Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Failure Of Small-Scale Entrepreneurs On Credit Returns To Institutions Lending Credits: The Case Of Mpwapwa District

ABSTRACT Credit is one of the important sources of capital to small-scale entrepreneurs to develop their businesses. In Tanzania, there is an increase on funding credit programmes aimed to facilitate the small-scale entrepreneurs. There is an emphasis on increasing the availability of credit to small and micro enterprises (SMEs), but access to credit by such entrepreneurs remains one of the major constraints they face because few of them receive such credits. In developing countries for exam...

An Assessment Of Water Supply And Water Management Policy: A Case Study Of Rombo District Council

ABSTRACT This study, has aimed at assessing the water supply and water management programs at Rombo district, as a case study. It specifically, focused on examining how water supply program was being conducted in the area by identifying issues and problems, related to the accessibility of domestic water to the residents of Rombo district. The study, also aimed on drawing solution to the problem by examining which of them hindered the water supply process, on ensuring the attainment of water ...

Energia Oil Company And Corporate Social Responsibility In Delta State, Nigeria, 2009 - 2013

The Niger Delta is Nigeria‘s oil and gas belt, as it hosts almost all of Nigeria‘s oil resources. The region has one of the world‘s richest oil deposits. Data from the Federal Republic of Nigeria shows that Niger Delta covers 7.5 per cent of the Nigerian landmass. Niger Delta is so rich in oil that it has produced billions of barrels of crude oil for Nigeria since production began with 4000 barrels in 1958. Given the critical role that big business‘ in general and oil companies in par...

Factors Influencing Staff Retention In Public Organisation And NGOs In Tanzania: A Case Of Mbeya Urban

ABSTRACT The study focused on factors influencing staff retention in public organisations and NGOs in Tanzania using Mbeya Urban as a case of study. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the status of staff retention in Public organisation and NGOs, to identify the factors and impact of employees‟ turnover in Public organisation NGOs and to examine challenges of retaining employees in public organisation and NGOs. The cross-sectional study used both secondary and primary data...

Effect Of Motivation On Workers Performance: A Case Study Of The Capital Development Authority (Cda) And Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The study‟s aim was to examine the effect motivation had on performance. The study was conducted in CDA and DMC in Dodoma region. The study has Identified motivation factors and Mechanism used in the Institutions, It also assessed the level of performance of workers in the study area, and evaluated the effect of motivation factors on the performance of workers. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires (structured and unstructured). Secondary data were extracted from avail...

Skill Acquisition As A Tool For Povert Reduction In Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Successive Administration in Nigeria have been faced with the phenomenon of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria and various attempts have been made to tackle this problem. Bayelsa State is worst hit with this monster of unemployment and poverty in the state.  This research is an attempt to evaluate the various measures put in place to eradicate poverty and the issue of unemployment in Bayelsa State. This research has X-rayed how skill acquisition was used as a tool for poverty reduction in ...

Effectiveness Of Trade Unions In Safeguarding Employee Rights In Tanzania: A Case Study Of The Tanzania Union Of Industrial And Commercial Workers (Tuico) At Nyakato Steel Mill (2001) Limited

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of trade unions in safeguarding employee rights taking as a case study the Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO) at Nyakato Steel Mill (2001) Limited Mwanza. The objectives of the study were; to provide an overview of TUICO and Employee rights at Nyakato Steel Mill (2001) Limited, and to examine the existing structures on which TUICO is operating in collective bargain at Nyakato Steel Mill (2001) Li...

Staff Recruitment, Selection and Placement Policy Under a Presidential System of Government: A Case Study of Ebonyi State Civil Service 1998-2000

Abstract This research work is an outgrowth of my utmost desire and zeal to study the method of recruitment, selection and placement in the Ebonyi State Civil Service as to find explanation to the problem of public out cry against the declining quality of the Nigeria public service and Ebonyi state civil service in particular. We also looked into the historical development and organizational service. The use of both primary and secondary information sources is to gather as much information as...

Employees Turnover Intention In The Banking Industry In Tanzania: A Case Study Of The National Bank Of Commerce (Nbc) Dodoma Branch

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to examine the factors that account for high employees‟ turnover in the banking industry in Tanzania taking the National Bank of Commerce (NBC), Dodoma branch as a case. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted to carry out the study. A sample size of 63 employees was selected from NBC workers from Dodoma branch. These included both primary and secondary data were collected. Focus group discussions, interviews and questionnaire were used to ...

An Assessment Of The Factors Motivating Employee’s Performance In Public Service: A Case Of Selected Departments In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the factors motivating employee‟s performance in the delivery of public services, and the impact on socio economic development using a case study of the Ministry for State President Office Public Service and Good Governance – Zanzibar (PO-PSGG). Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used and a sample of 43 respondents was taken, where 36 were the lower level employees, 3 were the managers, and 4 were the human resource officers. T...

Impacts Of In-Service Training On Enhancing Public Secondary Schools Teacher’s Perfomance In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the impact of in-service training on enhancing performance of public secondary teachers in Tanzania, a case of Dodoma Municipality. It was guided by four specific objectives which were: to examine the number of secondary teachers who attend in-service training on the first five years of their service in teaching profession, to investigate the contribution of in-service training in upgrading performance of secondary teachers, to analyze the major challenges faci...

Assessment Of The Impacts Of Corporal Punishment In School Education In Tanzania: A Case Of Primary Schools In Ilemela District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the impacts of corporal punishment in school Education in Tanzania primary schools. Specific objectives included ; one to examine why most of teachers prefer to use corporal punishment in primary schools,two:to examine the effects of corporal punishment in primary schools to the pupils; and third to examine the measures to be done in order to minimize corporal punishment in primary schools. The researcher used qualitative research, which included of in ...

Effectiveness Of Managerial Strategies Against Employee Turnover In Education Sector: The Case Of Selected Public Primary And Secondary Schools In Makambako Town Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study is aimed to examine the Effectiveness of Managerial Strategies in against the Employee Turnover in Education Sector: The case of Selected Public Primary and Secondary Schools in Makambako Town Council. The study adopted, the survey design, which is broadly qualitative in nature. Survey/Questionnaire and Interview/guide are methods and tools, which have been used to collect data from informants. The study involved 64 respondents namely teachers, school heads and ward educ...

Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Ward Community Police On Crime Prevention In Tanzania: A Case Of Rufiji District

ABSTRACT This study is about an Assessment of the Effectiveness of Ward Community Police on crime prevention in Tanzania. This was necessitated by an increased fear of crime, social and physical disorder, neighborhood decay within the community, therefore, the police had to change into new strategy known as community policing. Data were collected through structured and unstructured questionnaire, observation, documentary review and questionnaire. These were analysed using Scientific Package ...

Motivation And Performance In Enugu State Civil Service: A Case Study Of Enugu State Ministry Of Health

ABSTRACT THIS RESEARCH WORK FOCUSED ON MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE IN THE Enugu State Ministry of Health, (M.O.H.) comprising both the Local Government and State Health workers. Materials for the study were gathered primarily through interviews, observations and questionnaires. Also secondary data, were collected from the database of the State Health Management information system (HMIS). From the data collected, the researcher found that workers are more active in health facilites with adequa...

601 - 615 Of 1320 Results