Geology Research Papers/Topics

A Sedimentologic And Stratigraphic Study Of The Maastrichtian-Pateocene Sediments In Yuil Area, Bauchi State

ABSTRACT The Maastrichian-Paleocene sediments in Yuli area me composed of the Gombe Sandstone and the Kerri-Kerri Formation. They cover 400 square kilometres have a thickness of more than 100 metres. Six stratigraphic sections were studied, representing the entire stratigraphic succession of the Gombe Sandstone in the Yuli area, The formation has a thickness of about 30 metres in the studied area. The Gombe Sandstone consists of folded beds of sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. The sandstone ...

Schistose Rocks From Okene-Okaoa Area, SW Nigeria

ABSTRACT Schistose rocks from Okene-Lokoja area, SW Nigeria, consist of quartz-biotite schist, quartz muscovite schist, amphibole schist, and quartz schist. Major element compositions (oxide wt. %) of the schists together with their trace element contents (Ba. Ce. Cr. La. Li, Ni, Rb, Sr, V, Y, Zn, and Zr) are presented. The schists (excluding the quartzitic variety) are enriched in SiO,,K,O, Rb and Ba but depleted in total Fe, O. Mno. TiO,, MgO, Ni and Zn compared with rocks of similar compos...

Alkaline Intrusive and Extrusive Rock from Areas West of the Anyim River, South-Eastern Benue Though

ABSTRACT Twenty-one outcrops of igneous bodies were studied in a small area (ca. 335 sq. km) of folded sediments west of Anyim River in the Lower Benue Rift. The extrusives occur mainly as basaltic to trachybasaltic tuffs and lapilli tuffs. The minor intrusives are found as basaltic and dolerite sills composed essentially of plagioclase (An,,), augite, with or without olivine. The major intrusives are dioritic small bodies considing of sodic plagioclase (An,,), biotite andor hornblende, and ...

A Hydrochemical Study Of The Brine Fields Of Awe, Keana And Giza Areas, Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work presents findings of the extent and distributions of saline zone and the hydrochemical characteristics of the groundwater of Awe, Keana and Giza areas in the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria.Staticwater levels(swl) of hand dug wells were measured andthe results used to generate hydraulic head data and hydraulichead map. The static water levels range from 1.0m to 13.5m at Awe, 1.0m to 4.5m at Keana and 2.2m to 9.2m at Giza. The hydraulic head maps for the three areas...

Organic Geochemical Appraisal Of Limestones And Shales In Part Of Eastern Dahomey Basin, Southwestern Nigeria

Abstract The major lithostratigraphic units of the eastern Dahomey Basin are the Araromi, Ewekoro and Akinbo Formations. Field studies show that the Araromi and Akinbo Formations contain shaly facies, while the Ewekoro Formation contains essentially fossiliferous limestones. The Araromi shales are dark and bituminous, while those of the Akinbo are fissile and concretionary. Selected subsurface and outcrop samples of these lithotypes were analysed to ascertain their palaeodepositional environm...

Compositional characteristics and industrial assessment of sedimentary clay bodies in part of eastern Dahomey Basin, southwestern Nigeria

Abstract Clay bodies occur as lenses and interbeds within the predominantly shaley Akinbo Formation in the eastern Dahomey Basin. They are greenish to grayish, plastic, and in some places contain concretions. In order to assess their sedimentological significance as well as evaluate their potential as industrial raw materials, representative outcrop arid borehole samples .were subjected to mineralogical, chemical and physical characterisation. • • •, •, > l j . Mineralogical determin...

Dodging The Potholes: The Spatio-Distribution And Socio-Economic Impacts Of Potholes In The Residential Areas Of Gweru, Zimbabwe

Abstra c t: Since the year 2000, the city o f Gweru has had an unprecedented proliferation o f unattended potholes on most o f its roads These potholes have caused discomfort to the motoring public, caused death to others and damaged vehicles. This paper presents the results o f a study that sought to establish the spatial distribution o f potholes and determine their socio-economic impacts in Gweru’s residential areas. Pothole location and dimensions were measured in the field whilst inter...

