ABSTRACTThe study aimed at assessing the effects of hotels on development of Kampala. The objectives ofthe study were; to identify the effects of hotels on development of Kampala, to identify thechallenges faced by hotels in developing Kampala, and find the relationship between hotels anddevelopment. This study was confined to Sheraton hotel Kampala Uganda. This placed businessorganization which was chosen to take form of this study because it provided various services andthey were packed dif...
TABLE OF CONTENTS.Declaration ........................................................................ .iApproval. .......................................................................... iiDedication ........................................................................ iiiAcknowledgement. .............................................................. ivTable of content ................................................................. viCHAPTER ONE.1.0 INTODUCTION ..........................
ABSTRACT The study focused on corruption and service delivery in the Republic of South Sudan and it considered primary data. It was guided by the following research objectives; the forms of corruption affecting Service delivery in South Sudan, what is done by the government to prevent and punish corruption culprits in the Republic of South Sudan and the practical recommendations on how to deal with corruption and build strong institutions with zero tolerance to corruption in the Republic of S...
ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the effect of decentralization and performance of local government in social service delivery in kagadi district. The study was to assess the contributions of decentralization in promoting health service delivery in Kagadi district, to explore the challenges encountered in implementing decentralization of health service delivery and explores measures for improving decentralization and, hence promotes efficient health service delivery in Kagadi district....
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of employee behavior on organization performance in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries in Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives, to identify the causes of poor performance in the ministry, to examine the influence of employee behavior on performance of workers, and to establish the solutions to poor organisational performance in the ministry of Agriculture, Animal husbandry and fisheri...
This research exercise is on “impact of talent management on the performance of the employee; a study of selected banks in Enugu state”. The research objectives include: to highlight the impact of talent management on the performance of employees in the selected banks, to ascertain the extent of relationship between talent attraction and employee performance in selected banks and to identify the extent of relationship between talent retention and performance in the selected banks. T...
ABSTRACTThere is uncertainty regarding the quality of financial reporting in Kicukiro district in Rwanda. Kicukiro district experience difficulty in presenting financial reports that reflect the financialcondition and results of operation in rational and meaningful manner. More than often. it is wondered how much information is enough or which information is important. The study wasundertaken with a purpose of examining the relatiomhip between financial reporting and perl'orman...
ABSTRACTThe research on corruption as a correlate of effectiveness in the education sector wasdone in Katoogo Parish, Nama Sub County Mukono district. The main issue was to find out manifestations of corruption, causes of corruption in the education sector or schools for that matter and the relationship between corruption andthe effectiveness of the education sector.The participants in the research were teachers who were administered questionnairesto and the data was analysed using ...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at an assessment of the loan system on the productivity of business organizations in Apac Town Council Apac District. The methodology the researcher used in executing this work included; focused group discussions, documentation review, questionnaires, interview guide, and observation check list. The objective was to as$ess the loan systems and how it impact on the productivity on business organizations. It analyses the effects of loan disbarment, loan repayment perio...
................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................
ABSTRACT study was carried out to examme the rnventory management, assessmg theprofitability of inventory management on the profitability of quality supermarket store.Three research questions were formulated for the study. The literature related to the studywas reviewed. This reviewed focused on the background to the potential rewards ofholding inventories and the problems associated with the inventory management. Thequestionnaire, interviews and direct observation rnethods of data col...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page ................................................................................................................... i TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ ii DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... vi APPROVAL .........................................................................................................
CHAPTER ONE1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Social media as sources of communication and connection across the world. It tends to improve the psychology of event and motivational traits swings among every socialized individual. This is implemented through communication. Communication is a basic human need and for that reason, man has always found a means of meeting those needs. The media which is an umbrella term for various means of communication has show case an integral part of human around and...
ABSTRACTFor any organization’s survival constant maintenance of customer relationship is vital. One of the modern ways of enhancing this effectiveness is the use of automatic taller machine other wise know as branchless banking. Although the usage of this machine is too mechanical. For the purpose of collecting and secondary source of data collection was used. To this end, for any organization to maintain and facilitate effective customer relation in banking industry automatic teller machin...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle pageCertification iDedication iiAcknowledgement iii-ivTable of contents vCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11.1 Historical background of the case study. 21.2 Statement of the problems 31.3 Aims and objectives of the study 41.4 Significance of the study 51.5 Scope of the study 51.6 Limitation of the study 61.7 Hypothesis of formulation 61.8 Definitions of terms 7CHAPTER TWO2.0 Literature review 102.1 Terms and forms of coding system 112.2 Advantages of nature of items coding 12...