Geology Research Papers/Topics

Regional Stratigraphic and Structural Framework of Parts of the Eastern Coastal Swamp Depo-Belt of the Niger Delta.

ABSTRACT  Facies geometry, stratigraphic configuration, structural style, hydrocarbon type and distribution within the paralic Agbada Formation of Middle to Late Miocene age across several fields in the Eastern part of the Coastal Swamp depo-belt were studied using regional 3D seismic, wire-line well logs and biostratigraphic data. The study involved analyses of sequence stratigraphic framework across nine fields using information obtained from twenty- four wells. Ten major stratigraphic bou...


The sandstone in Adu-Achi and environs were subjected to sieve analysis. The aim of this the study is to determine the textural characteristics and depositional environment of the sediments in the Ajali Sandstone. The results of grain size analysis showed that the sandstone range from fine to coarse grained, moderately sorted, mostly platykurtic and negatively skewed indicating sand of fluvial origin ranging from channel floor, point bar to braided rivers, also suggesting moderately to high/t...

Evaluation of depth to basement, Heat Flow, and Lead-Zinc mineralization from analysis of aeromagnetic data in some parts of Southern Benue Trough

The techniques of aeromagnetic data analysis were employed to elucidate depth to magnetic basement sources, leadzinc (pb-zn) mineralisation and heat flow in parts of Southern Benue Trough. The study area covers an area extent of about 18,150 sq. Km, latitude 05 0 30’N - 06 0 30’N and longitude 007 0 30’E - 009 0 00’E. The digital aeromagnetic data consisting of Total Magnetic Intensity with geospatial attributes covering six (6) sheets 302 (Nkalagu), 303 (Abakaliki), 304 (Dangha), 313...

Geophysical Investigation of Road Failure using Electrical Resistivity Imaging Method, A Case Study of Uhiele Opoji Road Edo State

ABSTRACT A shallow geophysical investigation for road surface failure using 2D electrical resistivity imaging profiling was conducted to produce an approximate model of the subsurface resistivity. This study was done with the aim of revealing the horizontal and vertical geological discontinuities using electrical resistivity, an intrinsic property of all materials. Probable zones of untimely failure along the road are then investigated by variation in resistivity. Four traverses were establi...


This study employed the techniques of electrical resistivity, induced polarization and aeromagneticmethods to investigate and quantify lead-zinc ore deposits. The electrical methods of geophysicalexploration were employed to measure thickness of overburden as well as width of the ore across thestudy area. IP method was used to investigate dissemination of lead-zinc sulphides. Aeromagneticdata over the area was acquired and processed to detect lead-zinc lode as well as magnetic anomaliespresen...

High Resolution Overpressure Prediction from Seismic Velocity and Field Derived Formation Parameter in the Onshore Niger Delta.

ABSTRACT Occurrence of overpressured formation is common in Tertiary basins (e.g. Niger Delta), which can result in geomechanical problems, such as “kicks”, loss of expensive drilling mud, blowout, stuck pipe, reservoir quality damage, wellbore instability etc. if it is not accurately predicted prior to drilling. This study did a critically re-evaluation of the two commonly utilized methods and practices involve in pore pressure work in the industry. The main aim was to accurately predict...

Middle Paleocene to Early Miocene Palynostratigraphy of Sediments in Bende – Umuahia Area, Niger Delta Basin, Southeastern Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Cenozoic sediments outcrop in the Niger Delta Basin. Deposits in the Basin thicken southward (down-dip) but thin northward (up-dip) around Bende – Umuahia area where approximately 260 m thick exposure was logged from base to top. Sieve analysis and petrography were carried out to establish the depositional settings of sediments while palynological analysis was undertaken in order to identify palynomorphs and establish their biozonations, determine and correlate age of sediments, as...

A Hydro chemical Study of the Brine Fields of Awe, Keana and Giza Areas, Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work presents findings of the extent and distributions of saline zone and the hydrochemical characteristics of the groundwater of Awe, Keana and Giza areas in the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria.Staticwater levels(swl) of hand dug wells were measured andthe results used to generate hydraulic head data and hydraulichead map. The static water levels range from 1.0m to 13.5m at Awe, 1.0m to 4.5m at Keana and 2.2m to 9.2m at Giza. The hydraulic head maps for the three areas ...