Petrography Of Some Alfered Intrusive Rocks From The Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria

Abstract Some intrusive rocks of doleritic to dioritic compositions horn the Ejekwe-Wanikande and Okigwe-Ishiagu districts in the Lower Benue Trough have been studied using thin section microscopy and X-ray (powder) difiaction method. The rocks have intmded pre-Santonian sedimentary rocks which are predominantly calcareous shales. The exposures of these intrusive rocks generally have widths ranging from about 40m to 228 m. s The intrusive rocks are generally melanocratic to mesocratic (dark.t...

Technology And The Challenges Of Oil And Gas Exploration In The 21st Century

table of contents fireword Acknuwledgemettts iii Executive Surtzmary 1. In t reduction 1.1 Main objectives and stnlcture of the paper 7 1.2 Some historical perspectives 7 The Present as a key to the future: a look at the last 20 years of the upstream oil and gas industry 2.1 Strategic and organisational changes 8 2.2 World demand for crude oil arid gas 10 2.3 Spot oil prices 10 2.4 World crude oil and gas resources 12 2.5 lmprovements in discovery and recovery rates 14 2.6 Lessons from the Gu...

The Influence Of Increase In Fines Content On The Engineering Properties A Sandy Soil Deposit In Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This project addresses the effects of increase in fines contents on the geotechnical properties of sandy soils and the roles the fines play in slope instability in Nsukka, Enugu state in Nigeria. Field investigation revealed that the major landslides and gully erosion sites in south eastern Nigeria are localized within areas where these sandy soils are present. Geotechnical investigation of these sandy soils was carried out to assess their importance in the numerous geohazards in the...

Reconnaissance Exploration for Gold in the Misaki Area within the Iramba-Sekenke Greenstone Belt, Central Tanzania

Abstract Combinations of geological, geophysical and geochemical techniques have been used to explore for gold deposits at Misaki within the Iramba-Sekenke Greenstone Belt in Singida region. The Misaki area is occupied by different rocks including homogeneous coarse-grained granite containing numerous xenoliths (> 5 vol. %), tonalite, K-rich granite, pegmatite and dolerite dykes. All granitic rocks have been intruded by dolerite dykes, cut by epidote veins and are found juxtaposed to a tonal...

Investigation Of Geo-environmental Hazards And Reclamation Of Abandoned Borrow Pits, South - Eastern, Nigeria

 ABSTRACT  Geo-environmental hazards associated with active and abandoned borrow pits are on the increase following rising trend in road construction. This situation presents a major challenge to Citizens, Environmentalists and Governments. Several highway failures have been directly linked to the action of erosion initiated by active or abandoned borrow pits situated close to roads. This study investigated environmental hazards and reclamation requirements associated with abandoned borrow ...

The Impact Of Small-Scale Mining Activities On The Environment: Examples From Uis, Xoboxobos, Neu Schwaben And Otjinene.

ABSTRACT This study explored the impact of small-scale mining activities on the environment in two regions in Namibia: Erongo (examples: Uis, Neu Schwaben, Xoboxobos) and Omaheke (example: Otjinene). Limited research is done on the activities of small-scale mining in Namibia which results in unavailability of data. Although recent studies reveal that about 5 000 to 10 000 Namibians work as small-scale miners, information about mining activities in Namibia remain a rare commodity. Small-scale ...

The Impact Of Small-Scale Mining Activities On The Environment: Examples From Uis, Xoboxobos, Neu Schwaben And Otjinene

ABSTRACT This study explored the impact of small-scale mining activities on the environment in two regions in Namibia: Erongo (examples: Uis, Neu Schwaben, Xoboxobos) and Omaheke (example: Otjinene). Limited research is done on the activities of small-scale mining in Namibia which results in unavailability of data. Although recent studies reveal that about 5 000 to 10 000 Namibians work as small-scale miners, information about mining activities in Namibia remain a rare commodity. Small-scale ...

76 - 90 Of 187 Results