Geology Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT: An intensive field mapping covering a total of nineteen locations was carried on. This study aimed at determining the geology and depositional environments of sandstone deposited within Awkunanaw and environs in Enugu area. Based on litho-facies the study area is underlain by five lithological units. Integrated granometric (textural analysis) was carried out on eight (8) friable sandstone samples collected from two locations based on their stratigraphic positions. An application of...


Abstract The lithofacies and foraminiferal assemblages of the Imo Formation exposed at Umuna-Umuawo, Ezeagu, Anambra Basin were evaluated for the purpose of environmental interpretation and age dating. Lithofacies were described based on lithology. The lithologic units of the succession are basically dark-grey to bluish-grey shales with presence of gastropod mineralized shells depicting a marine depositional environment. The shale is interbedded with patches of siltstone and clay beds. The me...

Heavy Metals Distribution in Soil and Plants in the Vicinity of a Municipal Dumpsite Along NPA Expressway, Warri

ABSTRACT This Research examines the heavy metal distribution of a dumpsite in Uvwie Local Government Area along Warri Port Express-Way of Delta State Nigeria. A total of eight (8) soil samples and (2)-plant sample were collected from the study area and also control site using a systematic sampling technique. Samples were taken to the lab and analyzed to determine the physicochemical parameters and heavy metal content. The dumpsite is contaminated with heavy metals such as iron (ranging from...

Investigation Of Geo-Environmental Hazards And Reclamation Of Abandoned Borrow Pits, South - Eastern, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Geo-environmental hazards associated with active and abandoned borrow pits are on the increase following rising trend in road construction. This situation presents a major challenge to Citizens, Environmentalists and Governments. Several highway failures have been directly linked to the action of erosion initiated by active or abandoned borrow pits situated close to roads. This study investigated environmental hazards and reclamation requirements associated with abandoned borrow pit...

3d Seismic Interpretation And Reservoir Characterization Of “Diba Field’’, Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Interpretation of structures and reservoir characterization using 3D seismic cube and well data pose great challenges in mapping because of their complexities especially in structural deformations, and where identification of reservoir facies is a major challenge to plan delineation, field appraisal and development drilling. Thus, the project work takes a model approach. The ―DIBA‖ Field in the Niger Delta contains hydrocarbons that are largely trapped in sandstones and unconsol...

Diagenetic And Provenance Studies Of Sandstones In Parts Of Anambra And Afikpo Basins Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study of the textural and structural properties of sandstone sediments outcropping in parts of the Anambra and Afikpo Basins formed a basis for evaluating the diagenetic properties and source areas of the Cretaceous formations (Ajali, Afikpo and Amaesiri Sandstones, Mamu and Nkporo Formations) in the area. Preliminary field studies showed that the studied sandstone sediments were friable to moderately consolidated. Detailed petrological studies in thin sections revealed early...

The Origin And Hydrochemical Evolution Of Groundwater In The Lake Bosumtwi Area, Ghana

ABSTRACT Lake Bosumtwi is an important natural inland freshwater meteorite crater lake due to its scientific and socio-economic importance to both local and international communities. Although groundwater has been the main source of water supply for people living around the lake and visitors/tourists, very little work has been conducted with regard to the quality of the groundwater delivered by the aquifers within the lake basin. These aquifers are made up of the metasediments of the Birimia...

Archaeological Investigations In Ogbodu- Aba (Isi-Uzo Local Government Area, Anambra State) Using Electrical Resistivity Methods.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page C e r t i f i c a t i a n T i t l e Page Dedication Table of Contents List of Tables L i s t of Figures Acknowledgement A b s t r a c t CHAPTER

Geochemical And Petrographic Studies Of The Newly Exposed Facies In The Ibese Quarry, Dahomey Basin

ABSTRACT Limestone, glauconite, ferruginized sandstone and shale samples were obtained from the mapped newly exposed part of the Dangote Cement quarry located in Ibese, eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria. The Paleocene-Eocene Akinbo and Ewekoro Formations were studied, logged and sampled from the Northern (NM) and Southwestern (SWM) sections quarried to depths of about 12m and 23m respectively. Twelve samples taken from these sections have been examined in an attempt to determine the geochemical...

Structural And Paleostress Analysis Of The Upper Cretaceous Afikpo Syncline, South-Eastern Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Detailed field based structural, fracture and paleostress analysis were carried out on Cenomanian to Maastrichtian units forming the Afikpo syncline structure. Three fracture systems were isolated from analysis of fracture orientations and thier field relationships: Pre-folding (JT), Syn-Folding (JS) and Post Folding (JC) fracture systems. Paleostress analysis carried out on these fracture systems using the TENSOR™ software tool (Delvaux & Sperner, 2003) yielded three paleostress ...

An Integrated Survey For Site Investigation At The Abandoned Senate Auditorium Of University Of Nigeria, Nsukka Behind Eco Bank And Uba

ABSTRACT An integrated investigation involving electrical resistivity method, Induced polarization method, and triaxial tests were used to investigate an abandoned senate auditorium in university of Nigeria, Nsukka, southeastern Nigeria. This was with a view to determining or imaging the subsurface structure as they may cause instability and led to multiple cracks of the building. The building in the study area is intensively affected by severe cracks. The electrical resistivity and induced ...

Waste Disposal and Groundwater Quality in Jimeta- Yola Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT. Waste disposal and groundwater quality studies were carried out in the Jimeta- Yola area. The area lies between latitudes 9'1 1'N to 9'20'~a nd longitudes 12'23'~t o 12'33'~a~nd covers an areal extent of about 305km2. Groundwater quality monitoring was carried out through the collection of water samples from hand-dug wells, boreholes and leachates beneath refuse dumps. These samples were analyzed chemically and bacteriologically using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), DW201...

Geoelectrical And Hydrogeochemical Assessment Of Groundwater Of Eha-Amufu And Environ, Enugu State, Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT An integrated geological, geoelectrical and hydrogeochemical investigations were carried out in Eha-amufu to determine the extent and the distribution of saline zone. Hydrochemical characteristic of the groundwater in Eha-amufu was investigated.  Eha-amufu area is underlain by Nkporo Formation and Awgu Formation. Both are of low permeability Formation. Twenty seven (27) Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were occupied at different locations within the study area, employing the Schl...

Aspects Of Structures And Depositional Environment Of Sand Bodies Within Tomboy Field, Offshore Western Niger Delta, Nigeria

Abstract Sand bodies deposited across normal growth faults and associated rollover anticlines are critical reservoirs for the accumulation of oil and gas. This paper addresses aspects of structures and depositional environments of some sand bodies within the Tomboy field, offshore western Niger Delta. Structural interpretation was undertaken to identify and assign faults found in the 3-D seismic volume. Time and depth structure maps in combination with well logs were used to produce for five...


ABSTRACT Natural Organic Matter (NOM) fractions in rocks, sediments and soils are known to have good sorptive potentials for frequently occurring Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants (HOCs) such as phenanthrene. Despite widespread occurrence of organic matter-rich rocks, sediments and soils in Nigeria, there is limited information on the sorptive potentials of their NOM fractions for HOCs which may be useful in remediation and clean-up design. This study is aimed at investigating the sorption of...

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