Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Job Design And Employee Performance Of Insurance Companies In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Job design poses recurrent challenge to most business organization globally. There is virtually no organization that is perfect in its job design; be it small size or big size organizations. Although, it may not be feasible for any organization to totally have the best job design, nevertheless it could be improved. For every organization to run as well as actualize its aims there is need for employees who will conduct the organizations’ processes. The work force represents its emp...

Employees Turnover And Performance In Nyeri County Government; Kenya

ABSTRACT Employees' turnover poses a recurrent challenge to most business organization globally. There is virtually no organization that is immune to employees' turnover; be its small size or big size organizations; they are all exposed to employees' turnover. Although it may not be feasible for any organization to totally eliminate employees' turnover due to various reasons, nevertheless it could be reduced to the barest minimum. For any organization to run and actualize its objectives ther...

A Survey Of Factors Influencing Staff Turnover In Teachers Service Commission In Kenya

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to investigate factors influencing employee turnover at the teachers‟ service commission in Kenya. The study specifically investigated the influence of training and development, remuneration, scheme of service and organizational structure as factors that may contribute to workforce turnover in this sector. The study adopted a descriptive research design to identify the employee turnover factors and a sample size of 81 employees was selected using a st...

Organizational Downsizing And Employees Performance of selected Commercial banks In Nyeri County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Downsizing strategy has been implemented by many organizations as a way to deal with the economic pressures from the business environment. Despite the increase in downsizingin several banks, there is little empirical research on the impact of downsizing on employee performance. The objective of the research was to investigate the effect of organizational downsizing on employees’ performance in selected commercial banks in Nyeri County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study we...

Job Characteristics And Performance Of Employees Among Private Equity Firms In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Organizations are always in pursuit of finding ways to enhance their performance. One of the ways is to enhance employee performance by incorporating job characteristics that contribute to employee motivation, satisfaction and commitment of the employees. The job characteristics necessary for better performance of employees are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of job characteristics on t...

Technostructural Interventions And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya‟s banking industry has for many occasions experienced turbulence, leading to growing aspersions as to its stability and continued performance. Commercial banks have consequently been seen to be putting in place measures to enable them continue performing as expected. Some of these strategies have included embracing organization development interventions, such as technostructural interventions. From the literature, studies still point to the fact that there exists a theoretica...

Wellness Programs And Employee Performance In Commercial Banks, Kenya

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to analyse the effect of wellness programs on the performance of employees in commercial banks in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to determine the extent to which employee counselling programmes, drug and substance abuse cessation programmes and provision of recreational facilities affected employee performance within the commercial banks in Kenya. The study was guided by 3 theories namely, social comparison, social exchange and hierarchy of need...

Non Monetary Motivation And Employee Performance: A Case Of Eldoret Polytechnic, Uasin Ngishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The usage of non-fiscal ways of incentives is an effort by firms to put on in the work the concepts theories of Maslow and Herzberg. Performance is considered to be related through the concepts of talent, opportunity and enthusiasm. Proprietors, supervisors and managers recognize positive incentive hints to improve performance and greater production however, may rely on the incorrect tools. Non-fiscal motivations are viewed as cheaper ways of compensating employees, thus attracting,...

An Investigation Of Factors Affecting Extension Of Retirement Age - A Survey Of Commercial Banks In Nyeri Town.

ABSTRACT As theyface the challenges of population ageing, governments in many countries are considering howto increase labour-force participation by older workers and discourage early retirement. In Kenyathe government increased the retirement age from 55 to 60 years with effect from 1st April 2009. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the extension of retirementage with special reference to Commercial Banks in Nyeri Town. The study was carriedout to address the ...

Quality Management Practices And Firm Performance Among Manufacturing Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT A firm’s performance is a function of how well managers use quality management practices to improve the quality of products and services. In today’s global environment, organizations are constantly looking for ways to expand and improve their businesses in terms of quality to enhance performance. Quality management practices have been used by manufacturing firms in Kenya to improve on performance. However, customers are still complaining that the quality of manufactured products...

Workforce Diversity And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of Kenya Tea Development Agency In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Workforce diversity can be an important instrument for firms to not only enhance their organizational performance but to be able to attain a competitive edge against its business rivals in the business market and attain sustainability. There was little research conducted to provide knowledge on if and how workforce diversity enhances KTDA’s organizational performance so that appropriate policies can be conceived to promote workforce diversity if it indeed boosts its organizational...

The Effects Of Job Design On Employee Satisfaction At The Kenya Bureau Of Standards, Nairobi County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Employee job satisfaction has been cited as a key factor towards addressing the issue of productivity in organizations. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of job design on employee job satisfaction in Kenya Bureau of Standards. The more specific objectives of the study were to find out how employee relationship with supervisors affects employee job satisfaction, to determine the effect of the job conditions on employee job satisfaction, to establish the extent t...

Organizational Learning And Performance Of Selected Small And Medium Enterprises In Information Technology Industry In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT In a globalized world, organizations today operate in complicated environments and under increasing competition. In order to respond to needs of the changing environments, organizational learning has been postulated as an anchor to increased organizational performance and competitive edge. Effective learning has to be integrated within the organization. This study investigated the effect of organizational learning on performance of small and medium technology enterprise in Nairobi, ...

Influence Of Compensation Strategies On Employee’s Performance In The Public Health Sector In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Compensation plays an important role in determining employees’ job satisfaction and thus performance. The perception of being paid what one was worth predicts job satisfaction. Health Workers in Kenya have always downed their tools lamenting about their compensation which raises concern about their job satisfaction. However it was not clear the influence compensation has on employees performance to cause the many stand offs. This study therefore sought to establish the effects of c...

Human Resource Management Practices And Tutor Turnover Intentions In Public Primary Teacher Training Colleges In Nairobi Metropolitan Region In Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, employee turnover has always been a big challenge to many organizations. In the teaching profession, the global annual turnover intention stands at 45% which is high above the 10-15% recognized by Human Resource Management (HRM) researchers. In 2015, Kenya had a total of 288, 000 teachers and a deficit of 144,708 teachers however, the situation has not changed much since current data indicates that Kenya has a total of 301,560 teachers and requires more than 155,605 teache...

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