Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

The Influence Of Social Media On Employee Perfomance: Challenges And Opportunities For Human Resources Managers. (A Case Of Mutare City Council)

ABSTRACT The Purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of collaborative technology such as social media influence on employee performance in the workplace. The research examines the positive and negative effects of social media on employee performance and its variables which include knowledge, skills, motivation and productivity and elaborate on the opportunities and threats for organisations that are presented by the use of social media in the workplace. The researcher was guide...

The Experiences Of Women Workers In Mining: A Case Study Of Hwange Colliery Company Limited

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore the positive and negative experiences of women in mining at HCCL. The objectives of the study included investigating women miners’ access to mobility and power structures, fairness in task assignment, exploring women miners’ insights on the handling of disciplinary and performance issues, the execution of the gender mainstreaming role by HR and the challenges women face from stereotypical behavior and exclusion. Some of the positive experie...

Private Security Sector Employees: Labour Practices And Challenges Faced In Securing Decent Work. A Case Study Of Professional Security

ABSTRACT The main thrust of this research was to investigate the labour practices and challenges faced in securing decent work for private security sector employees. The research was conceptually guided by the Human Development concept. Twenty-eight participants were drawn from various categories which included HR personnel, management, workers’ committee and security guards. In selecting these participants from the categories of HR personnel, management and workers’ committee, the resear...

The Effects Of Outsourcing On Labour Productivity: A Case Study Of Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of outsourcing on labour productivity at Sino Zimbabwe Cement Company. A sample of 6 participants from SZCC management and 3 managers from outsourced labour companies was selected using judgmental sampling technique. Quota sampling technique was used to select 23 non managerial participants from SZCC employees and 15 participants from outsourced labour. Outsourcing was done to reduce costs and to access technical skills. It reduced level of commitme...

Assessment Of Practices Used In Retention Of Knowledge Workers In Sugar Companies In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Whereasfirms have retention strategies, the turnover rates keep escalating and the failure to keep or retain knowledge workers may undermine the competitive capability, intellectual capital, culturalfabric, image building and institutional memory of such firms and thus the need for this study.The purpose of this study was to establish the effectiveness of practices used by sugar industriesin retention of knowledge workers as a way of building their competitive advantage. Thespecific ...

Factors Affecting Sheep And Goat Milk Consumption In Arid And Semi-Arid Lands Of Kenya

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to determine the factors affecting sheep and goat milk consumption in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. Specifically the study sought to assess sheep and goat milk production, assess sheep and goat milk consumption, and identify sheep and goat management practices for optimal milk production in Kyawango and Kibauni Locations of Mwala Sub County of Machakos County. Data was collected from a sample of 120 respondents using questionnaires and observations and wa...

Change Management Practices And Employee Performance In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Change is what brings forth new ideas, solutions and growth. It’s about breaking free from our circle of comfort in order to start seeing alternative routes offered to our organizations to progress in the right direction. It’s about embracing business transformation, making an organisation more agile, ready to adapt, and taking advantage of the latest innovations to boost competitiveness. County governments in Kenya have become a point interest especially in service delivery at t...

In-Service Training And Service Delivery In Public Hospitals In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the efforts of the medical society and health staff alongside the advancements in medical technologies, patients’ dissatisfaction and complaints remain a norm rather than an exception in Kenya today. Effective training programs create desired knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities of the employees to perform well on the job and impact employee motivation and commitment. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of in-service training and service delivery in pub...

Talent Retention Strategies And Competitiveness of Publicuniversities In Western Region Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Public Universities are currently facing challenges in retaining talent. This has been crucial to the changing prospects and potentials of knowledge formation and learning. Organizations loose key talent for many reasons; lack of job satisfaction, poor reward systems and management, poor organizational policies, lack of opportunities for growth, training and development, lack of work life balance with regard to work life conflicts and poor working conditions. Retention of employees h...

Employee Retention Practicesand Organization Performance In County Governments Of Westernkenya

ABSTRACT In order for organizations to compete favorably in the current global economy, they need to invest heavily in employee retention practices. Former Western Province Counties in Kenya have been experiencing acute employees shortage due to their inability to attract and retain qualified personnel. This has resulted to poor county government performance resulting to; delays in projects initiation and completion, missing revenue collection targets, and poor service delivery to the citizen...

Factors Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction In Government Institutions: A Case Study Of Narok County Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT A lot of research has been done on employee job satisfaction all over the world by different researchers and scholars. Less research has been conducted on the various factors affecting job satisfaction of health sector employees, with a case study on Narok County Referral Hospital. Therefore, the understanding of these factors are clearly defined and explained, in order to help the hospital administrators to improve performance and satisfaction. The factors have been categorized into...

The Impact Of Work-Life Balance On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of National Employment Council For The Food And Allied Industries In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The research sought to assess the impact of work-life balance on performance of employees. The major drive of the research was the necessity for it to demonstrate the value of work-life balance in nurturing accomplishment of organisational goals through employees. Research was carried out at the National Employment Council for the Food and Allied Industries Head Office. Using a qualitative descriptive research approach, the researcher collected data from a sample of 17 participants ...

Influence Of Intrinsic Rewards On Employee Performance In Sugar Companies In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Intrinsic motivation occurs when people engage in an activity such as a hobby without external incentives. Social and educational psychologists have studied this form of motivation since the early 1970’s. Research has found that it is usually associated with high achievement and enjoyment by employees. Research has shown that increased workforce motivation contributes to increased productivity and innovation, creative problem solving, reduced turnover and decreased absenteeism. How...

Influence Of Training And Development Strategies On Performance Of Employees In Pension Scheme Providers In Kenya: A Case Of Nssf Western/Nyanza Region

ABSTRACT Worldwide older persons are regarded as vulnerable group, hence are in dire need of government attention. Various efforts by various successive regimes in the country to address the needs of older members of the society have proved abortive. NSSF was established to provide basic financial security benefits to Kenyans upon retirement. With increase in private pension providers, there is need for efficiency in service provision and need for adoption of technology in running the activit...

496 - 510 Of 868 Results