Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

An Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Servicom In The Federal Public Service In South-East Nigeria 2005-2011

ABSTRACT This research evaluated the implementation of SERVICOM reforms in the Nigeria federal public service in South-east Nigeria, with particular reference to Federal Ministry of Works, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). The study was necessitated by the continued decadence and stigmatization of the public service with over centralization, incessant conflicts between cadres, scant emphasis on results and concrete performanc...

The Influence Of Political Will On Enhancement Of Gender Parity In Decision Making In The Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mbinga District Council

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the influence of political will on enhancement of gender parity in decision making in the local government authorities in Tanzania. Specifically this study seeks to determine the political commitment in influencing gender political representation in local authorities in Tanzania; to assess the contribution of affirmative-action policies on administrative appointment; and to examine the extent to which public resources enhance gender-based district develo...

Effectiveness Of Citizen Participation On Service Delivery In Local Government Authourities In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma City Council

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effectiveness of citizen participation in service delivery in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania: a case of Dodoma City Council (DCC) with special focus on Nzuguni and Mtumba Wards. The study was guided by three specific objectives which included: assessing the current status of citizen participation on service delivery in Dodoma City Council (DCC), assessing the relationship between effective citizen participation and services delivery in DCC, and d...

Assessment Of Open Perfomance Review And Appraisal System (Opras) In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: Case Of Kibondo District Council

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the implementation Assessment of the Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania a case of Kibondo District Council. The was specifically put in place to fulfil four objectives, namely; to assess how efficiently and properly has OPRAS been implemented/operated in Kibondo District Council, to assess the level of awareness of employees about OPRAS, to investigate on the role played by OPRAS in improving ...

An Assessment Of The Trends And Extent Of Employee Turnover In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT  The study aims at assessing the Trends and Extent of Employee Turnover in Local Government Authorities: A Case Study of Dodoma Municipal Council. The researcher used the cross sectional design that allowed the researcher to use questionnaire, interview and documentary review during data collection. The sample size was 85 respondents. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data. Descriptive statistics summarized the information from the colle...

Challenges Facing Disabled People In Employment Opportunities In The Public Civil Service In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study investigated challenges facing disabled persons in employment opportunities within the public civil services using Dodoma Municipality as a case study. Specifically, the study intended to: establish the extent of employment for people with disability in the study area, examine the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in employment processes, and identify options to improve the employment status for people with disabilities. Qualitative and quantitative data colle...

To Assess The Advantages Of Pspf Investments To Its Members And Suggest For Common Guidelines Which Will Govern Investment Of Social Security Funds In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF) headquarter, Dar es Salaam. The objective of the study was to assess the advantages of PSPF investments to its members and suggest for common guidelines which will govern investment of social security funds in Tanzania. Specific objectives were to determine how assets allocation are made strategically among various categories of investment portfolios of Pension Funds in Tanzania, to examine how best the guidelines ...

The Contribution Of Privatized Tea Factories To Community Development In Tanzania: The Case Of Mponde Tea Factory Lushoto Tanga

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of a privatized tea factory to community development taking Mponde tea factory in Lushoto disrict as a case study. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the extent to which people surrounding Mponde tea factory benefit from the factory through employment, social services like education, health and water supply and to assess the means used by Mponde tea factory to help small scale tea farmers in their production. ...

Internal Auditors’ Autonomy And Financial Accountability In Cross River State Local Government System: 2008/2013.

Abstract This work aims at investigating the Internal Auditors’ Autonomy and financial Accountability in Cross River State Local Government system. In the process of this research, the investigator attempt to examine how the double coincidence of the chairmen of local governments being the political heads and at the same time, the chief accounting officers of the local governments could affect the proper financial management in the local government system. The study adopts the system theor...

An Assessment of Causes and Consequences of Corruption on Nigeria Economy(1998 -2009)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page .................................................................. i Certification ............................................................... ii Dedication …………………………………………………………….. iii Acknowledgement .......................................................... iv An Assessment of the causes and the consequence of corruption on the Nigeria Economy (1998 -2009). CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Back ground to t...

Conflict Management In Local Governments In Imo State (2009-2015)

ABSTRACT The research is on conflict management in local government, with specific focus on local governments in Imo State. The objectives of the study were to: To examine the causes of conflict in local governments in Imo State; to examine the impact of conflict on the performance in local government areas of Imo State; and to examine the measures that can be taken for effective conflict management in local governments in Imo State. The hypotheses that guided this study are: Autocratic lead...

The Interface Between Increased Number Of Public Secondary Schools And Educational Development In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Manyoni District

ABSTRACT This study has examined the interface between increased number of public secondary schools and educational development in Manyoni district. It has examined the contribution or impacts of the rapid increase of public secondary schools on education development in Manyoni district. It has assessed the educational status in Manyoni district and examined the measures which could be taken to improve the educational status and to ensure that the services given meet the needs and expectatio...

Factors Influencing Teachers Turnover In Public Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mbozi District Council

ABSTRACT This study assessed the factors influencing teachers‘ turnover in public secondary schools in Tanzania taking as a case of study of Mbozi district Council, Mbeya region. The main goal was to determine the factors influencing teachers‘ turnover in public secondary schools in Mbozi district council and to highlight the magnitude of teachers‘ turnover in public secondary schools in Mbozi district council in Tanzania. Methods of Data collection used were interviews, questionnaire ...

The Impact Of Children Obesity On Health Issues In Tanzania – (A Case Study Of Higher Income Earners In Dodoma)

ABSTRACT This study, investigates the impact of children obesity on health issues in Tanzania a case study of higher income earners in Dodoma. Morbidity, mortality, and life expectancy were used as proxies for health issues. The specific objectives, were to examine the contributing factors to children obesity in Dodoma, to evaluate the impacts of children obesity and to suggest measures to be taken to overcome the problem in Tanzania. The study, employed cross - sectional design on which com...

An Assessment Of Local Government Financing Towards Quality Education In Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Karatu District

ABSTRACT The study was about the Assessment of the local government financing towards quality education in public schools in Karatu district. The study particularly sought to determine whether there is relationship between finance/funds provided by local government and students‘ performance in public secondary schools in Tanzania. In fact, most of public secondary schools get inadequate amount of funds which is also associated with delay and this obviously has negative consequences on stud...

616 - 630 Of 1320 Results