The Role of Diagenetic Water in the Migration of Petroleum: A Case Study of Micaceous Shales in the Lower Benue Trough, South-Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The role of water in petroleum migration has hitherto been grossly underplayed because of the unsuccessful search for a model that demonstrates the movement of water and hydrocarbons combined in a single phase, It appears, however, that many of the alternative mechanisms that have been favoured also require the availability and movement of large quantities of water at great depths for their efficiency. For example in models that favour continuous oil phase during migration, excessive...

Petrology Geochmistry And Rb-Sr Geochronology Of Metamorphosed Rock Of Uwet Area Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooooo ACKNOWLEDGENEIJTS .......... CONTENTS ooooooooooooooo I~ISTOFFI~IRES ooo.. 0.0.. LIST OF TABLES oooooooooo CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ooo.oooooo b 1 :l Geologica,l setting 1 :2 Na.ture of study CHAPTER TWO GENERAL GXOLOGY 0 oo 00 0 00 0 0 Phyllites ..... Schista ..... Amphibolites ..... Gneisses ..... Migmatitea ..... Dolerites ..... to id rocks Sedimentaxy rocks i ii v vii ix xii CONTENTS (CONTD . ) viii CHAPTER !THREE MINERALOGY AND PETROGRAPHY .**.*......

Impact of Geology on the Stability of Lambata-Minna and Minna-Bida Roads, North Central Nigeria

ABSTRACT The rocks and soils underlying Lambata-Minna and Minna-Bida roads in central Nigeria were mapped with the view to determine their impact on the stability of the roads underlain by them. Vertical electrical sounding was done along the roads to determine the soil profile of the roads and statistics of the roads utilization was also done to infer if the roads are overused by vehicles. The geophysical studies revealed that the soil profiles of the two roads are composed of laterite, sand...

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Nanka Sand

ABSTRACT The Nanka Sand (~ocene, Ypresian Stage) is one of the several lithostratigraphic units comprising the lithic fill of the Anambra Basin, southeastern Nigeria. Its unitstratotype has been selected from a system of gullies in the Nanka town. Here the unit is 305 metres thick and is underlain by the Imo Shale and, farther southwest, overlain by the Ogwashi-Asaba Formation. The stratigraphic column may be divided into four cross-bedded and burrowed tabular sand subunits ranging from 50 to...

3d Seismic Interpretation and Petro physical Evaluation of Stroh field Onshore Niger Delta

ABSTRACT Petrophysical evaluation and 3D seismic interpretation were carried out on the hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs of Stroh field with the aim of maximizing the benefits of petrophysical evaluation and structural interpretation in the production and development of hydrocarbon in the reservoir of the ‘Stroh field’ in Niger Delta. Eight hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs – sands ST1, ST3, ST6, ST7, ST8, ST11, ST13 and ST14 were identified from well logs and correlated across six Stroh wel...

Mathematical Modelling of Groundwater Flow System of a Water Table Aquifer in Nsukka Area, Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Two main geological formations outcrop in the area which is within latitudes 6"45'N-7"00tN and longitudes 7O15'E - 70301E, being part of the Anambra basin of southeast Nigeria. These are the Ajalli Sandstone that is of Middle Maastrichtian age covering most of the area and the Nsukka Formation of Upper Maastrichtian age that is less prominent and overlies the Ajalli Sandstone. These two formations belong to the same hydrostratigraphic unit and give rise to thick and extensive water t...

Oil and Gas Exploitation and Production in Nigeria. Recent Development and Challenges Ahead.

For many years to. come, the oil and gas industry in Nigeria will continue to play a mostimportant role in the economy of the country. The prospects for meeting up with an oil reserve base target of 50 billion barrels by the year 2010 as set in the country's Vision 2010 are quite good. The country's deep offshore from all indications will continue to be a beehive of activities for many years to come. However, a lot of the anticipated success will depend in real terms on our abi'lity to cope s...

16 - 30 Of 187 Results