Geology Research Papers/Topics

Petrophysical Evaluation and Depositional Environments of Reservoir Sands of X Field, Offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study involves the use of geophysical well logs to characterize four reservoir sand bodies contained in four wells offshore Western Niger Delta. The well logs include caliper, SP, gamma ray, resistivity, neutron (NPHI), density (RHOB) and sonic logs. The logs were obtained in digital data format and a Paradigm's petrophysical software, Geology was used to process the data into logim ages. This aided the visual identification of lithologies and potential reservoirs. The reservoir...

Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of Agbaja Ironstone Formation Nupe Basin, Central Nigeria

ABSTRACT Agbaja Ironstone Formation of the Lokoja district, Central Nigeria occurs within the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary sequences of the NW-SE trending Nupe Basin. Three lithostratigraphic units were delineated; Lokoja Sandstone (the oldest), Patti Formation and Agbaja Ironstone Formation. Lokoja Sandstone rests unconformably on the basement complex and grades from conglomerate to arkosic sandstone. Patti Formation consists of intercalations of sandstone, siltstone and carbonaceous mudsto...


ABSTRACT  The Niger Delta is a prolific hydrocarbon producing belt in the southern Nigeria sedimentary basin on the continental margin of the Gulf of Guinea. This study used well log suites to delineate the hydrocarbon reservoirs, depositional environments and lithostratigraphy of the Duski Field, Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria. A comprehensive interpretation of the three wells revealed five (5) reservoir units with low volume of shale and thickness variations between 24m and 60.20m. The aver...


ABSTRACT Particulate Matter (PM) are suspended solid and liquid particles in the atmosphere, classified into coarse (PM10, 2.5 to 10µm) and fine (PM2.5 2.5 µm) and irregular in shape with very few being regular and fine (Fe>Al>Na>Mg>Si>Zn>Cu>Mo>Mn>Ba>Ti>Pb>Ni>La. The IA showed highest average concentration of all elements in the PM10 except Ba, which was highest in TA. The elemental composition agreed with the mineralogical data as revealed by the PCA. Factor 1 was loaded with Al, Si, Ca, ...


ABSTRACT Contamination of petroleum products in groundwater in Baruwa community, Lagos has been widely reported, as a result of ageing pipelines and vandalisation. Information on the types, nature of hydrocarbon and other contaminants that could assist in assessing the level of contamination is lacking. This study was therefore designed to assess the hydrogeochemical settings (delineate aquiferous units, quantify contaminated unit and define types of hydrocarbon present) in the groundwater r...


ABSTRACT The hydrocarbon potential and paleodepositional environment of Cretaceous sediments from the Borno Basin, Nigeria, were assessed by Rock-eval pyrolysis and biomarker geochemistry. The Total Organic Carbon (TOC), soluble organic matter (SOM) and genetic potential (GP) values ranged from 0.52 – 0.82wt%, 455.64 – 1003.04 ppm and 0.23 – 0.63 mg/g, respectively. These values suggested that the sediments were moderately rich in organic matter. The Hydrogen Index (HI) values (19 – 8...

Sequence stratigraphic framework of K-field in part of Western Niger delta, Nigeria Sekvenčna stratigrafija naftnega polja K v zahodnem delu delte reke Niger, Nigerija

ABSTRACT A sequence stratigraphic approach was applied to K-Field, within the western Niger Delta by integrating wireline logs of four wells; 001,003, 004 and 005; and high resolution biostratigraphic data of wells 001, 004 and well 005. The study is aimed at deducing key bounding surfaces, depositional sequences and their corresponding systems tracts as well as the palaeodepositional environment of the hydrocarbon bearing Agbada Formation in the study area. Two sequence boundaries at 8900 ft...

Sedimentological Characteristics and Aspects of Hydrocarbon Potential of Kinasar-1 Well Sediments, Bornu Basin, Northeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Subsurface samples from Kinasar-1 well, in the Bornu basin, northeastern Nigeria, were studied to deduce the lithofacies distribution, provenance, palaeodepositional environment and paleotectonic conditions of the basin. In addition, the hydrocarbon potential of the associated shales has been highlighted. The lithological sequence comprised a basal unit of over 1300m coarse grained sandstone of the Bima Formation, overlain by 1200m shaly unit with a sandy base, belonging to the Gongi...

Overpressure/ Depositional Analysis of Parts of Onshore (X-Field) Niger Delta Basin Nigeria, Based on Well Logs Data

ABSTRACT Overpressure in the world’s sedimentary basins are known to be allied with permeability barriers, tectonics, shale digenesis, basin structure and undercompaction factors. The Niger Delta basin has many overpressured zones with different depositional enviroments. This study was done using six drilled wells log suits in an x- field (Gama ray log, deep induction log, Density log, and sonic log). The data was acquired from Cheveron Nigeria Ltd in ascii softcopy format, which was analys...

Geology and Depositional Environment of Clastic Sediments at Ozara Ukwu and Its Environs in the Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Ozara Ukwu and its environs (the study Area) is located within the Abakaliki Basin and the Afikpo sub Basin, respectively within the Afikpo Area. Detailed geologic mapping was carried out in other todetermine the various stratigraphic lithologic units, depositional environment, provenance, age and kerogene characterization, respectively using the basic field and laboratory procedures. Based on field observations, two lithostratigraphic units of the Ezeaku Group and Nkporo Group were ...

The Geology of Amuro and the Environs Near Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  The main objective of this work is to study the geology of Amuro and its environs near Afikpo, Ebonyi state and produce a geologic map of the study area. Amuro area offers a unique opportunity to study and understand the deformational processes and to determine the tectonic stresses active in the southern Benue Trough as the highly indurated nature of the sediments allow for an abundance of outcrops that is unmatched anywhere else in the region. Its coordinate is N005057 and E00705...

A Profile Of Tapa-Abotoase Community With Its Developmental Potentials And Problems In The Biakoye District Under The Oti Region Of Ghana

The third trimester filled practical programme is an important programme designed by the university for development studies to equip students with practical skills and other standard of living. This first part of the field work is to help identify the problems of rural communities in the northern regions and in this instance TAPA ABOTOASE in the BIAKOYE district, in OTI Region and for that matter Ghana as whole. The third trimester filled practical programme (TTFPP) is a vital component of th...

The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH): building for the future

SEGH has been a welcoming society for early career researchers (ECRs) over the years, providing a supportive and encouraging atmosphere at conferences. However, a formal structure was required to continue to engage and support ECRs as they become established in their careers. In addition, retention and recognition of experienced scientists and practitioners were required for past and ongoing contributions to the long-standing success of SEGH since the initial formation in the early 1...


CHAPTER ONE 1.0    INTRODUCTION Procreation is an important moral and religious issue and aphrodisiacs are sought to ensure both male and female potency. Sexual potency is part of the male ego, the anxiety and the humiliation that are associated with a declining sexual ability are common to all cultures. That is why the popularity of aphrodisiacs has not shown any sign of decline throughout history. Successful treatment of sexual dysfunction may improve not only sexual relationships, but al...

Geotechnical analysis of slope failure at a Kaolin quarry

                          ABSTRACT Over 40 complexes of the younger granites of Nigeria are found on the Jos plateau. The Ganawuri complex is one of the high level granitoid bodies in the Younger Granite Province. During the period of this research, a massive kaolin deposit at Kurra was studied. The sequence of the studied area comprises of five layers: a lateritic layer, an older basalt layer, reddish kaolin, pure white kaolin and a migmatite layer. It has been propo...

151 - 165 Of 187 Results