Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Organizationalculture On Employee Performance And Growth, A Case Study Of Speke Resort Munyonyo Common Wealth

ABSTRACTThe concept of organizational culture has drawn attention to the long-neglected, subjective or 'soft' side of organizational life. Many aspects of organizational Culturehave not received much was against this background that research was carried out under the title "The effect of organizational culture on employeeperformance and growth"'a case for Speke Resort Munyonyo. The study was guided by objecti~;es mainly to establish the relationship between organiz...

Effect Of Motivation And Employee Performance A Case Study Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT The study set out to explore the affiliation connecting motivation and the level of employee performance. The study had three objectives: to examine the motivation practices used in KIU, to examine factors affecting employee performance in KIU, and to establish the relationship between motivation and employee performance. The study used a case study strategy which is Kampala International University and an explanatory research design. To achieve the set objectives the study used stra...

A Study Of Labor Turnover And Building Employee Commitment Case Study: Mengo Senior School Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT In chapter one, the problem statement has been discussed in details and an introduction to the background of the study. The objectives of the 5tudy and the problem statement are categorically discussed in this chapter. The researcher also shows the purpose of the study which justifies carrying out of the study. The researcher presents a rational justification of the problem statement and how the report was prepared; the problem encountered during the research survey are analyzed and ...

Recruitment Practices And Employee Performance; A Case Of Nice House Of Plastics (Nhp), Kampala-Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study aimed at investigating the relationship between recruitment practices and employee performance in Nice House of Plastics (NHP), Kampala-uganda as the study case. The study employed a case study design to collect data from a sample of 63 respondents working with NHP. Simple random sampling technique was used inselecting the sample and Questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection. Thedata obtained was analyzed using quantitative data analysis techniq...

Impacts Of Training And Retention Of Employees In An Orgal'iisation. (A Case Study Of Ugal'ida Police In Kampala Central Areas)

ABSTRACTThe study was to assess the Impacts of training and retention of employees in an organisation. (a case study of Uganda Police In Kampala Central Areas). The objectives ofthe study are: To determine the types of training in an organization, To understand the relationship of training and retention in an organization, To find out the influence of training on employee retention and To assess the impacts of training on retention. The research wasquantitative study, which was...

Oretention And Employee Performance In Banks: A Case Study Of Barclays Bank Uganda Limited Kampala District

ABSTRACT rhe study was an investigation between retention and employee performance. rhe objectives of the study was intended to find out the effects of retention on =mployee performance. To asses the barriers for the adoption of retention and banking services by the employees. To indentify the methods used in measuring employees satisfaction. The study used various data collection methods these included self administered questionnaire and interview guide in addition to secondary data source. ...

Motivation And Employee Performance A Case Study Of Kenya Ferry Services

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ............................................................................................................................ iiApproval .............................................................................................................................. iiiDedication ............................................................................................................................ ivAcknowledgement ...................................................

Communication And Employee Performance Case Study South Ny Anza Sugar Company Limited Mi Gori District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between communication and performance. The objectives of the were; • To establish the relationship between communication and employee perf01mance m south Nyanza Sugar Company limited. CD To examine the effect of communication on performance m south Nyanza sugar company limited. CD To find out what forms of communication are used in south Nyanza Sugar Company limited. The design of this study was to completely analyze the que...

Conflict And Employee Performance In Organisations A Case Study Of Sameer Agriculture And Live Stock Fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited

ABSTRACT The study was about conflict and Employee performance in an organization case study of Sameer Agriculture and Livestock fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited. The purposes of this study was to establish relationship between conflicts and employee performance, to find out what forms of conflicts existing at in Sameer Agriculture And Livestock fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited. The Objectives of this Study were to find out what forms of conflicts existing in Sameer Agriculture And Livestoc...

Labour Turnover And Organisation Performance: A Case Study Of National Social Security Fund Head-Office Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania

BSTRACTThe study intended to assess the causes of labor turnover at NSSF. The study was e.arned out at the NSSF Head Office in Dar es Salaam. Therefore the study aimed at assessing the causes oflabor turnover at the Organization; examining the extent of the turnover and the measures which the organization undertakes to reduce the labor turnover. The literature review revealed that there are various causes of labor turnover and the strategies I measures to retain employees.It in...

The Impact Of Communication On Employee Performance Case Study: J.B Drilling Company Southern Sudan

ABSTRACTThis section of the study covers the entire content of the research study. The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of communication on employee performance inJ.B Drilling Company in southern Sudan. Under this research topic, various objectives were developed and these were; to find out the forms of communication used in .l.B Drilling Company. To establish whether communication affects employee performance in J.B drilling company and lastly to establish...

Training And Development And Its Impact On Organizational Performance Case Study: Faulu Kenya Microfinance Company Limited

ABSTRACTThis study was intended to explore the influence of training and development on organizational productivity in Faulu Kenya Microfinance with the respondents being identified from this organization.The objectives of the study were to examine the influence that training and development factors such as education levels, training methods, and the procedures used to reward and recognize trained staff on the overall organization productivity.The result showed that T...

The Effects of Communication On Employee Performance a Case Study of James Finlay Company Kericho District- Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ................................................................................................... iApproval. ..................................................................................................... .iiDedication ................................................................................................... .iiiAcknowledgment ............................................................................................ .ivTable of contents ...........

The Impact of Motivation On Retention of Employees in an Organization a Case Study of Ministry of Water and Environment

TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGEDeclaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nApproval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiiDedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

The Effect of Security Programs On the Motivation of Expatriates a Case Study of Shell Oil Company, Uganda

ABSTRACT The project consists of five chapters Chapter one is the introduction of the topic that the study was based and it consists of the following, background of the study, problem statement of the research, general objective, specific objectives, research question, and the scope of the study and the significance of the study. Chapter two is literature review it discusses about the three specific objectives in depth using the available resources, the first objective looks at the relationsh...

211 - 225 Of 868 Results