Geology Research Papers/Topics

Petrophysical characterization of Reservoir Sands of Two Wells in the Offshore Depobelt of the Niger Delta Basin

Petrophysical well logs were integrated in an analysis for the reservoir characterization of C and D wells located in the Offshore Depobelt of the Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria. The study essentially determined reservoir properties such as Lithology, shale volume, Porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and Net-Gross from Well logs with a  view to determining the Reservoir quality. Two lithologies were identified using Gamma ray and Resistivity logs which were sand and shale but minor presence of carb...

Aquifer Vulnerability Index: A Method for Groundwater Protection Studies at Uvwiamuge, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria.

Abstract One major environmental hazard causing serious social problem in oil producing communities in Niger Delta is oil spills. This is as a result of the numerous petroleum related installations. T he the aquifer via pathways along which contaminants flow from the surface to th deterioration of water quality in shallow and vulnerable aquife rs spills contaminate e aquifer causing . Electrical resistivity investigation of the SombreiroWarri Deltaic Plain deposits of the Niger Delta was carr...

Sequence stratigraphic Implication to Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Niger Delta Basin

SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHIC IMPLICATION TO HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION IN “BETA FIELD”, NORTHERN DEPOBELT OF THE NIGER DELTA BASIN 1,2Ukpong, A. J.    and   2Anyanwu, T. C. 1. Department of Geology, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria (Sabbatical), 2. Department of Geology, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria ABSTRACT Seismic and checkshot data, geophysical data and biostratigraphic data extracted from ditch cutting samples, were used for the sequence stratigraphic analysis of Beta-24 we...


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1LOCATION, EXTENT AND ACCESSIBILITY Akanu-Ohofia Area comprises of villages in Ohofia local government area of Abia state. Communities within the studied area include; Akanu, Isi-ugwu, Ndi-uduma, Abia, Ania, Ndiokala, Ndi-orieka, Amankwu and Eziafor (Figure 1). The study area is part of the Southern Anambra Basin comprising of Akanu-Ohafia and its adjoining areas and lies within latitudes 50 31I - 50 36I N and longitudes 70 49 I - 70 54 I E. The Anambra Basin is loc...


ABSTRACT Geophysical survey involving electrical resistivity method has been carried out in Erunmu, Oyo state south-western Nigeria with a view to delineate the geoelectric characteristics of the basement complex and evaluate its ground water potential in the area. A total of 7 vertical electrical sounding stations were established within the site along 7 transverses. The Schlumberger configuration was used for the data acquisition. The half current electrode (AB/2) used range from 1.0 to 7...

Geophysical investigation of ground water (SIWES report)

TABLE OF CONTENTs Title page ……………………………………………………………………………………...………i Dedication …………………………………………………………………………………….……...ii Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………………………..iii Table of content ………………………………………………………………………………….…..iv CH...

The Nature, Scope And Dimensions Of Development Control, Tools And Machineries In Urban Planning In Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Development control as an effective instrument for urban management ensures that the persistent growth and management of settlements can be such that make for orderliness, improved settlement reflection, healthy and aesthetics. It also ensures that the environmental challenges as a result of settlement growth can be reduced to bearable levels. In Nigeria, development control requires special skill as a result of the daily problems the authorities are confronted with, which is ascribe...

181 - 187 Of 187 Results