Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Factors Contributing To Employee Job Dissatisfaction In The Public Sector: A Case Study Of Kwimba District Council-Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the factors for employee job dissatisfaction in public sector a case of Kwimba District Council. The study specifically intended to identify the factors contributing to employee job dissatisfaction. The study also sought to examine the effect of employee job dissatisfaction in Kwimba District. The study employed a case study approach to examine the factors for employee job dissatisfaction and the sample was obtained through random method and purposive and...

Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Among Ward Secondary School Teachers In Mwanza Region: A Case Of Magu District

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the factors influencing job satisfaction among ward secondary school teachers in Magu District in Mwanza. The objectives of this study were to identify factors influencing job satisfaction among ward secondary school teachers, to find out the current job satisfaction level of secondary school teachers in Magu District and to examine challenges facing teachers on working place in ward secondary schools. A sample of 65 respondents was used and these were ra...

Assessment Of The Local Government Administration And Community Participation In Development Projects: A Case Of Ng’ong’hoghna Ward In Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The study has aimed at assessing the local government administration and community participation in development projects. This research was been guided with three specific objectives these were; to evaluate levels of the community participation on development projects through their local authority, to asses approaches used by local Authority in involving the communities in development projects and to find out challenges facing local authorities in the implementation of development p...

Problems Influencing Organizational Core Values: A Case Study Of Dawasco

ABSTRACT This research aimed at examining the problems influencing organizational core values as the available solution for organization failure to attain its set objectives. The researcher was concerned with the growing rate of sick public sectors, which are perceived to have affected community development. The study taking DAWASCO as a case study, begun with the proposition that there were direct link between organizational core values and better performance of public sectors, in provision...

Human Resourses’ Training And Development And Workers’ Productivity (A Case Study Of Mercedez Benz-Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company Emene, Enugu)

ABSTRACT The improvement in management sciences and technology, which demands complex skills, knowledge, and experiences has made staff training a compulsory task. It is because of this trend that this work is being carried out inorder to evaluate the training and development programmes in Nigeria Public Sector with special reference to MB-Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company, Emene, Enugu State. The research equally probes into the impact of Human resources training and development on worker...

The Role Of Secondary Inspectorate Department In Enhancing Students’ Performance: A Case Of Arusha District Council

ABSTRACT This study was concerned with the role of secondary school inspectorate department on enhancing students‟ performance. The main aim was to explore the extent to which school inspection has an impact upon students‟ performance. The study was essentially quntitative with some aspects of a qualitative approach and it employed 61 respondents. These were 50 teachers, 8 school inspectors, 1 chief inspector, 1 district education officer, 1 district executive director. Empirical data we...

An Assessment Of The Strategies For Effective Human Resources Training And Utilization In The Nigerian Public Organization (A Case Study Of Unn)

ABSTRACT The study focused on the assessment of strategies for effective human resources training and utilization in the Nigerian public organization. As a strategic as well as operational activity of the human resources management that has been for long denied adequate attention, the researcher used four specific objectives to capture the over all objective of the study. The relevance of the study lies on the fact that it among other things explored the areas of strength and weaknesses in t...

The Impact Of Decentralization Reforms On Health Service Delivery In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Of Karagwe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the impact of decentralization reforms on health service delivery in the local government authorities in Tanzania. The study specifically assessed the community perceptions on the role of decentralization reforms, the influence of decentralization reforms on improved quality, access and delivery of health care services and finally identified and analyzed major challenges in the implementation of decentralization reforms in Tanzania. Karagwe District was the case ...

Decentralization Of Secondary Education And Teachers Management In Tanzania: The Case Of Moshi District Council

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Moshi District Council. The main objective of the study was to investigate how decentralization has influenced secondary schools teachers‟ management. The study was guided by four specific objectives to which decentralization has affected secondary school teachers management in Moshi District council; to examine to what extent Moshi District Council officers affected teachers‟ management under decentralization appropriately, to investigate how the adm...

Implementing Administrative Decentralization In Mbozi District Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study focused on examining the implementation of administrative decentralization in Mbozi District Council, Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the components of Administrative decentralization in Tanzania, to examine how Mbozi District Council implement decentralization particularly Human resource management component, to examine the influence of administrative decentralization in the performance of the Council and to examine challenges for effective...

Socio-Cultural Environment Influencing Open Performance Review And Appraisal System (Opras) In Public Institutions In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Water Supply And Sanitation Authority In Dodoma

ABSTRACT The study was conducted at Dodoma Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority which is located in Dodoma Region. The study attempts to examine the influence of sociocultural environment on OPRAS, a case study of DUWASA. A sample of 70 plus 9 key informants were included in the study which implicated both management staff and the floor workers from each department. Questionnaire, interviews and documentation were used to collect data. Questionnaires were given to ordinary employees w...

Recruitment, Selection And Placement In Public Sector Establishments In Nigeria: A Study Of The Federal Polytechnic, Idah.

ABSTRACT The research was necessitated by the need to examine the challenges of staff recruitment, selection and placement in Public sector establishments in Nigeria. Based on this, the researcher went into investigation with a view to discovering the effects of political and sociological factors on recruitment; their effects on effective service delivery; and to determine the remedial measures to ensure effective and efficient service delivery in the Institutions of higher learning. Three h...

Remuneration And Industrial Conflicts In The Anambra State Civil Service, Nigeria (1991-2011)

ABSTRACT This research work is on “Remuneration and Industrial Conflicts in the Anambra State Civil Service, Nigeria (1991-2011)”. The study was motivated by the frequent complaints made by the civil servants over their remuneration and the insensitivity of the Anambra State government in addressing the problem especially against the backdrop of severe economic hardship the country is experiencing. These complaints often snowball into industrial conflicts in the state. Arising from t...

Impact Of Financial Control Mechanisms On Local Government Autonomy In Delta State, Nigeria. (1999 – 2008).

The study was on the Impact of Financial Control Mechanisms on Local Government Autonomy in Delta State, Nigeria, 1999-2008. The general objective of the study was to establish the nature of relationship between financial control mechanisms and autonomy with a view to exposing the contradictions between policy objectives of government and the actual realisation of the objectives of local government in Delta State. The specific objectives of the study were to: identify the existing financial c...

Community Participation Towards Public Offices Performance In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Moshi Rural District

ABSTRACT The study analyzed community participation toward public offices performance in Moshi rural district in Tanzania. The study was guided by three specific objectives which are; to assess the role of community participation in redress of public complains, to assess the challenges faced the community participation in redressing public complains and the last objective was to examine measures taken to public complains. In this study the theories pertaining to community participation was e...

586 - 600 Of 1320 Results