal Primary Education (UPE) objective and to suggest recommendations that can help to improve the implementation of UPE programme in Uganda with sp...

Social Reinforcement and Behaviour Disorder of the Mild Mentally Challenged Learners in Public Schools in Ainabkoi Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was about social reinforcement and behavior disorders among the mentally challenged learners in Ainabkoi division Uasingishu County. The problem of the study was that in the National Appraisals for primary schools development activities and academic performance in the year 2013, there was no school in Ainabkoi Division that appeared among the top 100 best schools country wide. It was guided by three objectives; to determine the extent of social reinforcement, to investigate...

Home and School Factors on Absenteeism of Class Three Pupils in Selected Schools in Nyamusi Division, Nyamira County Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at establishing the relationship between home nd school factors on absenteeism. It was guided by five objectives that sought to determine the demographic profile of respondents, ~ examine home and school factors related to absenteeism, investigate the rate of absenteeism and establish relationship between home and ~ school factors on absenteeism in selected primary schools in Nyamusi ivision, Nyamira county - Kenya. The study was guided by the social control theor...

Teachers’ Involvement in Institutional Goal Setting and Teachers’ Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Magena Division, Kenyenya District Kisil County.

ABSTRACT The title of the study was Teachers’ involvement in institutional goal setting and teachers’ Performance in Magena Division secondary schools. It was guided by these four objectives; (i)to determine the profile of the respondents in respect to age, gender, level of education and teaching experience ii) Determine the level of Teachers’ involvement in institutional goal setting iii)determine the level of teachers’ performance, iv) determine the relationship between the level of...

Capacity Building and Academic Staff Performance in Selected Primary Schools, Central Zone, Malindi District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Declaration A Declaration B ii Table of Contents iii List of Tables v Chapter One THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 Background of the study 1 Statement of the problem 3 Purpose of the study 4 Research Objectives 4 Research Questions 5 Hypothesis 5 Scope 6 Significance of the Study 6 Definition of Key Operational Terms 7 Two REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 8 Concept, idea and opinions 8 Theoretical perspective 13 Related Studies 13 Three METHODOLOGY 19 Research Design 19 Target p...

Correlates of Academic Performance of Orphaned Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Musanze District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The researcher’s purpose is to identify and examine the correlates of orphaned students’ academic performance (academic achievement) in selected secondary schools in Musanze District ,Rwanda. Chapter One of this research work is devoted to portraying the background of this study, emphasizing on the present life of orphaned students in Rwanda. This includes mainly these students’ academic performanceJn Chapter Two, emphasis is laid on factors affecting academic performance in ge...

Effects of Arts on Socialization in Selected Primary Schools Homa — Bay County Nairobi — Kenya

ABSTRACT The study experimented on the effects of Arts on socialization in selected primary schools Lambwe East location Mbita Sub County. In particular this determines the following; (1) profile of the students as to age, gender, rank in family, and education level (2) mean scores in the pretest and post test for both the experiments (3) significance difference in the pretest and post test mean scores between the male and female (4) mean gain in the post test in the experiments (5) significa...

Perception on Inter-Ethnic Conflict Relative to Pupils Attendance in Schools in Marsabit District

ABSTRACT The state of life and education in the inter —ethnic clash prone area in relation to provision of education in Marsabit district is so pathetic and deplorable, that some measures should be put in place for these children to grow, develop and learn like any other children where this culture of ethnicity is non existent. The researcher was guided by the following specific objectives: To determine the perception on inter-ethnic conflict by the peace committee in regard to causes, solu...

Reading Culture and Academic Performance of Postgraduate Students in Selected Private Universities in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between reading culture and performance of postgraduate students of selected private universities in Kampala Uganda. Specifically, it identified (i) the demographic characteristics of the postgraduate students, (ii) degree of reading culture (iii) level of academic performance (iv) whether there is a significant difference in gender and performance and (v) whether there is a relationship between reading culture and academic performance of postg...

School Feeding Program and Pupils’ Enrolment in Selected Public Primary Schools, in Busanze Sector, Nyaruguru District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out whether or not the School Feeding Programme had enhanced the school enrolment in selected public primary schools located in Busanze sector in Nyaruguru district, Rwanda. The objectives of the study were: to determine the extent of the implementation of school feeding program in public primary schools of Busanze sector in Nyaruguru district, Rwanda; to detennine the level of and trend of pupils’ enrolment in public primary schools in Busanze ...

Resource Availability and Utilization as Correlates of Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools in Oyam North County, Oyam District in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between resource availability and utilization as correlates of academic performance in selected primary schools in Oyam north County, Oyam district of Uganda. 14 out of 56 primary schools were sampled. A descriptive survey design of the ex-post facto was adopted. The head teachers, heads of departments, teachers, local leaders and pupils were sampled. Questionnaires, interview guides and observation checklists were developed to collect data. Th...

Gender Imbalance in Education and Socio-Economic Development in Hargeisa Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study investigated the level of gender imbalance in education and socio economic development In Hargeisia Somaliland. The study was guided by the following objectives to investigate the level of gender imbalance in education and socio economic development and to establish the significant relationship between gender imbalance in education and socio economic development in Hargeisia Somaliland. Also we look at the constrains of women interims of education employment opportunity and...

Socio-Cultural Factors and Inclusive Education in Higher Learning Institutions in Rwanda

TABLE OF CONTENT chapter page ONE:PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 Statement of the problem 6 Purpose of the study 7 Research Objectives 7 Research questions 8 Scope 8 Significance of the study 9 The findings of this study will facilitate the following: 9 TWO:CONCEPTS, OPINION AND IDEAS FROM AUTHORS/EXPERTS 11 Cultural perception and reforms 12 The benefits of young people with disabilities living with peer 13 Inclusive education 15 The practice of inclusive education 16 Meaning of the term “disabil...

The Human Condition in Afrocectional Praxis: Implications for Social Work Policy

Social work is defined as service that considers the present, urgent and unique matters of context in regards to what encompasses social life. (Hay, Introduction) In the context of the 21st-century social worker, hegemonic models for social welfare theory neglects to advocate equity and fulfillment of needs for all members across social positions, a considerable issue that exists in many social work cases. Considering the presence of individualism and fractal measurement, Eurocentrism is prev...

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