Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Human Capital Management Practices On Employee Engagement In Public Universities In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT. Turnover in public universities in Kenya has become a high profile issue due to the changes and challenges that face the entire education system. Despite the economic contribution of 6.7% Gross Domestic Product by public universities in Kenya, the 2013 Public Universities Inspection Committee of Kenya reported that these institutions were experiencing high turnover rates of 33% compared to other sectors in the economy resulting to poor employee engagement. Moreover, the 2013 World E...

Human Resource Audit And Organizational Performance In The County Government Of Kisumu, Kenya

ABSTRACT Human resource audit (HRA) is responsible for identifying human resource problems that affect the human resource functions of an organization and improve organizational performance. Effectiveness of a HRA in the public sector needs to be investigated because the audits are always done but there is still evidence of underperformance, strikes and complaints in most sectors. Human resource audit is an annual and costly activity carried out in forty seven counties in Kenya and its effect...

Assessment Of The Effects Of Team Cohesion On Task Performance

ABSTRACT Team cohesion is the total field of forces causing members to remain in a group. It is the dynamic process which is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in pursuit of its goals and objectives. The purpose of this study is to find out effects of team cohesion on task performing among the workforce of the Faith Based Health Institutions in Western Province. The objectives of the study were to; determine the effect of team cohesion on task performanc...

The Effectiveness Of Conciliation And Arbitration As Dispute Resolution Mechanism In The Ferro-Alloy Industry

ABSTRACT The research evaluates the effectiveness of conciliation and arbitration as an alternate dispute resolution mechanism in the Ferro – Alloy Industry. A case of ZIMASCO and Zimbabwe Alloys International, 2 major players in the industry, were examined in a descriptive research design. Backing the research is the concept of legal pluralism which then defined conciliation and arbitration as alternative dispute resolution systems. A sample size of 35 comprising of Management and Trade Un...

Investigating How Differences In Gender Influence The Leadership Styles Adopted In Organisations: A Case Study Of Freda Rebecca Gold Mine

ABSTRACT This research explains how gender differences influence the leadership styles adopted at FRGM. The research examined whether men and women really have different leadership behaviours, highlighted the possible factors that may influence their differences in leadership behaviours such as biological differences, structural differences and also looked at the role society and culture play in shaping the leadership behaviour of male and female leaders, looked at other factors apart from g...

Challenges and Survival Strategies of Employees under Precarious Employment within the Agricultural and Hospitality Industries in Zimbabwe. The case of Border Timbers Limited and Chimanimani

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges faced and survival strategies used by employees under precarious employment at BTL and CH representing the agricultural and hospitality industries in Zimbabwe respectively. Out of 1666 total population at BTL and 68 employees at CH, the sample size of 20 participants was chosen from each organisation through quota, convenience and purposive sampling. Qualitative research approach and the multiple case study research design wa...

The Effectiveness Of Urban Agriculture As A Survival Strategy Among Gweru Urban Farmers In Zimbabwe

ABTSTRACT Almost 70 percent of the respondents maintained that urban agriculture is important for them as they use all the produce for household consumption. They also highlighted that the crops provide them with fresh supplies and a variety of food cheaply. Almost the same number of people produces less than 6 bags (50 kg) of maize yearly. About 18 percent produce 7-15 bags while the rest could not quantify their produce. Some rear chickens and pigs for sale and grow crops in order to feed t...

Role Of Emotional Labour In Managing Job Stress For Frontline Officers In A Service Industry. The Case Of National Social Security Authority

ABSTRACT Frontline officers play an important role in organisations, as they are directly involved with customers and clients who are the lifeline of any organization. It is because of this function as the go- between the company and the customers that front line officers effectively need to manage stress so as to effectively deliver quality service. Coupled with various stressors such as role overload, role ambiguity, socio-economic stressors, work/life imbalance, and rigid organizational po...

The Effectiveness Of Works Councils In Promoting Industrial Democracy. A Case Study Of The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority

Abstract This research was carried out to explore the effectiveness of works councils in promoting industrial democracy. It was carried out using the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority as a case study. The problem identified was the non-implementation of works council resolutions, which tainted the achievement of industrial democracy. It should be noted however that although there is no requirement at law for parties to reach agreements whenever they convene for meetings, both parties should be bound...

Effect Of Human Capital Management On Employee Performance In Public Teaching And Referral Hospitals In Kenya: A Case Of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching And Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Kisumu County Annual Development Plan 2017-2018 reports that, there are 120 public health facilities consisting of one county referral hospital, six sub-county hospitals and 113 primary care facilities. The current health care staffing levels in the county is represented by a “nurse to population ratio” of 1:1697 and a doctor to population ratio of 1:38511. Kisumu County, compared to other counties in Kenya, has topped from 2011-2017 show that inadequate medical services contribu...

Enhancing Customer Service Through Employee Engagement in The Service Sector A Comparative Study of a Hotel and A Tour Operator in Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to ascertain how customer service could be enhanced through employee engagement lack of documented evidence of the contribution of employee engagement to customer service improvements in the service sector in Zimbabwe motivated the researcher to carry out this study


ABSTRACT The research sought to determine the importance of training in enhancing the performance of employees. The research was driven by the need to demonstrate the value of training in fostering attainment of organisational goals through employees. Research was carried out at the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) Head Office. Research objectives were to establish the training process in the organisation, ascertain how transfer of training is facilitated, to determine how the effectiveness...

Survivor Syndrome and Labour Productivity in the Zimbabwean Timber Industry: The Case Study of Border Timbers Limited

ABSTRACT In light of massive restructurings and unceasing downsizings in Zimbabwe, the main thrust of the research was to examine the implications of survivor syndrome on labour productivity in Zimbabwean Timber Industry, using a case study of Border Timbers Limited. The study was guided by the Integrated Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour (CWB) and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) Model by Spector and Fox (2002). Qualitative research approach was used. Quota, convenience and pur...

The Effects Of Job Security On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of First Banking Corporation (FBC Bank Limited).

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of job security on employee performance at First Banking Corporation Limited (FBC Bank Ltd). This was in light of the underperforming Zimbabwean economy and the subsequent tremors in the banking sector. Tremors such as the liquidity crisis which has led to the promotion of the use of ‘plastic money’, mobile and e-banking, and the dwindling clientele for the banks have led to banks revise the nature of work and adopt survival stra...

An Assessment On The Impacts Of Labour Turnover On Organisational Productivity. The Case Of Zimbabwe German Graphite Mines (Pvt) Ltd

Abstract Significant changes in the global economy have accelerated the movement of labour from one organization to another. Therefore the research aimed to bring a clear understanding and appreciation of the relationship between labour turnover and organizational productivity. The research was informed by the Needs theory which show that employees affiliate to different needs in order to be satisfied at work and the Equity theory which posits that the motive to act in a certain way is develo...

511 - 525 Of 868 Results