Human Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Quality Of Work-life Balance and Employee Performance in Kigali Independent University

ABSTRACf In this study the researcher discussed about Quality of work —life and employee performance, case of Kigali Independent University and researcher attempted to assess the effect of quality of work-life balance on employee performance in that university, and this was verify true analysing the effects of flexible working hours on employee performance, to analyse the effect of dependent care initiatives on employee performance, to assess the influence of wellness program on employee pe...

Communication And Employee Performance Of Moyo District Administration Headquarters Of West Nile Region Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of communication on employee performance of Moyo district administration headquarters West Nile region of Northern Uganda. The study was guided by four specific objectives which included; · identifying the effect of downward, Upward, Horizontal communication and their relationships on employee performance in Moyo district. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design and with both quantitative and qualitative research paradi...

Staff Training and Employee Performance in Tanzania Leaf Tobacco Company Tabora Region

ABSTRACT The quality of Human Resource is an asset to any organization and as a result Training has become an issue that has to be faced by every organization. The amount;, and quality of training carried out varies enormously from organization to organization due to factors such as the degree of external change, for instance, new markets or new processes, the adaptability of exLsting workforce and importantly the extent to which the organization supports the idea of internal career developme...

Motivation And Teachers’ Performance: A Case Study of Selected Urban District High Public Secondary Schools In Zanzibar. Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study focused on “Motivation and teachers’ performance; taking the case study in UDHPSS, with three objectives. Assessing the contribution of working environment on teachers’ performance, assessing how remunerations affect teachers’ performance, and investigating the contribution of appreciations and promotions on teachers’ performance in UDHPSS. The identified problem was lack of motivation to teachers in UDZHPSS. The researcher used books, journals, magazines, newspap...

Organizational Culture and Employee Performance in Selected Departments: Of Public Service Delivery in Juba, South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study investigated organizational culture and employee performance in selected public service delivery in Juba,-South Sudan. The study was based on the following research objectives: to determine the level of organizational culture in the selected Public Service delivery in Juba; to ~examine the level of employee performances in the selected public service delivery in juba and to establish the relationship between organizational culture and employees performance. The study emplo...

Leadership Styles and Employee Performance in Selected Sub-counties, Bushenyi District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study assessed the effect of leadership styles on local government employee erformance in selected sub-counties in Bushenyi district and was based on four specific objectives: (i) to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms f gender, age, marital status, educational level, kind of employment and working experience; (ii) to determine the level of leadership styles, (iii) to determine the level of ocal government employee performance, (iv) to establish whether ...

Chemical Composition and Effects of Dried Irvingia Gabonensis (Ogbono) Seeds and Fresh Garden Egg Leaves on Selected Biochemical Indices of Diabetic Adult Male Wistar Rats.

ABSTRACT The study examined the chemical composition and the effects of Solanum aethiopicum leaves (garden egg) and Irvingia gabonensis seed (ogbono) on selected biochemical indices of alloxan induced adult wistar rats. Fresh Solanum aethiopicum leaves were plucked, sorted, washed with clean water and allowed to drain. The pulverized leaves were packaged in a plastic container and preserved in the refrigerator. Dried Irvingia gabonensis seeds were sorted washed and shade dried. The ground see...

Leadership Styles and Employee Performance in Selected Sub-Counties, Bushenyi District Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter Page ONE: THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Purpose of the Study 4 Research ObjectIves 4 Research QuestIons 5 Hypothesis 6 Scope of the Study 6 Significance &the Study 7 Operational Definitions of key Terms 8 TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 10 Concepts, Opinions, Ideas from author/expert 10 Theoretical PerspectIve 19 Related studIes 20 THREE: METHODOLOGY 24 Research Design 24 Research Population 24 Sample Size 24 Sampli...

Participative Management and Academic Staff Work Commitment, Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda.

ABSTRACT  This study Investigated the relationship between participation of academic staff in management and their work commitment in private institutions. It utilized the theory Z participation-performance model to examine the role of Delegation of duties, Collegiality, and Participation in decision making in eliciting work commitment of academic staff in private universities. The study aimed at profiling the respondents as to age, gender, marital status, and educational qualification, dete...

Recruitment Practices and Employee Performance in Selected Branches of National Water and Sewerage Corporation - Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study on recruitment practices and employee performance in selected branches of National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Kampala was conducted with the main purpose of establishing the relationship between recruitment practices and employee performance. The researcher carded out this study while being guided by four research objectives; to determine the respondents profile in terms of gender, level of education, age, type of education and length of service; to determine the pe...

Determinants of Loan Repayment in Rural Areas A Case Study of Lyamujjungu Cooperative Bank, Kabale District

ABSTRACT  The study examined the factors affecting loan repayment in Maziba Sub-county_ Ndorwa County-Kabale district. The objectives of the study were to examine social, economic and managerial factors affecting loan repayment in loan repayment in Lyamujungu Cooperative Bank. Empirical data was collected by the use of questionnaires, interview guide and documentary review and analyzed using thematic and content analysis. The findings show that loan repayment increased if the group had initi...

Causes and Impact of Inadequate Workforce On Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Bukoba Urban District Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study carried out an investigation on the causes and impact of inadequate workforce on organizational perfbrmance in Bukoba Urban District Council found in Tanzania. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to identi& the causes of vacant positions in BUDC. examine the effect of inadequate workforce in BUDC. and to assess the measures put forward by BUDC in filling the vacant positions. This study employed Descriptive Research Design utilizing 114 respondents c...

Human Capacity Building and Competitive Advantage in Selected Ngos in Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT This study stressed the effect of human capacity building in selected NGOs in selected districts in eastern Uganda on four specific objectives, namely; (1) to determine the demographic profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, marital status and educational level among employees; (2) to determine the level of human capacity building (knowledge, skills and abilities); (3) to determine the level of competitive advantage (information and technology driven strategy, innovation, mar...

Outreach Program and Justice in Selected Public Institutions in Kigali-Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study is entitled Outreach Program and justice in selected public institutions in Kigali Rwanda. The research was guided by four objectives: To establish the profile of respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Educational level and Administrative position, to determine the level of outreach Program in selected public and private institution in Kigali Rwanda; to determine the level of justice in public institution in Rwanda and finally to establish the relationship between Outreach Pr...

Organizational Culture and Employee Performance in Bank of Baroda Uganda

Abstract This study was intended to examine the significance of organizational cultural on employee performance in an organization of Bank of Baroda in Kampala city, Uganda. Form objectives were used logical the study, namely; to identify the demographic profile of the respondent, in terms of age, sex, education and marital status; examine the level of organizational culture in Bank of Baroda; identify the sources of organizational culture in bank of Baroda; examine the level of employee perf...

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