Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Contribution Of Youth Self Help Group Initiatives To Socio-Economic Wellbeing Of Youth In Dandora, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Estimates reveal that 1.2 billion (17%) of the world population is youth aged 15 to 24 years who constitute 40% of the world’s unemployed. While the developed world has some strategies to cushion youth against unemployment, the developing and underdeveloped world are struggling with this phenomenon. Approximately 36% of Kenya’s population are youths who remain marginalised and unable to contribute to their full potential in national development. Whereas numerous studies have bee...

Work-life balance programs and employee performance in commercial banks in nyeri county, kenya.

ABSTRACT It is increasingly becoming difficult to sideline work life balance and the quality of services given by employees. Technological advancement coupled with new information, the inevitability of prompt response, the value attached to satisfactory customer service and its implications on employee commitment and availability, all require time and can be a source of pressure and conflict on employee and as a result the demands of work place begin to be dominant in life and a situation of...

Application Of Mathematical Concepts In The Teaching And Learning Of Physical Education In Secondary Schools In Former Lugari District, Kakamega County; Kenya

ABSTRACT In school, activities in each subject area can identify and draw upon experiences in other subjects; hence mathematics also identifies experiences in other subjects. This study sought to investigate the application of mathematical concepts in physical education in Secondary schools in former Lugari District, Kakamega county; Kenya. Physical education is a popular subject. The same cannot be said about mathematics, yet there is a lot of mathematics in their world. In the teaching and...

Towards Context – Based Learning As A Model For Pre – Service Primary Teacher Education In Kenya: A Case Of Meru And Egoji Teachers Colleges

ABSTRACT Research evidence points out that there is a strong relationship between teaching and learning. The KESSP 2005-2010 document and the Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2005 have cited low quality teacher education as a problem in Kenya. They attribute this to the traditional content-based pedagogical primary teacher education model which presents a fragmented view of learning and is not context-based leading to little or no connection between theory and practice. Though efforts have been made...

Challenges Facing In - Servicing Of Secondary School Teachers In Public Secondary Schools Of Imenti North District, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to identify the challenges facing teachers, heads of department, principals and the Quality Assurance and Standards Officer in in-service training in Imenti North District of Meru County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: determine how in-service training of teachers was carried out in Imenti North District; analyse the extent to which the objectives of in-service training were being met; establish the challenges facing teachers, headteachers, ...

Influence of training on performance of police officers in Kenya police service: A case of police officers in imenti south police division.

Abstract The Kenyan government has been carrying out public service reforms focusing on streamlining the police service and putting in place interventions to enhance efficiency in the service. A review of the police training curriculum was part of the police reform agenda aimed at professionalizing the Kenya Police Service. That notwithstanding, police performance has been currently wanting as evidenced by rise in crime rates in the country, complaints against police and use of unnecessary f...

Talent Management Strategies For Generation Y And Competitive Advantage Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT An organisation’s focus is to provide best quality at the lowest cost using its top talent which makes the difference between success and failure. They are therefore required to identify the impact of the values and work preferences of the young generation of workers in order to employ, develop, retain and prepare staff for future leadership. Talent Management strategies such as Human Resource Planning, Human Resource Procurement, Human Resource Retention and Human Resource Develop...

Work Environment And Job Satisfaction At The National Police Service, Kenya

ABSTRACT Poor work environment is an issue when brings a major risk to the well-being and quality of staff and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction to employees is very crucial to the organizational performance which can be affected by the environmental concerns. This research sought to evaluate the role of work environment on job satisfaction at National Police Service with reference to Directorate of Criminal Investigations Department. The specific objectives of the study included: to determ...

The Managerial Factors Influencing Sugarcane Production by Farmers of Mayoni Division, Mumias Sugar Company in Kenya

ABSTRACT Management is the cornerstone of organizational effectiveness. People‟s efforts are co-ordinated and guided towards achievement of organizational objectives through management processes. People are usually motivated to carry out the management processes in order to satisfy needs either inherent or from the external. Mumias Sugar Company (MSC) is a large-scale organization and hence is controlled by bureaucratic structures. MSC supplies 60% of the sugar consumed in Kenya, but its su...

Gender Differences In The Occupational Perceptions Of Single-Sex And Co-Educational Primary School Children In Bungoma District

ABSTRACT Women are underrepresented on the job market due to stereotypes. Gender role socialization begins early at home and is enforced in school. Although primary school children are not mature career wise, the perceptions they form about various occupations later affect them. The purpose of this study was to investigate Gender Differences in the Occupational Perceptions of Primary School Children. Specifically, the study investigated Gender Differences in the Occupational Perceptions of St...

Employee Turnover And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Many commercial banks in the world are experiencing high rates of employees’ turnover which have been affecting the overall bank performance. High rates of employee turnover mostly have a negative effects of the profitability of many commercial banks when not managed properly In Kenya, the banking industry has witnessed high employee turnover rates for the past five years and this has affected banks performance in terms of profitability; quality of banks services and level of custo...

Effect Of Training On Employee Performance In Kenya Power And Lighting Company

Abstract Improved capabilities, knowledge and skills of the talented workforce are major sources of competitive advantage in a global market. In order to prepare their workers to do their job as desired, organizations provide training to their employees so as to optimize their employee’s potential. Due to fast pace global and technological development the firms are now facing new changes as well as challenges. Technological advancements have molded the need of capabilities and competencies ...

The Effect Of Child Day Care Facilities On The Perfomance Of Working Mothers In The Banking Industry In Nairobi County Kenya.

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish the effect of absence of child day care facilities in the .banking industry in Nairobi County. It also sought to establish the extent of the corporation‘s implementation of day care facilities programmes and find out influence on the productivity of the working mothers. The specific objectives studied included motivation, leadership and turn over. The population of the employees of different cadres was used to enable proper representation of a...

A Study Of The Influence Of Spiritual Leadership, Engaged Leadership And Extrinsic Motivation On Continuance Commitment In Ghanaian Banks

ABSTRACT This study explored how spiritual leadership, engaged leadership and extrinsic motivation influence continuance commitment of employees in the banking industry in Ghana. The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between spiritual leadership and continuance commitment, the relationship between engaged leadership and continuance commitment and the relationship between extrinsic motivations and continuance commitment in the banking industry in Ghana. The study adopt...

Workload And Occupational Stress: The Moderating Role Of Leadership Styles In Selected Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate leadership styles (transactional and transformational) among bank workers and to ascertain whether it moderated the relationship between workload and occupational stress. The study adopted the quantitative research approach. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used in select participating banks and respondents for the study. In all, four banks participated in the study and a total of 250 structured questionnaires administere...

451 - 465 Of 868 Results