Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Employee Motivation And Organizational Performance A Case Study Of Sameer Agricultural & Livestock Limited, Uganda

The study was about the effect of employee motivation on organizational perf01mance in Kampala, Uganda; a case study of SALL. The study was based on the following three objectives; to determine the factors that increase motivation of employees; to examine the requirements of a good motivational system and to examine the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance at SALL. A sample of 176 respondents both female and male SALL' s employees and their fresh diary produ...

The Effect Of Reward System On Employee Turn Ovlcr In Lugazi Town Council

This study will aim at establishing the relationship between reward system and employee turnover. The objectives of the study were to investigate the different types of reward systems. determinants of the reward systems and the causes of employee turnover. An exploratory survey study design was used; quantitative method was employed in the study. The data was collected using self administered questionnaires which included reward system scale. cause of employee turnover scale, relationship bet...

Equal Employment Opportunity Practices . And Employee Performance In Selected Commercial Banks In Nyeri, Kenya.

The topic of the research project is "Equal Employment Opportunity Practices and Employee Performance In Selected Commercial Banks." the study sought to establish the perception of employees on the effectiveness of equal employment opportunity practices to employee performance in selected commercial banks. The problem statement deals with the challenge that the commercial banks face to ensure that their employees are keeping with its goals and also ensure that there is excellent employe...

Conflict Management And Staff Productivity In Golis Telecommunication Co. Puntland Somalia

This research study addresses the problem of determining the impact of conflict on staff productivity in G.T.C of Somalia .The failure in many organizations to have a fair and consistently high quality relationship between the supervisors and supervisees at the workplace is costly. In G.T.C Of Bosaso, Somalia has continuously experienced several conflict between management and staff such conflict have often lead to stoppage, distraction of company fields and drop down in monthly performa...

The Impact Of Taxation On Business Performance Case Study: Chakala Enterprise (Arua District)

Much of businesses have been recognized as engines of economic growth, there has been poor performance of these businesses because of the high taxes imposed upon them. They pay I% of their tum over in Income Taxes without allowances for any deductions. This undermines their growth and perfonnance. This therefore made the researcher to carry out a research on the impact of Taxation on business perfo1mance. The research will be canied out in Arua district. In order to do this, the researche...

Conflict Management And Employee Performance In Ministry Of Public Service, Southern Sudan

Since Sudanese's independence in 1956, the southern region has negatively affected by a number of conflicts (civil wars) and this has resulted in serious neglect, lack of infrastructure development, and major destructions and displacements. More than 2 million people have died, and about 4 million are internally displaced and others became refugees. Due to the long term conflict between the Sudan's Muslim north and Christian south, a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 was reache...

Communication And Employee Performance In Kanungu District Headquarters

The topic of the study was communication and employee performance in Kanungu district headquarters; the problem was to have effective communication in Kanungu district headquarters; the purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between communication and employee performance in Kanungu district headquarters. The objectives of the study were to find out the forms of communication in Kanungu district headquarters, to establish the effects of communication on employees' perfor...

Diversity and employee performance. Case study: kampala international university

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between increased diversity in workplace and employee performance. An interdependent, diverse work environment is a necessary component of a successful organization, and if management and other employees cannot adjust differences within the cultures of the people, chaos will soon follow. In order for an organization to remain competitive, management must know how to manage diversity and employee performance. The design of th...

Training And Employee Performance In Organisations A Case Study Of Roofings Uganda Limited

ABSTRACT The study was set to establish the effects of training on employee performance at Roofing's Uganda limited. The background of the study presents the problem prevalence at Global, African, country and local views on the concept of training and employee performance. It was based on three study objectives which included assessing the effect of training on periormance of the employees under study, to establish organizational issues that constrain training in organizations and investigat...

Recruitment and Employee Performance: A case study of National Water And Sewarage corporation (nwsc)-, kansanga branch.

Abstract National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) was a water supply and sanitation company in Uganda. It was 100% owned by the Government of Uganda. NWSC was formed in 1972 by decree, to serve the urban areas of Kampala, Entebbe and Jinja. In 1995, NWSC was re-organized under the NWSC Statute. The company was given more authority and autonomy and the mandate to operate and provide water and sewerage services in areas entrusted to it, on a sound, commercial, and viable basis. In 1988, N...

Conflict Management And Employee Performance In Xlusive Cumng(U)Limited, Busukuma Subcounty, Wakisodistrict

Abstract The study was about conflict management and employee performance as perceived employees in Xclusive Cuttings Uganda Limited . The purpose of this study in this connection sought to investigate the effects of conflict management on employee performance and to offer a comprehensive review on the management. By scanning the existing literature on conflict ,there are still identified gaps within ,this review will thereby serve as a starting point for analysis in the conflict management r...

Training And Employee Performance Case Study: Ropani International Company, Ltd Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT The research was about "the impact of training on employee performance". A case study of Ropani International Company Ltd, Juba Southern Sudan. Despite the fact that emphases were put on training in southern Sudan, there was lack of sufficient training in Ropani International Company which resulted into untrained employees joining higher positions in the company resulting into reduced efficiency, poor human relations, reduced employees' morale, and increased rate of supervision. The...

The Impacts Of Work Life Balance On The Performance Of Employees In Organizations In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kinyara Sugar Limited-Masindi District

ABSTRACT The study was on the impacts of WLB on the performance of employees in organizations in Uganda. Kinyara Sugar Limited (KSL) was used as a case study. The general objective of the research was to identify the impacts of Work life Balance on the performance of employees in organizations in Uganda. The research problem was broken down into specific objectives. These included: to identify the work Life Balance Initiatives that have been put in place in KSL; to identify the impacts of WL...

Total Quality Management And The Performance Human Resource: A Case Study Of Nile Breweries Limited, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of total quality management and the performance of human resource at Nile Breweries limited Jinja, Uganda. The first objective was to identify how total quality management is applied in human resource department at NBL. The second objective was to identify the roles of total quality management in human resource department at NBL. The third objective was to find out the problems of carrying out total quality management in human res...

Factors affecting the implementation of open performance review and appraisal system. A case study: ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanza ni a is going through profound restructuring that force the Public Sector to become more efficient and effective. In this respect, one of the most popular tools used in the contemporary reform programme is the appli cation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System. However. the successful implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System faces numerous challenges and obstacles. The study aimed in assessin g the contribution of Performance Appraisal in the Pe...

346 - 360 Of 868 Results