Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Employee Engagement And Psychological Empowerment On The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Of First Line Employees In Onetwo Star Hot

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to provide an understanding of how employee engagement and psychological empowerment influences the relationship between job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of first-line employees in one-two star hotels in Ghana. The study employed a cross-sectional design and a quantitative method approach. The data was gathered with the use of a standardised questionnaire, a total of 302 first-line employees from 25 hotels in the Upper West Regi...

Influence Of Attitudes And Personal Values On Willingness To Remain In Rural Areas Among Human Resource For Health In Tanzania: A Case Of Kigoma And Tabora Regions

ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of attitudes and personal values on willingness to remain in rural areas among Human Resource for Health (HRH) in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Kigoma and Tabora regions as they have the lowest HRH densities, where, two districts were selected from each region. The study employed explanatory cross-sectional survey using data collected in one point of time. The study involved 230 participants who responded to questionnaire and 11 key informant...

Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Engagement And Job Satisfaction In Leading Ghanaian Companies

ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR), employee engagement and job satisfaction in leading Ghanaian companies. More specifically, the study examines the nature and form of CSR activities in the selected companies, the influence of CSR on job satisfaction and employee engagement as well as the independent relationship between job satisfaction and employee engagement. In all, three companies adjudged the best CSR companies in the 2015 editi...

Motivation and performance enhancement in organisations: a case study of passion Air Ghana.

ABSTRACT The issue of employee dissatisfaction and related attitude towards work is assuming alarming rate worldwide. The situation is even more serious in developing countries where working conditions are unattractive (Miroshnik, 2002). As indicated by Dartey-Baah & Amoako (2011), motivation is a key determinant of work performance. It strengthens, directs, and sustains human behavior. Motivation is crucial for organisations to function; without motivation employees will not put up their be...

Mobile Phones Use For Combating Of Illegal Fishing In Musoma Municipal

ABSTRACT The study on ―How mobile phones are used for combating illegal fishing activities‖ aimed at assessing the contributions of mobile phones on fishing activities, roles of the government on the management of mobile phones used by fish dealers and analyzing the challenges faced by the government and the community on monitoring and managing mobile phones in combating illegal fishing activities in Makoko and Migobero wards in Musoma Municipality. The study involved two wards and the s...

Assessment Of Flood Disasters Preparedness Due To Climate Change And Variability, The Case Of Bujonde And Kajunjumele Wards In Kyela District

ABSTRACT This study focused on the preparedness from flood disasters due to climate change and variability in Kyela district. Basically this study sought to; i) examine the link between climate change and variability and the occurrence of floods, ii) assess the impact of floods on socio-economic activities, iii) asses the level of preparedness in addressing flood disasters due to climate change and variability, iv) examine the challenges faced by the local community to engage in flood disast...

Data Protection And Electronic Human Resource Systems (E-Hrs): A Case Study Of Valley View University, Oyibi-Ghana

ABSTRACT The study sought to ascertain the extent to which Valley View University (VVU) has complied with the Data Protection Act (DPA) since the implementation of the E-HRS at the University. This case study sampled a total of thirty employees from diverse functional units of the University. The aim was to evaluate respondents’ acceptability, knowledge and understanding of E-HRS issues relating to the DPA, security issues in the DPA and adherence to such security issues. Findings revealed ...

Composition Of Board Of Directors And Its Effects On Service Delivery And Firm Performance In The Ghanaian Banking Industry

ABSTRACT Following the extensive financial crises with its resultant collapse of some world leading businesses, the concept of corporate governance has received considerable attention in both industrial and academic circles. The role of board of directors in the death and survival of corporate entities has become a key component of the corporate governance architecture. The study examines the composition of board of directors and its effects on service delivery and firm performance in the Gha...

Experiences Of Ghanaian Student Nurses In The Clinical Learning Environment: Implications For Nursing Education And Practice

ABSTRACT Learning environments are relevant in adult education as they serve to facilitate acquisition of relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes for one to be well educated. The Clinical Learning Environment (CLE) has been identified as a complex network of forces that work together in the learning of clinical skills for student nurses in addition to classroom learning (Flott & Linden, 2016). Student nurses are placed in the Clinical Learning Environment to acquire the requisite skills need...

Employees’ Perception Of The Impact Of Organisational Culture On Performance. A Case Study Of Process & Plant Automation Limited

ABSTRACT The concept of organisational culture and its role and effect on organisational performance gained a lot of popularity in the 1980s and has remained a subject matter of great interest. Scholars and organisations are interested in organisational culture for many reasons, most commonly, how it affects employee commitment, satisfaction on the job, retention, and performance. Organisational culture has a lot of implications for strategy development, implementation, and organisational per...

An Exploratory Study of Human Resource (HR) Analytics: Implications For Human Resource Management Practice

ABSTRACT Effectively managing human capital is very critical to organisations today. This has strategic implications for businesses that want to gain a competitive advantage over others. HR analytics is gaining widespread attention in businesses with the goal of increasing their competitiveness. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the implications of HR analytics on human resource management practice in Ghana. Adopting a qualitative approach to research, twenty organisations were pu...

A Study of The Dimensions of Organizational Justice Which Best Predict Employee Trust And Productivity in Ghanaian Higher Institutions

ABSTRACT  This study aims to examine the dimensions of organisational justice that best predict employee trust; and the dimensions of organisational justice that best predict employee productivity. The study used a quantitative approach and data were gathered from 211 respondents through the use of a questionnaire. Convenience sampling techniques was used to select both the five Ghanaian higher education institutions and the respondents for the study. The data gathered was analysed using Sta...

Perceived Hrm Practices And Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role Of Job Embeddedness. A Study Of The Hotel Industry In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to explore the turnover intention of employees in the hotel industry using Job Embeddedness as a mediator of its relationship with HRM practices. The study used job embeddedness, to investigate its mediation effect on the relationship between employees‟ turnover intention and three areas of human resource practices (Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Rewards and Benefits). Stratified, purposive and convenience sampling methods were ado...

Emotional Labour And Emotional Intelligence As Predictors Of Job Attitudes: The Moderating Role Of Perceived Organisational Support

ABSTRACT This study introduces perceived organizational support (POS) as a moderating variable to provide some explanations to the possible relationship between emotional labour, emotional intelligence and job attitudes among nurses and midwives in Ghana. The study employed a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach (QUAN-qual), a cross-sectional design and proportionately sampled three hundred and forty-two (342) nurses and midwives from six public and quasi-public health facilities in t...

Pressure For Production And Employee Safety Behavior Among Ghanaian Power Generation Companies: The Moderating Role of Management Commitment to Safety And Priority of Safety on The Planet

ABSTRACT Most part of the safety literature indicates that employees fashion their safety-related behaviours in accordance with the perceived climate. This present study examined three dimensions of safety climate (management commitment to safety, priority of safety on plant and pressure for production). The aim of the study was to examine whether the pressure placed on the power generation companies in Ghana as a result of the erratic power supply (‘Dumsor’) has implications for employe...

526 - 540 Of 868 Results