Geology Research Papers/Topics

Geological and Geotechnical Assessment of Some Derelicit Barite Fields in the Abakaliki Basin, Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The proliferation of abandoned surface excavations in the Benue Rift not only contributes to land degradation and landscape disruption but also results in loss of economic deposits, dearth of mining data and generation of unprotected spoils with known potential to contaminate ground and surface water sources. This study employed field description and measurements, laboratory testing and numerical simulation techniques to evaluate some derelict barite fields in the rift with the aim o...

Environmental Implications of Sewage Disposal Methods in Enugu Metropolis, South-Eastern Nigeria.

ABSTRACT A questionnaire and observational study were randomly conducted on 204 houses to acquire information on different sewage disposal methods used in Enugu metropolis, and to investigate the impact of the sewage disposal methods on available water supplies. The results obtained show that 51% of the resident’s wells are located at a distance less than 9m from the toilets. Samples from 21 different locations in the area were analyzed and studied in order to assess the quality of the grou...

Geothermal Gradients and Burial History Modelling in Parts of the Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Reservoir and bottom hole temperatures from seventy wells in the Eastern Niger Delta suggests that two leg dogleg geothermal patterns characterize the geothermal gradients pattern of the Central Swamp and the Coastal Swamp in contrast to the single gradient patterns seen in the Shallow Offshore. In the shallow/continental sections in the Niger Delta, geothermal gradients vary between 10 - 18 o C/Km onshore, increasing to about 24 o C/Km seawards. In the deeper (marine/parallic) secti...

Hydrogeochemistry and Impact of Iron Ore Mining on groundwater Quality in Itakpe and its Environs, Kogi State, Central Nigeria

ABSTRACT This work is a hydrogeochemical study of groundwater and the impact of over twenty five years of iron ore exploration and mining on groundwater quality in Itakpe and environs. Measurements were carried out on water samples from eight shallow hand dug open wells, four deep boreholes and a seasonal river flowing through the mine area. Groundwater in the area occurs within weathered rocks, fractured and faulted terraces. Depths to water level in the open wells were generally below 15m. ...

Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Study of the X Reservoir in the Ogbo Field of the Niger Delta

ABSTRACT This study involves the understanding of the stratigraphic distribution of the area by integrating well logs, biostratigraphic data and seismic data to better define hydrocarbon reservoir distributions within the Middle to Late Miocene sediments in ‘’OGBO” Field Coastal swamp Depobelt of Niger Delta Basin. Sequence stratigraphic, geostatistical and structural analytical tool have been incorporated in this study, in order to achieve this. Based on the sequence stratigraphic stud...

Comparative Study of the Aquifer Transmissivity and Hydraulic Conductivity Values From Different Methods. Case Study Agbani Sandstone, South Eastern, Nigeria

The aquifer transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity values of Agbani Sandstone was investigated using different statistical and pumping test approaches developed by different authors. A total of three (3) boreholes was constructed during the time of this study and it was used to determine aquifer characteristics of Agbani Sandstone. The depths to water table vary from 80 - 120 m and the results of transmissivity (T) values obtained from various approaches varies from 0.883 to 2.855 m2h-1 fo...


The primary aim of this study is to indicate the seasonal variations of heavy metals in the soil within the Abandoned Onyeama Coal Mine. To examine the extent of heavy metals pollution, 45 soil samples were collected from different locations inside and outside Abandoned Onyeama Coal Mine during the rainy and dry seasons for one year. The level of toxic metals viz., Pb, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd, Fe and Cr were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Majority of the samples were below the sta...

Eutrophication Status of Shallow Wells in a Cretaceous Regolith Aquifer, Enugu Metropolis, South-Eastern Nigeria

The protection of groundwater quality is a critical aspect of ecosystem preservation. Nutrient (NO3-N and PO4-P) and non-nutrient (temperature and pH) assessments were carried out to study the shallow groundwater quality of Enugu metropolis in Southeastern, Nigeria. The result reveals that NO3-N and PO4-P are the main factors that endanger shallow groundwater quality safety of the Enugu metropolis. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were observed to vary across the e...


Groundwater is one of the most valuable natural resources,playing a fundamental role in human health and wellness, socioeconomic development, and ecosystem functioning. Being the elixir of life,water resources ensure the stability of the ecosystem and the status ofhuman health. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of thegroundwater/surface water in the Ozalla were investigated by analyzingseven groundwater/surface samples, using various statistical methodsand graphical approaches to identify fact...

Comparison of The Petrology and Mineral Chemistry of the Coromandel and Kiwitahi Volcanic Rocks, North Island, New Zealand

ABSTRACT This is thesis was done based on the textural, mineralogical and mineral chemistry studies of arc rocks from the North Island of New Zealand. The rocks in the area are of two main groups: the Kiwitahi and Coromandel groups. Both the Coromandel group and Kiwitahi andesites are typically porphyritic with a phenocryst assemblage (20–60%) consisting of plagioclase + pyroxene + Fe –Ti-oxide in a granular groundmass rich in plagioclase laths and pyroxene microcrystals. The Kiwitahi sa...

Integration Of Ground Magnetic And Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Data, A Case Study From Nkwanta And Asuogya In The Western Region

ABSTRACT Ground magnetics and electromagnetic datasets were processed to interpret the subsurface geology and structure of the southwest of Ghana within the Tarkwain and Volcanics in the central part of the Ashanti belt. The study was aimed at mapping lithology, delineating structural lineaments and their trends as well as the trend of mineralization in the study areas. The data processing steps involved enhancement filters such as reduction to the pole, analytical signal, the first horizont...

Tectonic Impact On Regional Structural Trends in Ultra Deep Water Cape Three Points

ABSTRACT A 3D seismic data merged with a regional 2D seismic data and well data acquired from Ghana National Petroleum Corporation were used to determine the tectonic impact on regional structural trend in the Ultra-Deep Water Cape Three Points. The Cape Three Point basin was fashioned from transform tectonic and has been severely influenced by the largest tectonic feature in the central Atlantic Ocean, the west-southwest – east-northeast (WSW-ENE) romanche fracture zone. The study area li...


ABSTRACT An investigation was carried out on the groundwater potentials and aquifer protective capacity of Ishiagu area, southeastern Nigeria. The study area lies within the lower Benue trough of Nigeria and is underlain by the Albian Asu River Group and the Turonian Ezeaku Shales.The methodologies employed in the study include measurements of static water levels of 15 hand dug wells, pumping tests carried out on 4 boreholes and vertical electrical sounding (VES) of 20 stations. Groundwater p...

Extraction, Isolation, Characterization and Anti- Microbial Activities of Bridelier Ferrugineol Bark Extracts

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page……………………………………………………………………..i Certification………………………………………………………………….ii                    Dedication …………………………………………………………………..iii                    Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………iv Abstract…………………………�...

Groundwater Potential Of Akpugo In Nkanu Area Enugu, Southeastern Nigeria

Abstract: Groundwater potential at Akpugo and environs in Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State has been undertaken in order to determine the groundwater status in the area. It lies on latitudes 060 2010011N to 0602510011N and longitudes 0070 3410011 to 00703910011E with an areal extent of about 86.49km2, over three geological units. A total of Twenty-five (25) vertical electrical sounding (VES) were acquired to determine the groundwater potential of the study area. Contour variatio...

31 - 45 Of 187 Results