Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Recruitment And Selection Practices And Performance Of Front Desk Office At Sheraton Hotel

ABSTRACT  This study set out to establish the effect the recruitment and selection practices in Sheraton Hotel and how they affect performance of Pont Desk Officers. The study was carried out along a number of objectives, which included; to identify the methods used in the recruitment and selection processes, to evaluate the role of effective communication in the success of an interview exercise in selection of front desk staff and to examine the challenges affecting the recruitment and sele...

The Effect Of Motivation On Employees' Performance In Sugar Corporation Of Uganda Limited (Scoul)

Abstract This chapter comprises of the background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study. According to Daft (1998), Motivation is referred to as the forces either internal or external to a person that a rouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. Heinz and Koontz (1993), defined motivation as a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires needs wishes and related forces. Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guide...

Employee Commitment And Organizational Performance In Selected Manufacturing Organizations In Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The study to determine the relationship between employee commitment and organizational performance in selected manufacturing companies was guided by three objectives that included assess the effect of affective commitment on performance, effect of continuance commitment on performance examine the normative commitment on performance selected manufacturing companies . The study adopted a descriptive correlation survey design under quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data was ...

Salary And Employees' Motivation To Work A Case Of Wakiso District Local Government

This study set out to investigate the relationship between salary and employees motivation in Wakiso District Local Government. The study was carried out in Wakiso District Local Government headquarters and selected sub-county headquarters in the District. The study was carried out along a number of objectives which were; to examination the effects of salary on employees attitude to work, to establish the relationship between salary and retention of employees in local Government and to establ...

The Impact of Training on Performance: A Case Study of Ugachick Poultry Breeders Limited

ABSTRACT This study reports looks at the effect of employee training on job performance in an organization, particularly Ugachick Poultry Breeders Limited. The methods and techniques of training are discussed in details in chapter two, methodology used to collect data is discussed in chapter three, and information about the study was got from both secondary and primary sources. The findings are based on secondary and primary sources. Presentation and discussion of the findings are discussed ...

Compensation And Motivation Of Employees At Pan Afrjca Life Assurance Limited Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study set out to assess compensation and employee motivation in Pan Africn i.i !e Assurance Limited Kenya. It was guided by a number of objectives which were; to a:,scs; the effect of benefit on motivation of employees at Pan Africa Life Assurance Limited, to exarnine the effect of pay on motivation of employees in Pan Africa Life Assurance Limited .. to establish the relationship between incentives and motivation of employees in Pan Africa Lile Assurance Limited. The study was...

Occupational Safety And Employee Performance In Kenya Petroleum Refineries Ltd. Mombasa, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to determine and describe the relationship that exists between occupational safety and employee performance at KPRL - while being guided by a problem statement that says; Every 20 seconds of every working minute of every hour through the world; someone dies as a result of an industrial accident (Aswathappa, 2008). This was evidence to suggest that organizations have not achieved the required improvement for occupational safety in their working envi...

The Impact Of Industrial Disputes On The Performance Of An Organization A Case Study Of Kenya Power And Lighting Company Kenya

The purpose of the study was basically to establish the Impact of industrial disputes on the performance of Kenya Power and lighting company. The key objectives were to establish the relationship between proper handling of industrial disputes and performance of Kenya Power and Lighting Company. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample. 70 respondents were randomly selected, data collection was done by the researcher herself, questionnaires were given to respondents to fill'wi...

Effect Of Training On Employee Performance A Case Study Of Observer Media Company Limited

The study on the effect of training on employee performance was carried out from Observer M~dia Limited to establish the various types and methods of training carried out and why performance assessment is observed in order to establish the' relationship between training and performance assessment. To comprehend this, the study reviewed literature from various scholars for qualification of the findings through use of a descriptive study analysis administered on a sample of 50 employees bo...

The Impact Of Reward System On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Uchumi Supermarket Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between reward systems and employee perfmmance in organizations a case study of Uchumi supermarket from 2010-2011. Objectives that guided the study included; Established reward systems that boost employee performance, assessing the performance of employees in uchumi in regard to reward systems in pland and establishing the relationship between reward systems and employee performance. The study is both descriptive and analytical in nature where ...

Positive Workplace Relationships And Meaningfulness At Work; A Case Of Hotel Workers In Kampala-Uganda

ABSTRACT This study aims at examining the relationship between positive workplace relationships and meaningfulness at work in different hotels and restaurants. A relationship survey was designed for the Study ,the survey aimed~ to examine the level of positive workplace relations among hotel workers, the survey was father more conducted to examine the degree of meaningfulness at work among different restaurant workers and also to examine the relationship between positive workplace and meanin...

The Relationship Between Performance And Conflicts Amongst Employees

ABSTRACT This research was based on investigating the relationship between performance and conflicts amongst employees in Uganda clays kajansi. The research was interested in this topic because a lot of resources have been spent on employees in the company but still there was low productivity. This research report was based· on assumption that there was a significant relationship between employee, conflicts and organizational productivity. If there are no sound employee conflicts, the emplo...

The Role Of Training On Employee Performance In Private Sector: A Case Study Of Kagando Rural Development Centre.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to know the role of training on employee performance in private sector a case study of Kagando rural development in Kasese district western ·uganda. The researcher used the following objectives of research on his search for relevant information. To examine the training policies and procedures applied in Kagando rural development Centre, to establish the relationship between training and employee perfo1mance among employees of Kagando rnral development Cent...

Communication And Employee Performance Case Study: Tororo District Headquarter

ABSTRACT The topic was communication and employee performance in Tororo district headquarters. In effective communication can negatively affect employee performance. The objectives of the study were the following: to establish the forms of communication, to examine the effects of communication and lastly to establish the barriers of communication. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research design. The researcher used sample population of 60 respondents from the whole popu...

Reward Systems And Employee Motivation In Kampala International University Main Campus

TABLE Of CONTENTS Chapter DECLARATION APPROVAL SHEET DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF ACRONYMS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ONE INTRODUCTION Background Statement of the problem Purpose of the study Research Objectives Research Questions Scope of the study Significance of the study Operational Definitions of Key Terms TWO liTERATURE REVIEW Concepts, Opinions, Ideas from Authors/Experts Theoretical review Related studies THREE METHODOlOGY Research design Research population Sampling proce...

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