Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Communication And Organizational Productivity: A Case Study Of Kyadondo Sub-County In Wakiso District Central Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was communication and organizational productivity of Kyadondo sub-country in Wakiso District central Uganda, the problem of the study was to have effective and proper communication on organizational productivity of Kyadondo sub-county in Wakiso District central Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between communication and organizations productivity in Kyadondo sub-county in Wakiso district central Uganda. The objective of the study were; to es...

Motivation And Employee Performance In An Organization: A Case Study Of Hima Cement Factory Kasese District Western Uganda

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was motivation and employee performance in Hima cement factory in Kasese district western Uganda; the problem of the study was to have proper motivation of employees in Hima cement factory in Kasese district western Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between employee motivation and their performance in Hima cement factory in Kasese district western Uganda. The objectives of the study were; To find out the types of motivation in ...

Motivation and employee performance at global lofty ·. Solutions limited in kampala-uganda.

ABSTRACT . . t~.Jo!, ._.:! :·t Human resources apart from other resources m an organization are the most valuable resource for effective organizational performance. Organization either public or private is highly depends on employee's performance and commitment towards achieving organizational goals. Employee's commitment 1s associated with employee's motivation at workplace and depends highly on how management treats employees. The general objective of the study was to find out the effect ...

Imp Act Of Communication On The Performance Of Employees' In Yumbe District Headquarters

ABSTRACT This research was based on investigating the impact of communication on performance of employees. It was conducted 1n Yumbe District Headquarters. It covers top administrators and employees as its respondents. The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between communication and performance, effects on communication and performance and form of communication used in Yumbe district headquarters. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews, and observation as the r...

Employee Training And Performance In Organisations A Case Study Of Kenya Revenue Authorty Head Quarters

ABSTRACT The research study was about employee Training and performance m organizations, a case study of Kenya Revenue Authority where a sample of 46 employees were picked randomly The objective of this study involved close investigation of forms of training offered to the staff of Kenya Revenue Authority, analyzing the effects of training both positive and negative at KRA and also examined the impact of absence of training on performance. The research concentrated on primary sources of data...

The Impact Of Communication On Employee Performance. A Case Study Of Mbarara District Local Government, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................

The Effects Of Performance Appraisal On Bamburi Cement's Employees. Mombasa District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study was about an analysis of the effects of performance appraisal on Employee performance, a case study of Bamburi Cement Limited, Head Office, Mombasa Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to evaluate the relationships between goals and employee performance, to examine the effects of performance appraisal on employee performance and to assess the impact of rewards on employee performance. Performance appraisal is paramount to establish a high performance culture in...

Effect Of Reward Management On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Centenary Bank, Kabalagalabranch

ABSTRACT This study took to carry out an investigation on Reward management and Employees' Perfmmance in Centenary bank, Kabalagala branch. The objectives of the study were to determine the forms of reward and the levels employees' performance in Centenary bank, Kabalagala branch and to establish whether there was a significant relationship between the reward system as the independent variable and employees' performance as the dependent variable. The study employed descriptive correlational ...

Health And Safety On Organisational Performance: A Case Study Of Uganda Baat Ltd

ABSTRACT The study was about occupational health and safety on organizational performance, and the topic aimed at establishing the relationship between occupational health and safety on organizational performance using a case study of Uganda Baat Ltd. The research study objectives were to find out the various health and safety measure, identify the various factors affecting organizational performance and establish the effects of health and safety on organizational performance. The methodolog...

The Effects Of Job Satisfaction On Organizational Performance The Case Of Kenya Medical Training College

Work force is said to be the most vital asset playing pivotal role in the development and performance of companies. But the question that whether all of the employees are equally important asset for organizations requires a great attention. Best performing and satisfied workforce can offer greatest return and help organization to achieve desired outcomes. The effects of job satisfaction on organizational performance at KMTC was chosen for this study because, KMTC plays an educator role which ...

Human Resource Management Interventions And Performance Of Police Force In Ondo State, Nigeria

Evidence abounds in literature that people are the preeminent resource that is key to the attainment of an organisational goal, and therefore performance of an organisation is contingent on the performance of its employees. To this end, the design and implementation of human resource management interventions has become a pivotal tool to provoke positive employees’ attitudinal and behavioural outcomes that, will in turn, occasion desired organisational performance outcomes. While empiri...

Safety Preparedness Of Secondary Schools In Kyuso District, Kenya

The increasing global rates of accidents and ugly incidences in the past twelve years involving students and staff have raised concern for the safety and security of schools than ever before. In 1998, the USA experienced eight school shootings prompting the congress to create the safe school initiative. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) was directed to develop new, more effective safety technologies such as less obstructive weapons detection and surveillance equipment and informati...

Strategic Human Resource Management Practices And Performance Of Selected Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is one of the aspects that is attributed to organizational competitiveness both from developed to developing countries. Despite the fact that SHRM influences organizational performance, it is revealed from human resource literature that public organizations and more specifically Public Universities in Kenya are experiencing deteriorating in performance due to issues associated to failure to adopt SHRM policies. High turnovers, periodical st...

Constraints Experienced In Public Record Centres In The Facilitation Of Proper Records Management Practices In Public Offices In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public record centres (PRCs are charged with ensuring that there are proper record management practices in public offices in Kenya. Failure by public record centres to facilitate proper record management practices in public offices can negatively impact on the latter‘s delivery of services. This study will investigate PRCs in Kenya in order to find out the constraints they might be facing in carrying out their mandate of helping public office registries practice proper records man...

Ergonomics And Workplace Environment Towards Employee Performance Case Study Of Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited

TABLE OF CONTENT 2.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 7 2.1 ERGONOMICS IN TI-lE ORGANIZATION ................................................ 7 Ergonomics in the workplace ...................................................... 11 2.2 WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENT POLICY IN COMPANIES ............................... 13 2.3 EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE ........................................................... 14 2.4 OTHER ASPECTS OF ERGONOMICS TO CONSIDER ...

376 - 390 Of 868 Results